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July 18, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-18

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Wednesday, July 18, 1973


Page Three

Stephenson's proposed rule
changes create controversy
While fellow Republicans praised Mayor
James Stephenson's proposed changes in
City Council procedures yesterday, the
measures drew angry criticism from Dem-
ocratic and Human Rights Party council
Sa st members.
.. . ,a . 4: Th r~ntri~pc4 "1Cctki CP Cl l d tG~


Bullard bill
l'erhsips spurred by the recent brouhaha
over Carolvn King, State Rep. P e r r y
Bollard has introduced a bill that would
bar sex segregation in school athletic pro-
grams. Under the provisions of the bill
"no stUdeut can be denied opportunity to
participate in any athletic prtgram offered
by a district." Ballard's bill would still
alliro for separate lnckerrom and shower
Meat thief
As the price of useat has soared, so -
pareutly has its attraction to thieve. Ac.
cordieg to Tom McGinnis, president if
AiericaN Notional lods, over $4r4 )1.
ntworth of imteats have been stolen fron hi
sires despite an el :borate burglar alarm
system. Who k-tows, maybe someday ie'il
he vatchig o ies of famous meat rot-
beries with titles like "T''he flamoburger
Coanteitton "
Upit he; ig of the secret fgs that
h bn he aiiId in t the President's Office,
See. olteri Dile (1:-Kar.) remarked, "I'm
a glad I always nodded instead of sayina"
ant thing w len talking to the President
Kabul co'p
N IX'tLI Radio K ahut n Xit i
istan aninittied yesterday that the Agh' i
mionarchv lad been overthrown in fr or itt
Srepubliv. The republic was proclaimed
by Lt. Gen. Sordar- Mohammed Daud
Kahn, the brother-in-law of king Moiim-
taed Daud Khan. The new leader descri )
A ed the old regime as "a pseudo demo-
cracy, the foundations of which rested on
personal and class interests." He ;aid
Afghanistan would maintain its traditia Ial
policy of non-alignment in the foreign
polics sphere
Happenings.. .
S. s today are tipped by the fit
ofti series of fre'e iveekly pottI instruc'tin
sessions. Taught by pool hustler J a
Milder the session will be held from 5:11(
to 7:00 p.m. in the Union Pool Ca'Iery
there will be a grad coffee hour in
the East Conference Room of Rackham
at 8:00 p.m. . . . the A-V Summer Films
will show "Persuasion" in MLB Aud. 3 at
7:00 p. m.
A2 s weather
Art fair goers should be pleased to hear
that the extended outlook through Satur-
day is for fair and cool weather. Highs
today should be in the mid-80s.

The controversy h, s swre around wo
alterdtions in council rules which would
prohibit council members from using
"profane or obscene language" and cur-
tail audience response during meetings
ONE RULE would force members of
the audience to remain seated at all times
during council sessions and refrain from
cheering, booing. hissing, "or making
noise of any kind" except during audi-
eice participation portions of the agenda.
The proposed cht ngis, announced Mon-
diAy, have bee-i r ferred to the council
rAes committee, chaired by Lloyd Fair-
Sb' ks ir.Fif h W-'vdi for study.
Stephenson siid yesterday that the
charges were initiated partially in reac-
tion to the council session of Iuly 9. At
that meeting, the cit's five doll-ir atari-
juatn laiw was rep--ed as nearly 200 pro-.
testers took over the council chambers
n-s''' a lengthy d-1ty in the proceed-

DURING THE meet'ing, nurerous pro-
fanities in addition to garbage and several
pies wre hurled at the mayor and Retaub-
lice'n councilamembers.
"IHtpefilly these new mules will deter
simil ir demotstrations in the future,"
SI-tienson said.
torris Thonas (D-first Ward) blasted
the changes as "Stephenson's version of
the gig rile." The riles deny the corn-
nTiztv tiladeqjit I ite r ticipation and tep-
rstainat comncil nmeetings, according
to Thomis.
"I CAN'T e-ffe'ctil' represent my con-
stituents if oIl s'iarbhu'liry is limited,"
Thomas added. "If the rule is enacted,
I'll break it and then challenge its con-
stitotionality through a lawsuit.'
Fairbanks indicated the committee will
study the changes next week and will
probably present them to council within
See RULE, Page 10

Not President yet
l -shing the impish grin that made him famous, Vice President Agnew chats
with reporters outside Bethesda Naval Hospital where our chief executive is re-
covering from an alleged bout of viral pneumonia. Nixon will leave the hospital
at the end of this week, unless the Watergate hearings take a turn for the worse.

Senate okays pipeline
TON Ill" - The Senate passed preparing its environmental impact state- SEN. WALTER MONDAL
rday authorizing a consortium ment. And it grants to consortium a pipe- sought to bring oil in along tf
anies to begin immediate con- line right-of-way across federal lands. tiver of Canada, contendin

a bill sestet
of oil comp,

E (-Minn.)
he Mackezie
g that route

struction of the controversial Alaska Oil
The bill, if approved by the House,
would remove all legal barriers that have
blocked construction of the pipeline for
over three years.
IT DECLARES the federal government
gave adequate consideration to an alter-
native pipeline route through Canada in

The 789-mile pipeline is designed to
connect Prudhoe Bay on -Alaska's North
Slope with Valdez on the southern coast.
From Valdez, the oil would be shipped
by tanker to West Coast refineries.
Environmentalists opposed the pipeline
on grounds that oil spills would destroy
the Arctic tundra and cause havpc along
° -'northwest Coast.

FTC charges 8 oil companies
with anti-competitive practices

would deliver the oil to the midwest
where is it vitally needed.
The two issues formed the basis of the
suit filed by the Wilderness Society and
other environmental organizations.
If the House approves the Senat version,
said Richard Olsen of the Wilderness So-
ciety, "I think that would be the end of
the lawsuit. "I don't know of any basis
for a legal challenge."
SEN. MIKE GRAVEL (D-Alaska), co-
sponsor of. one of the bill's most disputed
amendments, said "I wotrld hospe we could
begin construction this fall."
The amendment by Grav'el and Sen. Ted
Stevens (R-Alaskal substittited Congress'
jaidg'ment for the cotirt's in declaring that
the pipeline impact study meets the re-
quiretnents of the National Environmental
Policy Act.
Senator Henry Jackson (D - Wash.)
sharply criticized some environmentalists
for their role in the dispute.
sought to block all development of the
North Slope and offered no alternatives to
the Alaska pipeline.
The environmentalists, meanwhile, pre-
pared to lobby intensively in the House.
"We're still hoping that wiser heads
will prevail" said Olsen.

WASHINGTON IA) - The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) announced yesterday it
is issuing a complaint against the nation's
eight largest petroleum companies alleg-
ing they have participated in anti-com-
petitive practices.
The FTC complaint said the eight firms
have monopolized refining and maintained
a non-competitive market structure in re-
fining -ast of the Mississippi River.
complaint were that the eight refused to
sell gasoline and other refined petroleum
products to independent marketers, which
have been forced to close large numbers
of gasoline stations because of the cur-
rent shortage.

The corporations named in the FTC
complaint were Atlantic Richfield Co.,
Exxon Corp., Gulf Oil Corp., Mobil Oil
Corp., the Standard Oil companies of Cali-
fornia and Indiana, Shell Oil Corp., and
The FTC complaint proposed no spe-
cific remedies for the alleged monopoly .
THE EIGHT FIRMS were given 30 days
to file answers. If they challenge the
complaint,m the commission will hold hear-
The complaint charged the firms "estab-
lished and maintained artificial price
levels for the goods and services rendered
at each level of the petroleum industry."
r Meanwhile the American Automobile

Association (AAA) had some good news
for motorists, declaring the most severe
period of the gasoline shortage appears
to be over.
RUT A TREASURY department spokes-
person said the announcement would not
affect government plans to impose fuel
allocations, which will probably be in-
stituted shortly.
Donald- Stricklan, an AAA, spokesman
said motorists should not have great dif-
ficulty in finding adequate supplies.
"Stockpiles seem to be slightly down
but there's enough to make it through the
summer," he said. "A significant number
of service stations feel very confident they
have enough for the summer."

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