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July 19, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-19

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Summer Daily
Vol. LXXXI 1, No. 43-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 19, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Twelve Page Supplement
-7- Art
/ ~ opens
Under blue skies and
sunshine, thousands of
people swarm through
the annual Ann Arbor
art fair yesterday. The
{f a ir, w h ich runs
through Saturday, is
considered one of the
best of its kind and at-
tracts artists from all
over the country.
Doily Photo by KEN FINK
rcefreeze to end
ixon etais Phase 4

WASHINGTON lA') - President Nixon ended his controversial
price freeze in the food and health industries yesterday, but an-
nounced the freeze will remain in effect for the rest of the economy
until a tough, complex new system of price controls-Phase 4-goes
into effect Aug. 12.
Phase 4 will severely limit businesses, including the petroleum
industry, in the amount of price increases they can pass on to
NIXON'S STATEMENT, delivered by Secretary of the Treasury
George Shultz while Nixon remained in Bethesda Naval Hospital
recuperating from viral pneumonia, was greeted with little en-
thusiasm by leading economists.
"What we have is a program which is addressed to the surface
manifestations of inflation and not to its basic causes," said Ray-
mond Saulnier, Columbia University professor and chairman of
the President's Council of Economic Advisers during the Eisen-
hower administration.
"The impact will be the same as any other plan since Phase 1,"
said Robert Chandross, economist with a major private research
organization. "It will have no preceptible impact at all on inflation."
ALTHOUGH DROPPING the freeze on food prices, Nixon said
that such prices can go up only to reflect the increased cost of raw
agricultural products.: His statement added that food prices must
not be kept so low as to cause shortages, as the current freeze
has done.
Beef prices will remain under separate March 29 meat price
ceilings, but pork and lamb price ceilings were lifted.
Besides disclosing the shape of Phase 4 controls, Nixon said
See PHASE, Page 10

Local firemen say ifs
servIces, s
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The local union representing firemen yesterday
charged that the city's fire departmnent is serious-
ly understaffed and as a result residents are
not receiving adequate protection.
The International Association of Fire Fighters
(IAFF) Local 1733 claimed the personnel shortage
resulted directly from incompetence and negli-
gence on the part of department administrators.
ASSISTANT FIRE Chief Frederick Schmidt did
not deny the department is presently understaffed.
"We are operating below the authorized level,"
he said. "But we don't feel the problem is
that serious."
He blamed the condition on budgetary limita-
tions and the difficulty in hiring new fire fight-
The reduction of manpower is due in part to
certain limitations established in a union con-

tract agreed to by the city and the IAFF last
THE CONTRACT cuts individual fire fighters
working time from 56 hours a week to about
50. In addition a minimum number of men must
be available to operate each piece of equipment.
"The personnel minimums for the trucks was
established for our own protection," explained
Jim Hood, the union steward and a city fireman.
The new rules became effective July 1.
In a statement released yesterday the union
said 18 additional fire fighters would have to be
hired to offset the reduced work schedule for
the present staff of 110 men.
THE DEPARTMENT administrators acted in-
competently by not begming to hire new men
as soon as the contract was approved, accord-
ing to the statement.
See UNION, Page 9

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