THE Suauiner Daily Vol. LXXXIII, No. 42-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 18, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Nixon refuses to give committee taped talks Executive privilege doctrine cited WASHINGTON 1--President Nix- on rekindled the dispute over execu- tive privilege yesterday by refusing to provide the Senate Watergate committee access to tape recordings of presidential conversations. Meanwhile, the committee sought testimony from Secret Service of- ficials in connection with Monday's disclosure that all of Nixon's White House meetings and official tele- phone conversations since April 1971 have been tape recorded. 11UT NIXON ordered Secretary of the Treasury George Shultz that no Secret Servicemen be allowed to testify about White House duties or observations. In addition White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler told newsmen that the newly discovered tapes would be put in the same category as presidential papers. Nixon has alreadv said the committee can't have those for reasons' of executive privil-ge growing ot of constitutional pro- vision for separation of the three branches of go'ernment The tapes presumably could prove or disprove allegations made before the com- mittee by osted White lotse counsel John Dean. He testified the President knew of and participated in the attempted cover-up of the Watergate scandal. DEAN BASED his allegations on his accounts of meetings he had with Nixon in his White House office. Reportedly those meetings routinely would have been taped. After the rebuffs, the committee de- cided in closed session to ask the White House who has the tapes, who has had acress to them, sod bow the committee can' get them. Chairman Sam Ervin (1)-N.C.) said the committee is still "desirous of adjusting this matter on a basis as amicable as possible with the White House," and voiced no public threat of court action if the tapes and papers are not produced. ON ANOTHER front, it was learned yesterday that special prosecutor Archi- bald Cox also plans to ask for the presi- See PRESIDENT, Page 10 Relief just a short bicycle ride away -see Story Page 8 Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY LARRY CORELL AND HIS DAUGHTERS Robin and Barbara sit in the shade of the Art Fair awning. They are the first three of the 80,000 visitors expected at the fairs. Ann Arbor Art Fair returIs today thousands expected The art fair cometh. For the fourteenth time in as many years, swarms of artists-250 in all- will desert studios, garrets, workshops, and cellars, gather up whatever it is that they do best and seize control of Ann Arbor's streets. SPECIFICALLY, the ranks of the talented from 30 states, Canada and England will descend upon East and South University Sts. today for the Ann- Arbor Street Art Fair and remain until the fair closes on Saturday. Weavers, glassblowers, potters and painters-many will be demonstrating their work. Virtually every art medium will be represented at the fair. One hundred thousand people are ex- pec'ted to arrive over the five day show to stroll through the booths, listen to music and maybe bring home a sou- venir. MORE THAN ONCE hailed as the best fair in the state, the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair attracts visitors from distant parts of the country as well. Many return year after year because of the festival atmosphere and excite- ment. The fair began almost spontaneously in 1959 -with nothing more than ropes strung between parking meters and 145 artists. Despite its disorganization, this- early fair embodied many of the gm lities which have continued to dis- tinguish the present fair. It provided a chance for the public to view and buy original works from professional and amateur artists. Even then its emphasis was largely educa- tional with demonstrations playing a large role. BY 1963 the fair had almost outgrown' itself when 363 artists tried to squeeze into the available space. A decision had to be made. Would the fair grow in size or quality? The governing committee decided to limit the size of the fair, nd maintain a high quality of art work. The 1965 fair was the first juried fair. Each April a committee of at least eight persons views the slides of nearly 1000 applicants. This committee has the difficult job of narrowing down the number of participating artists to 250. The hours of the fair are from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.