Saturday, July 21, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven ForDirct lassified Ad Serviice, Phone ' A4-0557 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Continued from Page 61 TRANSPORTATION USED CARS PERSONAL f-- " ROOMMATES WANTED --RIDERH 5 8 drieAMI.'68 VALIANT.Dood tnsportation. 973- ~ONE CUT ABOVE THE NEST" CLASSIFIED Hoaini BE-Ann A hoor PM rrt :E. 2845 eves. 38N47 CM Babert & StylistsADETSN DRAD. STU.DENvT' 1998ig for9oBntE :2-9447 itttt6. 21G46 16- IO EOEE Ga pen 'til 9.15 ptm. Mon,-Sat.AVRT~N yhCl H oi, 663-9482.ner4Tf6. USED CARS i dio, tito.5$5000. 761-03~2. 32-46 PLC - -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 56 CHEVY IMPALA 4-data C;,Dos LEAHN THE FACTS before 9Bou bay-A( ensmybrmod MALE HOtOMMTATE B;tea- Otto 090-- 6000c. 665-5862 btoe oon. 0 'V ttee is ore to a diamonad thl trotpi:atio ut willbe tbilledt roisn00-pita 060 tOBOittO tt. mtthe000y69. Austitn Diaond, 120 ta9 Ot too.otauOO Olt Juy o Ao Ci 74-52 as 6 IT A ,d. University. 663-7151. tFla a atdaagor t'.oriigiaanumberao 0Ju9 ands.,C.' r4 Y4u 6 I I FOR '48 FORD &-d oaftdTll aly101001 {09ee.nYe'57 CHEVY OWNERS PHOALOOTHWishossat- mbet 1n o Tiaens olicy00isitDiapptaU- CAMPUS 6aBa HOSPITAL AHEA-Nead! CASH Fteeaetooiototes oal voitage icar July 10. Opthiatandad, ,.ock15yftet MISSOCAELTIN AD tota tOO oi ,'t 1 000:rttt t 00 BRING YOUR TITLE eairs bsodeas onusualtpotato. CLoliDoreen it 769-0790. 6IP43 SINCCELIOSAt 721E P. NBtasyCoir, 063-977D;3_ ThethlWois, ~709-8493 CORBECTIONS MUST ItE M1DB HUHP(tN VALLEY HEAL ESTATE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! aii XEROX AND O'1FSET BY 12.00 NOON OP THE DAY cYto PRIOB T0 SHE DAY THEY APPEAR TOP $ COPY QUICK IN THE PAPER. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1217 S. Univiersity 719-0500 "Holp Wanted" adsocanottt discariami- HELP WANTED BIG','- BottnatteObsistofatsextor t, '07 MOBOxT BH9i HRaci10 Gatan015.5 BHAND NLW H OLLE OHAND PRIX RELIABLEatd.tiitaoiatiiatty HOUStEKEEPEHR/batysittar for North- '6'tMGBHRDSTRH ires, 20-ops $2195 =i0-apaa0 PFt-v-offtwheels.Lokandetnt( ,10~ii' i tl wood townohouseotd toir Oot tdats '71 MGBOT 19,000 tmlles. .. .. $3195, thotn.$100. 1us0 ali. Col 763-0509. ABORTION SERVICE discr-itioattoary). 4-6 p.m00 MoB.-Fri. S atintgAttgast '70 MG Mdgt, 11Z49 Cinic let Miah.-l to 24 wttk pteg- 3th.66-3191. 39H49 Had, caomeieso ..t,... . $1999 tt-- - - - - ---- aaties termainatdbylicetnttd ab- "Foand" ad s ate totsttta-ot-caraae '7-M-MdetH--ataa..-205PFUGEOT, Bottecachia, Atala, Haertules, stetriianagynecolos. QuicaB rv to a maxaimuateo0 3 litaes loot 3 dayt. BAHYSITTER, Pail oatmeast'r, Tuett., de .. Gen $05 Stkina, Jatoat, andtodreaa.All ttae Otfer b ragd ates. Intaomatioatreardingtotntofa and/or Tbhura. 8:30-4:00. W;lking 00s-, SPOHTS & IMPOHTS--- szett in stoak. Coampete reairi seat- caifliad ads cannat be disalotsed tneato campuos, 761-3052. 09H146 1'70 FIAT 124 SPIDER. Had .. .$2295 toe. Belstethar Bicycleacesaois andl CALL COLLECT pa I a a Ba publicaation. Advetisters '70 TRIUMPH GT 6 ......$2399 bakpacks. ALLSPORT B IC YC L E (216) 281 -606D naames may NEVER be resealed. BABYSITTER, part-tieortoftall se-''71 JAGUAR XKE V-12, SHOP. 910 W. Croas St., Ypsilanti, ubrHU EVC toester, $2/ha. or aould texcage Fell Power .......... $8099 483-3194. eZta 4HORSEVCEmnber at littas in advertisemtent Bs romatod board. Own tr'ansportation, '32 CAPRI V-6, cF.. _l deternmined by tatal numsber at retfertnces. 663-3411. 08HB471 4-oteed, 11,000 tmilest.......$2995 cF1ward-5toards/line. '71 VOLVO 164.,PFu11 pawta, L3IrIL WED RTOAH pa i OD INTERESTED IN INFANT DEVELOP- WAtIN PHTAMAPSFb c.atv..$4WRD MET7 a1-Bt ai ~VLO14~TONIGHTUNTIL 1I A M. experienced Photagrapher. Call Teryt 1P.ts-lsnedd H8VLO 4 ,yphena1 d wards Ede 5 ebrat- E~ot short psyahalogiaal study oa 91s- Dark GreeB, 4 speead.......$109 UNION BOWLING & BILLIARDS 769-4610 tet iatatmatian. dF46 teats. Hypthenated ttards aver S that- otal prefereaces and sniliing. Fall e-68 VOLVO 1420, aF45WDIN NITTOS--Md or tea- atcters, i~.hnnmbers--2 waeds. plaatioan protided. Also tate Patopers Xh Bt.4 pa 10695-__ in ease otfaeergencies? For intorms- , '67 SAAB SB V-4, Baiat, 4-speeod ..$495 BtRAD COFFEE HOUR KIND retiring., iiaa tl.Cll3104 ncae tion aall Rick Kuabo at 361-3412 orOrad Catfee Hootr needs Grad Stu- TENNIS LESSOBS - farmer U-M play- PERSONAL 764-0597 day at etanoing. 96H42 ± TOYOTAS- dent Oveerseertatraet year. If inter- TErNSCauntry Club pta. Pritate court,___ 1969-1072 ail modeltts te chob se trom:tt ented Contatt463-5977, Dart', atter 6. --- d- a-rap. 1-54. - tMA T ' FOR SALE ia eraarrstatny ottengines, - ----_--_-- Idiida _ogops_69590__ t tanstisosaad ditto. lot 1000 WE PARTICIPATE in the Sloe Shield BUMPER STICKERS custaom printed "Wall-at-Bias" -- - imlsor 30 days. presription programt. Village Apthe- wF~~wit~~ rs,11 lated 'n Cuffed WODRU.OS arsit i at197 2OEMO'S Ka olt aue.eary, 1112 S. University Ate. aFtt atlwes uleta Knit at Knot side. 3 bedroetae, faont parah, big CUbasotfronm Coroasan dCarinas. -JeansFat, 'n Jaedupicatng bak yad, qettstreet. $91,950.Cll'___Prospect,___Ann__AMARTYS MEN1A0H9O2,LOTHIN Kitty. 663-9351. ' 50I DOMESTIC ECONOMY CARS- RICHARD LEE MRYSMNFSINCOHN .....'71 VEDA, 4-spteddihatchbak, Photogtopher PEOPLE WANTED to teach anod play 310 5. State St. EVRTIGt ei oskeigISle $1305 Wdi g adsadPorrats tennis with Health Servicee Pharas. BFte Dishes, ctlery, pots & pant, sheets, I'72 MAVERICK, Autaoatia, Calil 459-1231 frtatrn rapotes. 20sank. 764-COMC3BOKS teey ofrtl6,63-e towels, power-dril, ardetn tools & only 7,000 aiiles, Yello,20'ih.0F4.OI OKsiec ito ae toore. 634 Petntiot UlCt., Geddes Bloak Vayl Tap .."""""""$2295 a~teGRDCFEHO :We.ngt8 P clYMOrutoDUSLE, DA OFE ORbe. ih ail cards, paperbacks, CURIOUS Lakt Tonaoset. 602-2949. 121345 '72 PYOT UTR BILLIARDS AT SPECIAL RATES 10 ptm. Lots at people. Special: Hot USED BOOK SHOP, TOO! 340 S. 6--loaAttaoto ZENITH PORTABLE TV., te.aotod. 175. Power SterB. . .$2399 Evety Suntday 1-6 p.ts. Unioan Choclate. 4th flaar RackhamtN. ew State (upstairs) 701-0112 (alie 1-6 Call Steae, 769-3942. 77B42 - ~ n . cF45 people twelcomoel e~te Ia m.) eBtc 'IMPEACH NIXON NOW!" bumtpera stiaker't,.$1.00 reah: METASTICKERS, Bo 1700. E. Lasinog, Mi.,S488a3. 60545 WATERBEDS-Boy diaectly tromo ton- ufactttr an id sava. Aqtrt'i Incl~., 33 Sitabler Rd., A.A., Mich. 769-4491. Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Main 769-7935 ACI600 i 9$Talleo=,rajt-. 1 Bidfae ll 50'tit ofa tree. it Kaput. 52Blltottgtun $7 Cotffeet'-t oem. projactiila. 10 Typeaoalactaiat. 73 Grek loiter, 17 Unfritatdly. 3$46raker baotot. $0 IHong, hoodad 36 Adamte~. cloaks. 57 Temnporal. $0 Superlative 59)lBad-luck ending. synmbol. 26 Small1 pastry 61 Whsere Dingle shell, Bay is. 22 Rialtostign., 62 Inflicters of 23 Ryons distanc. retributioin. 25 Entry waya. 63 lBouquet. 26 Weed with ip 64 Merahant ohipe. or line. DW 27 "Quits." D W 29 Helmsman's 1 Plotter. direrction. 2 Wearing assay. 30 Ranch-style 3 Snuggled up. building. 4 Gram. ase. 31 Meat scarlet. 5 Fail to mention. 33 Skedaddled. 6 CaL. 35 Zodiac sign. 7 Candidate in 36 Panama. 1856. 37 Do sense house- 8 Metric units of work, surface measure. 41 Best. 9 Fare shapes. 45 Aromatic plant. 10 Neck area. 46 Sherbet. 11 Thats: Sp. 48Lierr t ereat'. ..'s 1 nuins. 13 U iliae 1too msuah. $3 Rtpaired shoes. 21 Duc k for apples. 21 'erpetual. 26 Highwtayman. 28 Oozing. 30 Miser's let. 32 Cain of small value. 31 Ricer of central Asia. 37 Deeps by, 38 Serget York, for one. 39 Vamps. 40 Region in N. France. 41 Slithery creature. 42 People eaot of Thailand. 43 Lest sheep. 44 Die-hardism. 47 Policeman. 50 Pineapple. 51 Not a chance! 54 Dross of metal. 55 Terza - 58 Diminutive 1u1fix. 60 Headed. 1e caiet iwith fire. A17o.1tlitos'e1b.a1y7f'.o'is, rabbhits, Folliow'.a l7Cheroues ro.fety and squ110'.Iirrel andtreesIneed. ao 'afe, h.apy caution--jost likC anothe plaC pdc1wheCe homet7. T'i )y' 130d1 atplaOcC5where theoy canf teCeCar1chCIildrenCSat pla~y. gross op striog antd 17a31t17. 1Like ba9bes C5'Cry5S 1(010 So, pleaseC, be careflis-tis fire slicit ytore i1n the forest. .X Ndaelisogaettobotedtel~oubtogtsd 17 1 37 30 139 50 41 d2 43 Sd Sb 46 47 48 49 50 51 62 03 54 b5500 6 57 b8 - 5- 9 60 61 62