TIM Summer Daily Summer Edition of THlE MIChIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, July 18, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Unnecessary rules AS EXPECTED, the reaction to the demonstration at the July 9 City Council meeting was the proposal Monday night to stiffen Council rules. The proposed change Rule 43, includes a prohibition against "obscene or profane language", the limitation of clapping or booing to specified periods of Council agen- das, and mandatory seating of the audience during meetings. The intent of the rules is obviously to appease citizens who were outraged by the tactics of July 9. But, the changes are totally valueless, ill-defined, and unenforce- able. More problems will arise from such changes than can be answered. As with all cases regarding obscenity, the standards imposed are arbitrary. Who is going to establish those standards and what will they be? THE ONLY PURPOSE of the proposed changes is to "gag" members of Council and inhibit any kind of expression at meetings. They will do nothing to keep or- der. The proposals were sent to committee for study and with luck they will never emerge. End mine conflict THE RECENT APPOINTMENT by the Interior Depart- ment of Donald Schlick as acting director of the new mine safety administration is a disgrace to the mine workers of this country and is further proof that reme- dial legislation is necessary. Schlick has been under fire since 1971 for conflict of interest charges and was once reprimanded for accept- ing free air trananortation from a comnany whose mines are regulated by the burean. Schlick has since been ac- cused by the Unitprt Mine Workers (UMW) of accepting other favors from mini-- econanies. The aopointmnt of Schlick was apnarently made last week by Interior Secr-ftarv Rogers Morton without public notice. At the same time Morton stated that a perma- nent admi-istrator to the new Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration would be chosen within 30 days. But no mention of Schlick's temporary appointment was made. °J7HE REASON for the shift of the safety responsibility to the new agency was because of the longstanding conflict of interest in the Interior Department. The agen- cy encourages the development of resources while at the same time tries to enforce safety standards. THE TIME HAS COME for the enforcement of safety standards be taken out of the hands of the Interior Department and placed in the more worker-conscious Labor Department. The safety of mineworkers should not be handled by an agency so involved with conflict- ing interests. Detroit's special brand of justice is the same as no justice at all By EUGENE ROBINSON DETROIT: The Motor C i t y, where the punch-press rhythms of factories dictate the vicious, monotonous pace of life. Detroit is a merciless city in which social dis- tinctions are not made at birth- except for the Fords and the Fishers - and power lies in wait for anyone with the guts to take it. This wide-open, greedy philoso- phy - more an infectious rhythm, a driving beat - is what makes this town one of the toughest anywhere. This city has more homicides per capita than any other. An average of two and one-half lives get snuf- fed out each day - not in the peaceful white suburbs, where po- lice departments constitutes little more than social clubs, but in the city . . . the scrappy city inhabited by blacks and run by whites. A crime rate which showed ex- ponential- growth led the city ad- ministration to establish a special, undercover police unit. The group, acronamed STRESS (for Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets), wore plainclothes - usually Super- fly hats and high hells, to "fit in." STRESS is tough, ruthless, and as corrupt as anyone's wildest fan- tasies. THE JOB OF STRESS from the start was to infiltrate the sprawl- ing black ghetto, shut down those awful dope houses, and make De- troit safe for good, decent people. Here the ideal and the real di- verge: STRESS has been accused of indiscriminate killing of blacks, receiving kickbacks from large- scale dope dealers in return for ignoring their illicit actions, and of achieving such autonomy from the regular police department as to be almost uncontrollable. Enter Hayward Brown . . . the name might be familiar. A nine- teen-year-old punk, Brown last year went on a spree of knocking over some of Detroit's better-known dope houses. STRESS agents be- gan an intensive effort to catch Brown - some say they did so to keep heroin-handling patrons happy. The rivalry between Brown and STRESS culminated last December in a shoot-out in which one STRESS officer was killed and another ser- iously wounded. Brown escaped, and after the most intensive man- hunt in the city's history, he was captured and brought to trial on charges of assault with intent to kill. Brown has been to trial three times. Two weeks ago he was ac- quitted for the third time on charg- es stemming from the shoot-out in- cident,adespite eyewitness testi- mony and lamning evidence. The Wayne County Prosecutor William Cahalan, whose office trie: the cases, has called the acquittals a miscarriage of justice. Close, Mr. Cahalan, but no cIar. THE BROWN CASE points out one of the essential inequities of Motor City Justice. Namely, the importance of color. Cahalan has been accused not only of incompet- ence, but also of "whitewashing" every case his office has handled in which a white STRESS officer killed a black Detroiter. For example, during the Detroit riots three police officers and a private hotel guard killed t h r e e black youths - apparently wits no reason. Again despite eyewitness testimony, the four got off. Brown's attorney, Kenneth V. Cockrel, has raised valid points: First, why was Brown, a two-bit hood, the subject of such an in- tensive search? Secondly, what about the equal protection clause CAHALAN'S sputterings about the Brown verdicts have been laughed at by anyone who knows Detroit politics. His criticisms have brought thinly-veiled threats of cen- sure by the bar. Yes, there is a good chance that Brown is guilty; and no, he should not go free if he is. But because of widespread corruption, o p e n prejudice, as well as incompetence, Detroit's city government, notably the police, has lost all legitimacy it once held with the black com- munity. It is difficult to convict an inner-city black for almost any crime nowadays, especially when blacks see white police going scot free for similar offenses, The city of Detroit, in perhaps oversimplified terms, has become little more than an occupied area. An armed cadre of mostly white police attempt to rein in the boil- Inevitable of the constitution?' Cockrel right- ly charges that. Detroit's standard of justice is a dual one, with blacks getting the shaft and whites, not- ably policemen, having little less than a James Bondish license to kill. Cahalan, meanwhile, screams that the only reason Brown was acquitted was because he w as black, the jury was predominantly black, and he had a sharp lawyer. He has also criticized Judge Sam- ual Gardner, the man who tried the cases, for being unfair. If Brown represents one side of Detroit, Cahalan represents t h e other. He is a member of the notor- ious "Irish Mafia," a tight-knit clan that has controlled the city of Detroit and the County of Wayne for years. The Irish Mafia is known fursbeing touch, aggressive, and for having an intense dislike of the ghetto. voDfwn conflict ing black community. In short, the city is in trouble. Justice, strained as it is, may become a thing of the past. And until black Detroiters g e t some represenattive city govern- ment, a government willing to pro- secute the white along with the black, there will be more Hayward Browns and more Bill Cahalans and more miscarriages of justice. AND THE CITY will continue to bubble. When will it boil over? Gene Robinson is co-editor of The Daily. The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who w i s h e s to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. t Ir IG&FTY YO BU&U ML6SV YOU BUVG LCX16. YOU UV ) SOOWiYO H~l EC s S ( K ~p&)'~ h6LLTEfRAW(U.- THE CW(f267&k2- HHEO /O ET(JCI4 OU 5MF AM LxAT IF WC If F&T KMO )YA iT C/tAP69(u -.Q U& F(TI)G< 66TCAU&HVNERK'I'.-f3w MUO r