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May 15, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-15

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Tuesday, May 15, 19731


Page Three'

Wiretap files found in Ehrlichman
safe; Sirica grabs Dean documents

S- _ f
Book revisions due
The controversial m e d i c a texttook
Obstetrics and Gynecology, by J. Robert
Willson, will be revised on schedule for
its fifth printing in June of 1974. How it
will be revised is still unclear, however.
Willon believes that the "majority of
women do conitfr " to the behavior de-
scribed in the bo-ik and that the book's
description of the mature female per-
sanality is "normal and iot neurotic."
Meat decision
WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court yes-
terday let stand a decision that barred
Michigan from enforcing its stiff 1952
meat processing law because a more
lenient set of federal standards is on the
books. The lenient federal law permits the
use in sausage products of udders, lips,
ears, and snouts of cattle sheep, swine
and goats. Michigan lass allows only the
use of skeletal meats.
Heart patient dies
Al,PENA- lsonald Kaminiski, the seeond
longest liling heart transplant patient
died yesterday of apparent heart failure.
Kaminski received the transplant at Uni-
versity Itospital in lDecember 19%8.
Pun on trial
CADILLAC-Attorneys for Rainbow Peo-
ple's Party members Pun Plamondon and
Craig Blazier filed a motion yesterday in
Circuit Court asking for a delay in their
client's trial which is currently set for
June 11. Plamondon and Blazier are free
on bond on charges of armed robbery,
conspiracy to extort, extortion and crimi-
nal usury in connection with an alleged
attempt to collect $3,000 in a marijuana
Happenings ...
are tt slim toda. tf you
haven't seen the Vietnamese Art Exhtibi-
tion, hurry on over to the Union Gallery.
Today marks the last day of the exhibit
. . . If excitement is what you're looking
for, the Michigan baseball team confronts
Western Michigan at Fisher Stadium at
2 pm. . . . None of those suggestions
turn you on? Escape from civilization by
taking a bike trip to the Matthaei Botani-
cal Gardens, 1800 Dixboro Road.
A2's weather
Don't get your hopes up for a hot, sunny
day. The weather people tell us it's going
to be partly cloudy today, with a high in
the mid-50's and a low in the mid-30's.

WASIIINGTfIN .5" .Acting FBI Director
William Rtckelshaus disclosed yesterday
that John Ehrlichman's White House safe
contained missing wiretap files on Daniel
Ellsberg and other government and press
figures. Ruckelshavs said lie "had to arm
wrestle with the Secret Service" to get
This startling revelation as imade
amidst a veriable torrent of nets Water-
gate developments, among them:
* Judge John Sirica ordered John
Dean's secret Watergate papers turned
over to government and Setate investiga-
0 A talifotnia esvspater reported that
President Nixon may hve purchased his
San Clemente home with $1 million in ut-
reported funds from the 19%8 campaign,
A Attorney General designate Elliot
Richardson told a Senate committee he
had narrowed his search for a special
Watergate prosecu'tor dtisvni to four people,
* 'the Se rate Armed Services Commit-
tee heard testimonr that Elsrlichman,
Dean and I. R. Ialdeman tried to in-
volve the CIA in covert activities other
than the break-in at Ellsberg's psy-
chiatrist's office, and
* The White I ovise expressed concern
that the upcoming televised hearings of
Sen. Sait Er -n's select Watergate om-
iittec might interfere with the process of
TH IE UI' E IOIJTIS of the Ellsber g
wiretaps had been a mystery until Ruckels-
haus' discetts-re. The missing files were a
major factor lost week in the dismissal of
all charges against Ellsberg and Anthony
Russo in the Pentagon Papers trial in
Los Angeles.
Ruckelshais said Rosert Mardian for-
mer assistant attorney general, suggested
the missing files might lie in Ehrlichman's
See WIRETAP, Page 10

FIRED WIITE HOUSE counsel John Dean, left, accompanied by his lawyer,
Robert McCandless, enters the Alexandria (Va.) National Bank yesterday to
remove documents from a safety deposit box.

'U'plans replacementt
residencyregula tionls

The University has drawn up new resi-
dency requirements for out-of-state stu-
dents-requirements designed to replace
the six-month, three credit-hour limit
struck down last week by Judge William
The rules would go into operation when
and if Ager's decision is upheld by higher
courts. After expected Regental approval,
the regulations could affect freshmen en-
rolling in the fall.
IF AGER'S ruling is upheld, students
covered by the terms of the decision-

those who enrolled any time between
March 1, 1972 and some as yet under-
termined date-would be covered by resi-
dency provisions drawn up by the court.
The new requirements are supposedly
based on regulations adopted by the Uni-
versity of Minnesota and subsequently up-
held by the United States Supreme Court
in 1970.
Under the proposed rules, out-of-state
students are pressured to be non-resident
unless or until he or she shows that:
-The student's previous domicile has
been abandoned and a Michigan domicile
established. A Michigan domicile is de-

GOP. seeks to overturn ward plan,
Council approves 1974 city budget

fined as con-tinuouts physical residence in
this state with an intention to make Mict-
igan a permanent home, not only while in
attendance at the University but indefi-
nitely thereafter as well, and
-The student lived in Michigan continu-
ously for not less than one year imme-
diately preceding the first day of classes
for the term for which reclassification is
being sought.
THE FOLLOWING facts are considered
to have "probative value" in support of
a claim for resident status:
-Continuous presence in the state dur-
ing periods when not enrolled as a stu-
dent or reliance upon Michigan sources
for financial support,
-Dosicile in the stale uf family', gaur-
dian or other persons legally responsible
for the student,
-Former domicile in the state, and the
maintenance of contacts in Michigan while
-Ownership of a home in Micigan or
admission to a "licensed practicing pro-
fession" in the state,
-tong-term military commitments in
the state, and
-Commitments to further edi1cation in
Michigan, indicating an ' intent to stay
here permaneitty or acceptance of a
permanent employment offer in the state.
must advise the Office of the Registrar
of their intentions. Applications f'tr resi-
dency change would have to be filed not
later than 30 days following the first day
of the term for which reclassification is
The application would be filed wih the
Assistant Registrar for Student C:rtit'ica-
lion and Resident Status.

Despite strenuous objections from the
Democratic and Htman Rights Party
(HRP) council members, City Council last
night approved a resolution seeking to
overturn the present ward boundaries
Also last night, City Council approved
a $15.9 million budget for fiscal 1974, re-
flecting in it a definite shift toward Re-
publican fiscal priorities.
The present ward plan was authorized
last December by the Dem-HRP dominat-
ed council. Longtime Republican John
Hathaway filed suit against the plan at
that time.
THE STATE SUPREME Court ruled the
plan valid for the April general election
but ordered the Washtenaw Circuit Court
to hold a hearing "on the merits" of the

The resolution, approved by a 7-4 tally,
mandates City Attorney Jerold Lax to
ask the court to allow council to correct
alleged errors in the plan.
If the request were approved the now
Republican-dominated council could re-
draw the boundaries to favor GOP in-
BOTH THE HRP and Democratic coun-
cil members have termed the resolution
a "political power play." Members of
each party have indicated they will take
legal action to prevent the current plan
from being overturned.
"The procedure which the Republicans
seek to follow via the resolution is ethic-
ally obnoxious and professionally repug-
nant," Norris Thomas (D-First Ward)

The Republicans contend multiple er-
rors in the current plan arose because
the plan violates the concept of one man,
one vote. The errors were the result of
inaccurate census data used in formulat-
ing the ward boundary plan.
LAX, however contends the plan ful-
fills all legal requirements for ward boun-
dary plans. "There were bound to be in-
accuracies due to ambiguities in the cen-
sus data," he said. "But the plan still
meets any and all legal requirements
spelled out by the city charter."
Circuit Court Justice Edward Deake
will hear the case, but no trial date has
been set,
THE BUDGET WAS approved along
partisan lines, with the GOP council votes
providing a 74 margin of victory,
See COUNCIL, Page 10

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