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July 21, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-21

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 45-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 21, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Senate okays measure
curtailing war powers

Another presidential veto
Downp"our f. 5
in Un les f
Ir n ,trO S
One family improvises their
own rainwear by poking holes
in laundry bags yesterday as
the rain came pouring down,
on the art fair. These three,
hardier than most, continuer
to exarmine the plastic-cover-
ed merrh ndise. A few other.
brave s o a u s - artists, mer-
chants and customers - alsoN
remained outside. But mostr
people huddled under cover or i
just gave u7 for the day and :
went home. *>
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Nixon will not release tapes
Strachan accuses Haldeman

WASHINGTON (') - In a historic move,
the Senate yesterday passed a bill limiting
the President's power to commit Amer-
ican troops to war without congressional
Attoogh the House passed similar legis-
lation earlier this week. the measure's
final fate is uncertain, since President
Nixon has stated he will veto any such
THE SENATE passed the bill by a 71-18
tally which would provide an 11 vote mar-
gin over the two-thirds needed to over-
ride a presidential veto. The House,
however, fell 32 votes short of two-third.
Earlier, with an eye towards the ex-
pected veto, the Senate defeated an
amendment which would have curtailed
presidential power in dispatching civilian
advisers, Central Intelligence Agency per-
sonnel, and foreig "proxy" troops as well
as U.S. armed forces.
The move, initiated by Sen. Thomas
Eagleton (D-Mo.) fell by a 53-34 vote,
AMENDMENTS ALSO were defeated
that would extend the measure to cover
peacetime deployment of troops abroad
and limit the circumstances under which
a president could commit troops.
The bill finally passed by the Senate
sets a 30-day limit on a president's power
to commit troops, giving only Congress the
power to extend the period. The House
version passed 244 to 170 on Wednesday
would set a 120-day limit instead.
Another major difference is the snelling
out in the Senate bill of circumstances un-
der which a president could commit troops
for a limited period.
yesterday that this provision is "a dan-
gerous practice which expands rather than
contracts presidential authority to wage
war without the approval of Congress."
The power to use troops to "forestall"
imminent attack, he noted, could have
been used in 1970 to justify legally the
U.S. invasion of Cambodia and might be
construed in the future as license for a
tactical nuclear attack.
President Nixon's threat of a veto drew
opposition Thursday from Repuolican Sen-
ate Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania,
who usually supports the President.
ASKED IF he thought it would be
wrong for Nixon to veto the bill, Scott
replied "Yes," and added that he would
probably have to vote to override a Nixon
However, Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-
Maine) floor-managing the measure, and
Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.) the hospitaliz-
ed chairman of the Armed Services Com-
mittee, warned the Eagleton amendment
might make it difficult to muster the lvo-
thirds vote that will be needed to over-
ride the expected veto.
"If we clutter the war powers bill with
other matters," Stennis said in a letter
to Muskie, "we would probably kill what
is otherwise a good chance to override
a possible veto."
See SENATE, Page 9

WASHINGTON - The White House
made it clear yesterday that President
Nixon has decided not to furnish the Sen-
ate Watergate committee with tapes of his
conversations with aides which would
probably prove whether he knew about
the Watergate coverup.
Meanwhile on Capital Hill, Gordon
Strachan testified that he gave his boss-
H. R. Haldeman - a three-line report
of a "sophisticated political intelligence
gathering system with a budget of $300,-
000," more than two months before the
Watergate break-in.

liaison between President Nixon's re-elec-
tion committee and the White House chief
of staff on political matters, John Dean
was the White House contact on political
"Neither Mr. Haldeman nor Mr. Dean
advised me of the series of meetings with
Mr. Mitchell, Dean, Liddy and Magruder,"
Strachan told the Senate Watergate com-
mittee in prepared testimony.
It was at meetings in January, Febru-
ary and March, involving those men,
where apparently the Democratic Party
headquarters break-in plan was hatched.

paign to former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell,
had testified that after the last meeting,
March 30, "I called Mr. Strachan and in-
dicated to him that the project had been
approved . . . I discussed it in detail."
Hut Strachan said "had anyone ever
heard the details of prostitution, goon
squads, kidnaping and wiretaps, he would
be unlikely to forget it.
"I certainly would not forget it. Mr.
Magruder never gave me that informa-
tion . . . "he said.
See NIXON, Page 9

BUT HE SAID even though he was the JEB MAGRUDER, deputy in the cam-

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