Tuesday, July 24, 1.973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Arizona legislators halt censorship act PHOENIX, Ariz. c)-State legislators urged the Arizona Board of Education yesterday to delay adopting a policy handbook giving it power to censor textbooks. They joined Gov. Jack Williams, Superintendent of Public Instruction Weldon Shofstall and the Arizona Edu- cation Association in calling for further consideration of the 276-page guide. BOARD IEMBER Stephen Jenkins of Phoenix said barring books that would "contribute to civil disorder' R are needed for better board Hail to the Chief' About See of the faithful greet Guru Maharj Ji (left, on the throne) upon his arrival at Kennedy Air- port in New York. Called the "perfect master" by many including former radical leader Rennie Davis, the Guru will be in town sometime in August sources say. REFUSAL CITED: Nixon subpoenaed by Committee (Continued from Page 1) THE AGING senator, an ac- knowledged expert on constitu- tional law, asserted that the doc- trine of executive privilege does not confer on the President the right or the power to separate a congressional committee from the truth about alleged criminal acts." In a homey speech, Ervin as- serted: "I love my country, ven- erate the office of the President, and offer my best wishes to the present incumbent because he is the only President we have at this time." However, he said, the Presi- dent "owes an obligation to fur- nisb high standards of moral leadership to the country." IT IS THE DUTY of the Presi- dent, therefore, to provide in- formation which will "shed light on the crucial question of how burglars got caught in the oppo- sition party's offices with the President's campaign money in their pockets," Ervin said. Using some of the strongest language yet heard in the hear- ings Ervin added: "I deeply re- gret that this situation has aris- en, because I think the Water- gate tragedy is the greatest tra- gedy this country has ever suf- fered. "I used to think that the Civil War was our country's greatest tragedy, but I do remember that there were some redeeming Peterson testifies in Plamondon tria 1I (Continued from Page 1 AFTER A MOMENT of relec- tion, Peterson cast his eyes up- ward and replied, '"Yes." Chief prosecutor and assistant state attorney general John Wil- son took a hard line with Peter- son who is a witness for the, prosecution. In an unsuccessful motion ask- ing that Peterson be declared "a hostile witness to the prosecu- tion," a distraught Wilson point- ed out to the court that Peterson has been "going with, sleeping with, eating at the expense of and being counseled by the de- fendants and their attorneys." PETERSON READILY admit- ted that he has been living with the Rainbow People's contingent in a house south of town. Davis commented that he had only instructed Peterson on the issue of Fifth Amendment rights. Those rights have played a ma- jor role in this trial as a number of witnesses have expressed con- cern about possible future prosecution on drug - connected charges. Peterson took the Fifth several times during his testimony. Wag- ner, on the other hand, seemed more than willing to relate his drug activities to the hilt with no apparent fear of prosecution. DURING HIS interrogation of - Peterson, Wilson called a long- haired police detective from the back room to play a tape made of Peterson's first conversations with police after being appre- hended in Massachusetts. On the tape Peterson's voice recalled, "They (Plamondos end Blazier) were really mad, looked all over the house, took all of his stuff as collateral, took some money out of his wallet and gave him until Valentine's Day to pay ' off the debt." Under sympathetic questioning from Davis, Peterson claimed that his initial testimony had been g i v e n after threats from Massachusetts police. "THEY TOLD ME," Peterson stated, "that if * I didn't come back they'd put me in a little box in Massachusetts and then they'd come and take me back to Michigan and put me in a little box there." In an interesting sidelight, Peterson recalled a conversation between Wagner and another per- son that took place the day after the alleged incident. Wagner, according to Peterson, suspected this other party of having tipped off Plamondon and Blazier as to his whereabouts. The exchange went like this: Peterson: He threatened Stevv. DAVIS: How did he threaten Steve? Peterson: He said he was go- ing. to get a gun. Davis: What kind of gun? PETERSON: A lugar. Davis: What did he say he was going to do? Peterson: Blow his head off. THE PROSECUTION will con- tinue its case today. Several un- dercover agents are expected to testify. - features in the Civil War in that there was some spirit .of sacri- fice and heroism displayed on both sides: "I SEE NO redeeming features in Watergate." Following Ervin's speech, two subpoenas were prepared by the committee which sought tape re- corded presidential conversations and other White House docu- ments. Another subpoena from Cox apparently sought only the tapes. The subpoenas were served shortly after 6 p.m. to two White House lawyers who accepted them on Nixon's behalf. All the documents named the President. Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.), vice chairman and ranking mi- nority member of the committee, also commented on the Presi- dent's actions. "I tried to find a way around this confron'tation," Baker said; "and I don't despair of hope that we can reconcile differences in the confrontation which im- pends." THE DOCTRINE of executive privilege is based wholly on a series of contradictory prece- dents set by Presidents beginning with Thomas Jefferson. It is not mentioned in the Constitution and has never been fully resolv- ed. Earlier in the day, the com- mittee heard from Gordon Stra- chan, a former aide to White House advisor H. -R. "Bob" Hal- deman. Strachan told the committee he had written memos to Halde- man in the spring of last year mentioning a "sophisticated plan of political espionage." He spid Haldeman acknowledged receiv-. ing the memos. HE ALSO SAID that he and other White House assistants had the capability of recording tele- phone conversations and that his own tapes were transcribed and are still in the White House complex. The most interesting portion of Strachan's ,stestimony, however, came in response to questioning by Sen. Joseph Montoya (R- N. Mex.). MONTOYA ASKED the young Nixon aide what advice he would give to young persons who had considered going into public ser- vice but who have become dis- illusioned by the Watergate re- velations. Strachan answered that he would have to advise them to "stay away" from the govern- ment. operation in tie future. Jenkins gencrulty his been re- ,prddis a opikesono f7or .cot- se'ative members seeking im- nmediate doption. The nine-ow her hoard appears split, alan liberal-conservative lines. The proposal would allo-, the state to withhold funds from dis tricts which adopt textbooks con- trary to the guidelines. "THE LEGISLATURE is the lawmaking body and it cannot delegate its powers," Sen. Doug- las Holsclaw (R-Tucson) said. "The board has been given pow- ers to operate the schools but cannot legislate." The legislature killed a so-call- ed "Parents' Bill of Rights" dur- log the last session. That meas- ure, endorsed by Jenkins, would have given parents the right to withhold their children from spe- cial education p r o g r a m s and granted parents access to virtu- ally all their children's school records. Legislators h a d complained that much of the handbook was copied from the defeated bill. THE HANDBOOK guidelines say: "Textbook content will not interfere with the school's legal right to teach citizenship and promote patriotism.". It also states that the books "shall not include selections or works that contribute to civil dis- order, social strife or flagrant disregard of the law." Holsclaw and other legislators charged that the state board was encroaching on the authority of local school boards. B OO K PUBLISHERS h a v e warned that they may not serve the state if the "censorship" regulation is adopted and en- forced. There was no indication that the new move for censorship powers had anything to do with the recent Supreme Court ruling empowering localities to, in ef- fect, act as censors with regards to materials t h e y considered pornographic. boycott (Continued from Paie 3) forms, while in reality they are signing up for Teamster mem- bership. "They have the contracts, but we have the workers; now let's see who is going to win." Chavez asserted that Teamster violence against UFW pickets is not going to break their spirit, saying, "We've been at it since April 15, and we're not going to stop." HOWEVER, CHAVEZ blames Teamster leadership rather than union rank and file for the un- worthy actions of the union. The Chicano leader also com- plained a b o u t harassment of UFW pickets by local California sheriffs and 1 e g a 1 injunctions against his union's right to picket by the California courts. A recent injunctionplacing severe restric- lions on the activities of UFW pickets in southern and central California farmlands has resulted in the arrests of more than 2000 union members. The injunction specifies among other things that pickets must be at least 100 feet apart, that there be no shouting or loud noise, and that each group of pickets be allowed to use only one mega- phone for only one hour each day. CHAVEZ TERMED the injunc- tion regulations "ridiculous" and said that he urges his pickets to ignore them. Chavez further charged mis- treatment of t h e imprisoned picketers by California police authorities, including beatings and neglect of rights. Rape of student nurse at U Hospital reported A student nurse was raped at knifepoint at 12:10 a.m. yester- day in an unoccupied room off the corridor connecting Mott Children's Hospital and Univer- sity Hospital's outpatient area. The victim, described by police as in her early twenties, was grabbed in the corridor, held at knifepoint and dragged into a room generally used 'for minor surgery. After the sexual assault, the assailant, a husky 16 to 22 year old male, reportedly de- manded money, received °none, and fled. The assault, which a police of- ficer yesterday termed "par- ticularly gruesome," is now un- der "high priority investigation." Everyone Welcome! GRAD" COFFEE HOUR WEDNESDAY \UE~jFJ(/~8-10 pm. West Conference Room, 4th Floor RACKHAM SOTS OF PEOPLE LOTS OF FOOD