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July 21, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-21

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Saturday, Juy 2 1973


Page Three

Libya's revolutionary council

prohibits Khadafy

Beauty only skin deep
President Nixon shown after and before his stay in Bethesda Naval Hospital where he was being treated for a case of viral
pneumonia. The stay, while improving the President's body, apparently did nothing for his mind. He has reportedly decided
not to release the tapes of his conversations to the Senate Watergate committee.

vi tt"Oia Am55
Contest news
A reminder that entries for the "Not
Insane Watergate Contest" are due by
July 27. To enter you must tell us in
25 words or less who your favorite Water-
gate conspirator is and why he's your
favorite. Entries can be mailed to "Not
Insane Watergate Contest," Michigan
Daily, 420 Maynard, Ant Arbor or if you
prefer you can just drop off your answer
in person at the Daily offices. Offer void
where prohibited.
YORBA LINDA, Calif. - The Nixon
Foundation spent $613.20 this week to make
sure there are no bugs in the house where
the President was born. The foundation
discovered that termites were eating away
at the 60 year-old frame house, and had
it fumigated.
the final fling for the city's fairs
comes today . . . the 'U' Players' pro-
duction of Shakespeare's "A Comedy of
Errors" will take place at the Power
Center at 8:00 p.m. .. . the Artists and
Craftsmen Guild's will do chamber music
in the Union Ballroom at 8:30 p.m. . ,-
Cinema It will show "1984" at 1:30 and
9:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall . . . Cin-
ema Guild will show Mizoguchi's "Street of
Shame" at 8:00 and 10:00 pm. in the
Arch. Aud.
A2s weather
If you liked yesterday you should love
today. Rain with occasional thunderstorms
are once again on the agenda. HIghs
sld be in the mid-0s-

Regents name
Dunn as cher

TRIPOLI, Libya '-The Libyan govern-
ment confirmed early today that it's
leader, Col. Moammar Khadafy, resigned
on July It. But the statement said the
resignation was refused the same day.
Cairo's official M i d d I e East N e w s
Agency reported last night that Khadafy
announced his resignation in a message
to President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, not-
ing thit he took the action July 11.
ing Revolutionary Command C o u n c it
(RCC) of which Khadafy is chairman,
confirmed that the libyan strongman step-
ped down July 11, but added: "The mem-
bers of the RCC rejected the resignation
on the very day it was presented by Cot
The council communique was carried y
the official Libyan News Agency. It said
Khadafy resigned his posts as president
and chairman of the council in a cable
to Sadat to clear the way for the proposed
merger between the two Arab nations.
It said Khadafy had "no atithority" tos
resign, since he was called to leadership
by the will of the Libyan people.
KHADAFY HAS periodically resigned
or threatened to resign in the past, but
has remained in firm control if the lead-
ership among the young Libyan officers
who toppled the monarchy of King Idris
in September 1969.
He has been chairman of the ruling
council ever since. He became president
a year ago after resigning as premier.
That post was taken by Maj. Abdel Salarim
Jalloid, another council merrber.
The Cairo news agency report indicates
Khadafy reaffirmed his resignation yes-
terday in a message 1i Sadat in which
he disclaimed responsibility for a march
by 20,000 Libyans into Egypt.
THE "UNITY TREK" was designed to
push the Egyptians, who prefer to go
slow on the mrerger, toward Khadafy's
objective of union by Sept .
Instead of promotig unity, the trek
and Khadafy's message yesterday appar-
ently have created greater friction
The Egyptians blew up a section of the
main highway to Cairo near Mersa Ma-
truh on yesterday to halt the six-mile-
long Libyan procession.
KHADAFY SPENT 17 days in Cair,
ending early this month, in a vain quest
for his goal of early union between oil-
rich but sparsely populated Liba and
its populous but poor neighbor.
The young Libyan was quoted as saying
his fellow officers had tried to dissuade
him and that he had "resigned frt the
realization of unity with Egypt and eras-
ing its obstacles."
The report was published in Cairo sirt'
ly after the release of an appeal by Saiat
to the Libyan leadership to halt "an in-
vasion" by the unity t r e k k e r s from
rRPP trial
DAVIS REFUSED to answer.
Wilson further said he requested al
information relevant to the case against
Plamondon and Blzier from the atthoi-
ties bit was not gisen the taped conversa-
Peterson indicate he might reconsider
his decision if the defense twll present
e~idence that the tapes are relevant In
the case.
PLAMONIJON AND HI-iier- have been
charged with extortion, conspiracy, and
criminal usury in connection with an a-
leged marijuana deal inolving Wagner.
Dring truss examination, the defense
has tried to discredit Wagner as a witness

by establishing he acted disreputably
while dealing drugs.
On the stand yesterday, Wagner admit-
ted he sold incense as opium. He fur-
ther said he believed his image was badly
damaged as a result.

,d eptc
Acting c h a i r m a n of the Chemistry
Department Thomas Dunn, who suspended
controversial Prof. Mark Green last Oc-
tober, has been named permanent depart-
ment chairman by the Board of Regents.
The Regents approved the appointment
without discussion d u r i n g yesterday's
THE APPROVAL was granted despite
an ad-hoc advisory board of Chemistry
Department faculty members which cri-
ticized Dunn's handling of the Green
Dunn relieved Green of his teaching
duties for "misuse of class time" when he
showed an anti-war slide show to his
classes. The slides depicted how American
technological research, and by implica-
tion the University which engages in such
research, played a role in the Vietnam
Green was reinstated pending the com-
mittee report. The report criticized both
Green and Dunn, but suggested Green be
permanently reinstated.
THE FINDINGS condemned Dunn for
failing to communicate with Green before
dismissing him and for later "reassigning
Green without personally confronting him
with a fuller basis for reassignment."
Green has since been denied tenure by
the literary college, allegedly for reasons
other than the slide show incident. He
has been assigned a "soft" schedule teach-
ing only a two credit, independent study
course until his present contract ends
neat year.

Green refused to comment on Dinn's
appointment, telling The Daily, "If you
quote me on anything, I'll come down
there and kick your ass."
AS DEPARTMENT chairman, Dunn re-
luctantly admitted he will continue tia
pursue the problem of "misuse of class
TaPe Couh
SpecIal to The Daiy
CADILLAC, MI. - Under intense cross
examination during the trial of Rainbow
People's Party (RPP) members Pun Pla-
mondon and Craig Blazier, prosecution
witness Uwe Wagner revealed the exist-
ence of taped conversations between him-
self and State Police officers.
Defense counsel Hugh "Buck" Davis
claimed the tapes may reveal contradic-
tions with Wagner's sworn testimony.
Judge William Peterson, who is hearing
the case, denied a defense motion asking
the release of those tapes.
Prosecutor John Wilson admitted the
tapes exist but said they contain only "ir-
relevant and immaterial" information.
"It is only fair for Dr. Davis to explain
whether he means to say that the prose-
cution has deliberately attempted to mis-
lead im," he said.

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