TM Summer Daily Summer Edition of T HE ICH IGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saturday, July 21, 1973 News Phone 764-0552 Senate move proper THE SENATE took a much needed step yesterday in the limiting of presidential war-making powers. Though it was faced with the threat of another Nixon veto, the Senate passed the bill by a decisive 71-18 margin. The proposed new law would limit to 30 days the period in which a president can commit American troops without congressional approval. But the senators were remiss in their failure to ap- prove an amendment offered by Sen. Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo) that would prohibit covert operations by civilian organizations. The Senate bill is still a much stronger version than one passed earlier by the House. That bill, which extend- ed the limit to 120 days drew the threat of presidential veto. THE LEGISLATION now goes to a joint Senate-House committee to find a compromise version suitable to both bodies. Then comes the showdown with President Nixon. Even usually stauch supporters of the President, like Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-Pa) have warned that they would vote to override a Nixon veto on this bill. The Senate and House must not be deterred in their stand on this bill by the threats of the President. Too often in the past has the Congress bowed to such pressure. Nixon's recovery PRESIDENT NIXON emerged from the Bethesda Naval Hospital yesterday after his week-long battle with viral pneumonia. And although we are always glad to see someone recover from an illness, his words make us wonder if he shouldn't have stayed in a little longer. As he emerged from his confinement, the President lined up his aides and nurses to give them a speech about how well he is doing and how anxious he is to get back to work. But, his words about Watergate were not so encouraging. "LET OTHERS WALLOW in Watergate. We're doing our job," said our leader.- But one wonders whether that job will be to with- hold the White House tapes that are essential to the suc- cessful completion of the Ervin committee's work. He is, whether he admits it or not, wallowed in Watergate. Press Secretary Ron Ziegler said that the decision about the tapes will be announced on Monday. We cer- tainly hope that President makes the only logical choice. AS A POSTSCRIPT, a letter from a little boy wrote to the Presidentthat he too had viral pneumonia. The little boy severely told the President to eat vegetables for a full recovery. We may add that unless the President releases the tapes he may wind up eating much more than that. 1NOW, C~wFENTALLe 5PAKwG-..,. -' 1 - /1M-!1 R' Resiliency and patience UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ROBBEN FLEMING, a gentleman and a born administrator, has weath- ered without trouble the storms -of the radical sixties. Although Vice President Agnew once called Fleming "soft" on student protestors, the President proved able to outlast the turmoil. President Fleming: an ideal liberal talks about the ''and the. sixties By REBECCA WARNER To the undergraduate mind, nothing could be more imposingly symbolic of the administrative mysteries than the person of Uni- versity President Itobben Fleming. Enshrined behind an intimidat- ing array of glass doors ad well- dressed receptionists, Fleming holds court on the second floor of the Administration Building, a modern-day fortress gracefully de- signed to keep the rabble out, in case of emergency, and the good guys - our President and his men-safe upstairs. Fleming himself represents a breed of liberal American gen- tlemen who are insulated enough to preserve the charm and gentil- ity of a less threatening age. Nei- ther salarynor prestige could pro- duce a Fleming, but the closed world of high level University ad- ministration seems to have mark- ed him with the stamp of his well- furnished surroundings. Any ob- server watching him chair Regents meetings or humor the press would say he was born to be a university president. Fleming has spent his life as a lawyer, labor mediator, professor and finally as an administrator. He appears to be comfortable with power, self-assured, and able to create an overwhelming air of well-being. In fact, in the course of an hour- long interview with the President, I began to feel that everything was taken care of, not only in the Uni- versity, but in the whole world as well. Outside the air conditioned the generation that preceded them. "We used to think the reason for the tension in this country was the war in Indochina. But in other countries the same kind of behav- ior appeared even if those coun- tries were not involved in Indo- china. When tensions within a society reach atcertain level you will get the kind of confrontations that characterized that period of 1964 to 1970." Fleming does not expect a reap- pearance of mass radical tactics soon: "You can argue with a lot of validity that the high tension level of that period could not be sustain- ed for any length of time. President little, he contended. "I had done of lot of mediating, ne- gotiation, and arbitration in labor situations. I knew that the rhe- toric is almost always higher than the level of intention of the par- ties. "I am deeply committed and al- ways have been to the right of people to say what they believe. I think absurdity is its own ans- wer." Behind all this reasonable cop- ing, one wonders whether the President can visualize the stu- dent exercising individual judge- ment. 'Both the radical left and the radical right are really totalitarian in nature. Both tend to use people. People who use one tend to be quite ruthless.' While Fleming's comments on the left were always reasoned, it was hard to escape the feeling that his job has forced him to see radi- cal politics without perceiving them. One imagines him peering out of the Ad. Bldg.hwith a pair of binoculars at mass activities be- low, as kindly and objective as a social scientist. Certainly he talks about protest as though it were a natural phenomenon. Uninvolved and uncomprehending, he fails to 'It was always very noticeable during that period how little sense of humor students had. They lost their capacity to laugh at them- selves.' -President Fleming "It was always very noticeable during that period how little sense of humor students had. They lost their capacity to laugh at them- selves," he remarked. Inathenew quiet era, "students are more re- laxed, able to laugh with each otherandat themselves." Is this the comment of a peer? Of course Fleming uses the right vocabulary - he calls students men and women and avoids awk- ward condescensions. But there seems to be some remnant in his presidential image of afternoon TV's ideal Dad, the guy giving the kid's shoulder a little push and telling him or her to run along, because everything important has already been taken care of. Like TV's Nowheresville, Calif., however, the Ad Bldg. is not the ideal vantage point for observation of the real world and its real problems. Much as administrators would like to convince us that the rest of the academic sector is an ivory tower, their own cloister seems much more insulated, and potentially more dangerous. Maybe it's a bad idea to keep the University's leader in a glass case. Rebecca Warner is night edi- tor for The Daily. Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector -or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Direc- tors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. building, the presidential ethos be- gan to wear off and I felt some- what unnerved. As for the campus as most of us know it, Fleming definitely views the -scene through glass. On the subject of student pro- test, Fleming said his personal philosophy has not changed at all since his bout with sixties radical- ism. "Both the radical left and the radical right are usually totali- tarian in nature," he explained. "Both tend to use people. People who use one tend to be quite ruth- less. "I don't subscribe to the view that students now are apathetic. I think they are momentarily, at least, turned off by the methods of -President Fleming recognize the connection between protest tactics and the political realities which inspired outrage and rebellion. As a result, Fleming's theories on dealing with protest reflect good sense and the strength of charac- ter needed to avoid panic, but little else. Students must understand that "there are things we can't tol- erate," the President asserted. However, he said, the Univer- sity's use of police power always played down the hard line taken on other campuses. "You can't send people into a tense situation with live ammuni- tion and expect nothing to hap- pen." Verbal confrontations bother the