Thursday, July 19, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven Thursday--July-19,-1973-THE-SUMMER-DAILY 'For Direct Clasif ied Ad Servicee, Phonic 764-9557 f MondaOy throug Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. .. 1 L t .. _. __. _. I .. ., ., ... . r was a I nrntn eli i '- '_. _.. j BUSINESS SERVICES HELP WANTED PRO A CLASSIFIED ENGLISH TUTOR StJ ONDE FEMALE MODEL wanted. MEET THE UM BARBERS Expertienced teacherr 550 MA avail- $10.00ihr. 453-9217 after 6. dH44 Vtarold, Dave, Chet & Jay ADVERTISING able for tutoring foreign studtents. ---- __ Michigan Union open Man.-Sat. PLC6602-5S98. 1 7J47 INTERESTED IS INFANT DEVELaP- cF43 POLICY MENT? 3 to i0-moths-folds needed- PIANO TUNER: 2 yat. tith reputable for abort psychological study on via-f RELIABLE Advertiseoment s nay be ~remtoved Germoan fire. Telephuoe 663-0193., ovi preferences and smtiflng. Full ex- AOTO EVC from publication. but will be bi1lled 03J46 planation provided. Alto frer Pampers AOTO EVC according to original numiber of ° case of etmergenciesor Poefofrmna- Clinic i Mich.-I to 24 week pr'eg- dlays ordered. 'Thi policy is appli- DAY CARE CENTER-Summoer & Fall fionicelf Rirci Kubo at 701-3412 or ntancies terminated, by liceitoed o0- cal awl oad eurn r- openings. Large fencerd yard with 764-8557 da yor ovenileg. 909042 tetrician gynecologist. Quick sere- payment, i.e., no refunds. AD SUB- ptol. 971-1533. 02J45 icfet will be arranged. Low ratet. MISSIONS. CANCELLATIONS AND PERSONAL CALL COLLECT CORRECTIONS MOST BE MADE Thesis & MS Typing (216) 281-6060 B3Y12:00 NOON OF THE DAY Tasrpin HELT P wirlg tows. Nerd good home 24HU EVC PRIOR TO THE DAY TROT APPEAR j Tasrpinfcr effcofioiictctear-4itOUcatERVeCE IN THE PAPER. Printing & Xeroxing call 761-02f0ees. 16F44 oF5i "Help Wanted" edt cannotfdiscrimi- nate oe theebasis 1ofvoe, color. 1 5ersexperience SA W_. f at jiira- to- MICHIGAN LEAGUE HOWLING creed, a:mkeationil origin to anr Task 761 -4146 prsocvlp'ion driitr zent? Villnge Sign Up Now! 400 game extenlt (i.e., "preferably" instrill_ 37J69 Apothoiiary, 112 SN University Ave. 3 CUnon Laneso Air-conditined disoriaminatoy}. Ftc cF43 "on"asare rue free-of-charge moving? PEOPLF WANTFED to teach and play HANK: Pieate call flame. 054 to a mnoaximmat 3 fleet for 3 dayt. lennis wrihHealth Servic Piarm., laEmtxngodgocro o oreciriod iiivrsoatf furniitur e icud Iir~Iai 7 o 6-TENNIS LESSONS -fanner U-M ploy- ocifeadcantbdloied apipliances..Low riter. Joiistlirge or ag~.fp5 er, Country Cub pro. Private oturt. g lsiidascno edslsdI20 klt 44 pro opbiain.Avriesssalal. 663-3882. cieIndividtual or groups. 769-5940, oFto p r or o pblittln. Adertrt e -AN EXtCLUSIVE riiiaiaaid-viewing room onaies oay NEVER be revaled. ;SE GUARANTEE pers'onal alietionlin afoir Iyo i pirrot on AT'S . Number of lines fIt adverisemeint It iiaiidling tshipmient tsfyor peronial 'ak ustos rc:iilii3your toast' l"dWal-oCf-Slat dtrmined lay tota~l itumber it rffects tworldoide. Conitact A. F_ irltalit fiiioicorit Austin Dia- 1odt'fe woards-5 vcaro;lanlue. Butrom, 0. Gene. 963-40337 'fte iiiaiii, I119 S. Ua>ivroy, 663-7152. IKnit or Knot 'Ftc Jeans 'a Jackets A WORD: FOR SALE MIARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING Hypheitated itrdiltiinter 5 Batano- WAN'T ED--svio': tic rI1or iiiorihoar'tk:310 5. State St. rt. Hyphetatedworcds aver 5 'iar- FLOOR MODEL AM-hart cwcvi ridioi o ok it 510 ito uriii'. Aug. tiorn- cyte icters, i e, phose niumbe-2 cvord',. ($5)0, Cabio AM radioi ($10). Batha iii ~', Csiii Mariani, 764-6161. 91F45 i.aioi 1940's, iwaodeti cabinetiexc.SUMPER S'TICKERS cusomaaprlitd sounld. 700-7468. 21843 [ OUCH 'l1lY NEIGHBOR c'liiit-U-wait! $2. MBL, Prest, 1217 (Continued from Page 61)(a:tCoyeep orot 00 0,:n :iionotr01t Proaspect, Ann Arbar, 701-0042. cFtc EVERYTHING ta begin hoti',ogeplng Ol.1e littler alo,r.MRut' Gauche Dishst, iillt ry. pot'. & pans" sherts, *'110(01r. 9-12. cpti XEROX .AND OCFFSE I USED CARS totweli, jicorodrill, gardenitolft - moire. 634 Prititzi i Cf , Gedofes Pi'R OGNAI OOIO5VI'l tiiosops st. art- Feet, low cant duajlcatltig tOH0iUP 16Gia.06 LiLk 'Tiihtises. 662-2941. 12B45 riserJuly 708111011 ot'S oc.}ealy fIt'COPY QUICK 199 CE RI MP ''R . oo 'nd,:ail Ijtr'a v. o;el 7t,9 tlI dti'6143 1Ei7 S. University 789-0500 30.00 ile, bst ffe. Cll efoe ENITH PORTABLE V. exc. conid .$75. 2 .11. 062-0943. 80N441 Call Strvr, 769-3042. 79043 FOR '48 FORD & '"IMPEACH NIXON NOW' tacipor; '57 CHEVY OWNERS stickers,1.00 oach: MEl AN 'lil ERN. Bx10,E. Lanintig, Mi. 4102'.t60845 ,-,,',: ailotet oin ll vita'.,~ r,0.000 Otbeides coitoolalrces. WATERnED'-Buy: Sirctlyfyr001 ma'-; 15 eWheel Woks. 6-0493 afacttio'iiad satve.tAcato't'. It,. et 33Staebler Rd.. A.A., Mich., 769-4401, 5963i0VW 006 oll itiii. radiia $700. COMIC BOOKS. scince fictIito, bse 662-40798'after0 y . . 95N43 ball cadspaperbaciks. 'U90101 USED 100K SHOcP, 100! 340 S 196811CHEVY IMPAL A 4-doio.Good6 S0ate (111.0 irs1 701-0112 (ipntriif coatd. 665-0862 aefoot' 11o0. 76N44 tilt. ) '1:0. I ncT Aid FOUND .l lf PERSONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS by creative, etperienced Photographer. Call Terry, 709-4010 for information. dF'46 WEDDING INVITATIONS--Mod, or tra- ditionali-atyle. Call 701-0042 aeytfime. VOLKSWAGEN MAI NTENANCE AND REPAIRS Mite Palmer 761-0013 ALL THE FOLLOWING PRICES r INCLUDE ALL PARTS AND LABOR CHARGES 0 3,000 miie servioe-$S change engine. air cleaner. oil i-iran oil strainer: replace gakrtei 6,000 mile service-$13 f(icludet 3,000 mile srve)r ! adjust points' dwell adjust sparka 11100 611 adjuct ignition timitng adjaust valeslaac aidjust engine idle intpect brako linaings inspect bail joint seals *12,000 mflo service--$24 {incliudetsoll above1101110) rplace spark lautgs ch~ckomllpressioni Rrakae Adjitment'l 0$4 loll Mikr Pamor 761-6603 (C'lipanid save thistad ; it wiilorua cnfy taday) RICHARD LEE Photographer Wetdd1ing0Caniiids atidtPortraits 1'Call 455-131for1.10 int1e111 ecfe TO O A LOOT Gld Weddiag Baond.Enrvd Gad 16-1-69. Rwa.26668-8135. CASH 19A44 IlOUND---Gray 11110le luffy' kittea. 2 WE'LL BUY YOUP CAR!T mos. Oni Arch betwee11 S.It! ' S10015S0R IMPO'0T10_ .and tanilGermanliSheperd l ltille1'> 1 192 MOI F=o 131061, ,wsad' 60io, 1mist 1:10.. 603-0701. dA44 proof:inllg, pc1rollIc .. 0. 32957_ 171 VOLVO 164,.iiii11., airAMl-i 71.FOUND: 0Gol11n1:Re00001'e11111y.,.ea It 1(f lllm $4295 r:',aii:1 a Cli ll169_9585, A44 9731 PEUGEOT,1 -il: 4 speed ,},," .$900.1 HELP WANTED !167 OA1-I3. V-4, -21dr' $895 11117 oSAB,0-4. wag.o10 $10075001LUNT1ERS11 ,t l cld 10or0110217 I OVIAt414C 111. 151H4.1 trtt I lt t :114uffs.1f1:0 10110 Ii lest lic01' 111110.8IA-310 00 07:1,s: c. 0-0 01t) d; :11,: .11,.n(,(11 . OA4Y i100. p00s 71-:110 01 0 11460 1972 Eol)ltt 2 O 0 ,.1ii 00:i7 00',, '.l ;:ii1t'0 ii 1:100 111 1- 02011r 110and ::bord. O00211 sortt011 010s 1 ',;;lc'1011:i fr 1000 cmil" oref erences. 63-3411. 047 110 30J0.ToxT'B00K.AUTH1R01 tiilet 11110- 1(723 ITL,iH1'.VO L-AILI, WAGON, tithe0eitrlib0-1101007 0071 011100 07010 li-e 01010,.e0e01steering, :l0r 0ei00. 001a.ii Pyc.)Sed ita oRoom11i122 Re1110 o100ke 1new, lily : a1 0 1110miile orI U01i01. Na o lphone call'.. 42011 00 . .. . . . . . . ... $3395, 11COUGAR. 1l1100,0po0er steering poawecbralies, ,tiohilli. (lhap $2795 Subscribe to 1070 MSTANG, V-8,01100, 01n17 2400: milesc, justllike n1w.0.01 . 12195 The-iDaF i li! t Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Ma in 7 69-7935 cNto Always hold matches till cold. N1ase. help prevent forest fires. The place to meet INTERESTING people BACH CLUB presents Melodious* music: Judy Kemph, flute and piccolo Chris Kootner, fluto Karen Simeberg, volaa Fronk Nezwosky, harpsichord Performng whacrks at B A CH, VAVALDI, TELEMAN, it A M E A 0 LAUlONE. 'Melonious Food~ Assorted melons (wtatermellon honeydewo, efo.) served after- wards. Doat ion 50c 00rohat you cn pay Thurs., July 19, 8 P.M. 730 TAPPAN (Memorial Christian Church)I 'alto ontifot and contrapuntal EVERYONE WELCOME!- No Musical Knowledge Needed .you before you become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the four of you. Or... Planned Parenthoodl Children by choice. Not chance. For frarther information, write Planned Parenthoaud, Pox 431, Radio City Station, New Yor-k, IN.Y. 10019. . anned Parenthood is a national, non-prodst organiaation dedicated to providing information and effectior means of family planninug to all who want and nerd it, advertising coatributed for the pulic good r0.4)O I A