Page Four- THE SUMMER DAILY Thursday, July 1_9, 1973 Poof:Absurdity becomes art By JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Green Men, copulating extra- terrestial.balloons, and a 40 foot litter-bug sticker with a man- nekin impaled on the end are just a few of the "spectacles" expected at the Art Fair this week. These events are put together by Spectacle, an organization whose purpose is "interesting people in becoming creatively and spontaneously involved, and as enjoyably as possibly," ac- cording to artist William Bosco. THEY DO THIS by taking the absurd and making it into an art. "We choose the absurdity by de- ciding what is out of the norm for others and using it," said Bosco. "But what is out of the norm for others is not neces- sarily out of the norm for us." Bosco, whose full name is Wil- liam Anthony John Bosco Car- rol, first became involved in the absurd when he was in grade- school, and it became his entire lifestyle. "I wanted to establish a creative way to deal with life; I wanted to create a complete aura of craziness." Explaining the spectacles as an experience in emotion, he said that the audience should incor- porate them into their lifestyles, to be utilized into their total environment. HE RELATED some of Spec- tacles experiences with the pub- lic. "I've known people to walk by with their eyes averted. They just pretend that it doesn't exist. One guy even accused us of working for Nixon, as his 'nutty staff' or something. The S p e c t a c l e organizadion eventually wants to start a cul- tural revolution. Bosco believes that the American society is too technically involved, and that a creative involvement is going to have to be woven into our cdl- ture, or else "we will go down like the death of Rome." He described his organization's part in the Art Fair as a carnival of fun, a Spectacle expose to lead the cultural revolution. The events start July 18 at 11.00 a.m. with a barrage of Green Men who will formally welcome the crowds of people. At 10:00 p.m. The Spectacle, an extra- terrestial space module will land on the grounds at the corner of South Forest and South Univer- sity, depositing assorted Green Men, a gorilla and a few "Brain- iacs." At the appropriatemoment they will all disappear in a puff of smoke. ON THURSDAY, the Green Men will be out in Hordes, min- gling with the earthlings, pass- ing out information about the "Spectacle Planet." There will also be a plaque presented to the fair with buckets of colorfil mush to be used on the accon- panying white canvas at the art- ists creative discretion. "We're just going to wait and see what happens," said Bosco. In the afternoon Spectale's so- lution to the ecology problem will be voiced in the form of a gar- gantuan 40 foot human litter-bug sticker made from garbage cans. Friday, the Green Men will re- turn with stamps to certify every- one on the grounds. The crowds will be able to witness "rubberoid reproduction" as two huge bal- loons copulate in the street. When they reach success a fl'rak of little green balloons will erupt. SATURDAY WILL start with a bombardment of 2000 multi-sized, multi-colored balloons on the on- lookers. And just in time for lunch an army of spacemen will wander through the crowds dis- tributing hunks of fresh water- melon, creating a sloppy but de- licious spectacle. The Spectacle Crew will broad- cast their congratulations to the Art Fair at 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, and then they will blast off to new planets, and new spectacles of excitement until next year, where hopefully, they will return with their spectacular regalia of spectacles. Martians in Ann Arbor? Many green Martians from Spectacle are expected to touch down at the art fair this week. This creature is one of the advance scouts checking out the area prior to the mass invasion. 7" 7 E J z f,%j !*4 KeepAimerica~lean. jjIgepAmcricaBeau"u Aderisng contribute for the puhlic good. HI TH5E ~! IAM - AMQ APTERY)XI A WINGLESS BIRD. WITH HAIRY FEATHERS. HoW ABOUT A LITTLE ACTIO ? ACTION is a growcg ovoment of vi i e r out to help people help themselves I's the Peace Corps and VISTA, helping people overseas and right down the street Please don't crawl under a rock 8OO.42-858O h 9.