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May 12, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-12

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Page Ten


Saturday, May 12, 1973

SATURDAY ad SUNDAY right May 12-1

RETURNED POW Edward Leonard received a welcome and parade in his honor. But to the parents
of Jimmy Walker, a soldier killed five years ago, such scenes are painful reminders of their son.
Vietnam tragedy: 'I don't really
thinknheknew whatitwas about'

PACIFICA, Calif. (UPI) -
Jimmy Walker jumped from the
helicopter, ignored the swishing
blades and half-crouching raced
to the nearest trees. He slipped
in near the head of the squad for
his 26th "search and destroy"
mission of the month he'd been
in Vietnam.
"Charlie," as he'd learned to
call the Communists, was wait-
ing. Walker, just turned 21, went
down before he even had time
to squeeze the trigger of his
black M16 rifle in the first burst
of fire that shattered the stil-
ness of jungles around Q u a n g
Tri City near the Demilitarized
HALF A WORLD away his
mother had spent an uneasy day
telephoning family and friends
that she was worried about her
At 6 a.m. the next day she
opened the front door of the ma-
t,)on-painted wood-frame house
on a hill overlooking the Pacific
Ocean and saw two iArmy offi-
cers stepping from a khaki-cvor-
ed stifft car.
"Mv son's dead. My s'sn
dead. You do t have to tell ae."
abc screamed.
THAT WAS five years ago, on
April 28, 1969.
"We're still going throug-h
hell," says Ms. Felice Walker
nearly five years later, her pet
white poodle, Jock, scratching all
This I;~R
$2.00 8:30
'best damn cowgirl
singer you ever heard.'
-Mich. Dalv
1411 Hill STRIT

her legs to get on to her Ian.
"I supose we should try to
get it out of our minds, but how
can we forget?"
SHORTLY AFTER graduatiag
from high school, Jimmy Walker
found a draft notice in the mail.
But instead of waiting to find
out whether he would be drafted,
he signed up and told his fam-
ily, "I might as well get it over
The last letter the family re-
ceived said, in part: "If you
read about the First Cav in the
papers, Mom, remember it's the
best outfit there is. We're the
first to fight the enemy."
"I don't see anybody," said
Mrs. Walker. "I don't want to.
I don't want to talk to anybody."
SHE CONFESSES to b e i n g
jealous when she sees film of
soldiers being reunited with their
families. Big, Jin Walker's eyes

moisten at such scenes and he
leaves the room without a word.
Two years ago, Walker,- suf-
fered a severe heart attack. The
doctor's diagnosis was that thz
primary cause was the loss of his
son. His once black hair now is
"It's hard to say who to blame,"
said Walker.
"I TOLD HIM before he went
in, 'Don't volunteer for nothing.
Just keep your head down.' But
he did volunteer and he goat
killed," Mr. Walker said. He
takes a quick slug of whiskey and
turns his head away as his voice
"He said he believed in what
he was fighting for," Ms. Walker
said. "He was proud of his
country. He mentioned some-
thing about communism Out I
don't think he really knew what
it was all about. I think he was
saying just what he'd been told."

and the
unucia+eperformance hun:
Donald Sutherland
- in
The "vibrant" ("stars and stripes") satire in com-
edy song and dance of Army life, death and men-
tality that played to "packed houses of cheering
troops.." (Life).
7:30 & 9:30 p.m.
$1.25 single admission $2 double-feature
Modern Languages Building
New Morning presentation by Friends of Newsreel
Subscribe to The Daily

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