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May 09, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-09

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Wednesday, May 9, 1973


Page Three'

Lebanon's president acts
to end strife, begins talks

ends with
vesef ire
BEIRUT, Lebanon F ] itPresident Sulei-
ran Franjich ord red an immediate cease-
fire last night and announced talks aimed
at nfm rcing an cid to the bloody fighting
between gas eranment troops and Pales-
tinian guerrilla
"Peace has d-eslded on lebanon,"
kin offiiat ga ra "Int stalement said.
Previ ms ceas fire effirts were frustrated
when fresh ighting broke ott Mtonday
night btw'n the Is't sides
THE GOVE l\DhENT tas sotght to con-
trol gterrillo perati os in Lebonots, while
the Palestinians had sought the freedom
to act independently against Israel.
Franjeih canceled air strikes that had
pounded glterrilla positions throughout the
day after the outbreak of fighting Monday.
The president acted after meeting with
Arab mediators and envoys seeking to
end the conflict.
THE FIGHTING this week and list grew
from mounting tensions between guerrillas
and Lebanese following an Israeli attack
on guerrilla bases and the assassination
of guerrilla leaders in Beirut last month.
Because of the strife in Lebanon, neigh-
boring Syria closed its border with the
half-Moslem, half-Christian nation, and
warned it might intervene to support the
The border closing was announced by
Damascus Radio, which broadcast a gov-
ernment statement accusing Lebanese
authorities of carrying out a plot to finish
off the guerrilla movement.
IT APPEALED to the Lebanese people
and Palestinian resistance "to close ranks
and stand fast against Lebanese authori-
ties implementing an external plot" and
said Syria would provide support.
But Syrian Foreign Minister Abdul
Halim Khaddam, who was here Monday
as part of Arab efforts to mediate the
crisis, assured Lebanese authorities there
would be no .intervention, official sources
The Libyan news agency announced,
meanwhile, that Libyan President Moam-
mar Khadafi sent a cable to Al Fatah chief
Yasir Arafat placing "all the resources of
his country at the disposal of the Pales-
tine resistance movement, leaving it up
to you to make the arrangements."

AP Photo
TOURISTS SUNBATHE on a Beirut rooftop yesterday during a 24-hour curfew. Later, Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh
ordered an immediate cease-fire to end the fighting between army troops and Palestinian guerrillas.
Stinl(. rises around
Ah, Spring
Spring brings with it the sound of birds,
impromptu concerts on the Diag, the
sweet smell of marijuana smoke wafting - By GORDON ATCHESON released without being treated since Jan-
its way among the ivy-covered structures A dramatic controversy has arisen over nary," Mammel said. He refused to com-
of higher learning, and oh yes, a tuition the effectiveness of the city's waste treat- ment on the possibility raw sewage could
increase courtesy of the Regents. They ment system following charges that city be dumped without his knowledge.
voted last' month to tentatively increase sanitation engineers dumped raw sewage Assistant City Administrator P a t r i c k
tuition by approximately six per cent, de- into the Huron River on a number of Kenney said his department nas "no in-
pendent on the amount of state and federal occasions. formation" which would lead him to be-
aid that is finally received. The increase The Department of Public Works ad- lieve the treatment system is overcapacity
could also be affected by expected court mitted untreated sewage was released into to the extent indicated by McCormick.
rulings on whether out-of-state students the river on at least four occasions last From all indications, however, the pres-
can be charged higher tuition. year. ent treatment system must be expanded to


On, and on .nd. ..
That interminable Student Government
Council election isn't over yet. The re-
sults from the latest round of balloting,
held during pre-registration, are expect-
ed to be in sometime tonight or maybe
tomorrow. But it could be that the re-
turns won't be known until the week-
end. Meanwhile, the campus waits with
breathless anticipation.
Happenings . ..4
. . . include a fairly light scheduie of
events this first day of classes . . , At
the Union Gallery, a seven day exhibit of
Vietnamese art opens at 7:0 p.m. The
showing is sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Medical Aid for Indochina committee.
Project Outreach is holding a mass meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. B.
The session is for people interested in
getting involved. Finally; the Grad Coffee
Hour will be held at Rackham at 8 p.m.
4A2s weather
lie sun just might decide to come out
from behind the clouds today as students
return to classes. With a 21 per cent
chance of precipitation, high tempera-
tures will be between 64 and 68 and lows,

mel claimed the ineidents "did not con- age.
stitute a serious problem." No raw sewage
has been released since January 1, ac-
cording to Mammel.
But Councilman John McCormick (R-
Fifth Ward) said he has been told un-
treated waste was dumped into the river
as recentiy as Friday and that the sewage
treatment system is operating at twice its
McCormick refused to name his source.
"I'M NOT AWARE of any sewage being .I

the city's present quantity of sew-
See WASTE, Page 11

Student stabbed
at Tappan school
A ninth grade student was stabbed
several times in the chest during an after-
noon incident at T a p p a n Junior High
School yesterday, school officials reported.
The injured student, tenatively identified
as Jim Denton of Ann Arbor, was taken to
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for surgery on
stab wounds which one witness described
as "right below the heart."
According to several students, the inci-
dent began when three Pioneer High
School students harassed Denton during-=
See BOY, Page 11

from t
In C
in M
once a,
from J


Lebanon: Unreststrife
bridgeaseveral ecades
By PIL NEWSOM army moved against the guerrillas who
UPI Foreign News Analyt had made Lebanon their new base.
ULY, 1958, U.S. forces landed in T o u g h Lebanese President Suleiman
n to help put down an anti-govern- Franjieh declared Lebanon would not be-
uprising supported by Syria and come the base for a guerrilla "occupation
and stemming at least in part army" and he added:
he presence in Lebanon of Pales- "I don't believe that any other Arab
refugees. country has given our Palestinian brothers
ctober, 1969, in the midst of a what we have given them."
crisis, the U.S. State Department
I it would. view "with greatest con- IT WAS TRUE that in Lebanon the
any threat to the integrity of guerrillas had enjoyed the most freedom
n. and the best communications with areas
ay; 1973, the Lebanese government outside the Arab world to be found any.
gain finds itself threatened by ele- where in the Middle East.
from the outside, and again be- Half Christian and half Moslem Labanon
the focal point in a crisis with po- enjoys, in a parliamentary sense, the only
y g r a v e international complica- working democracy in the Middle East.
She prefers to remain the area's banker
and center of tourism.
LN ACTION similar to King Hus- Lebanon has supported the Palestinian
ouster of Palestinian guerrillas cause, but did little to fight Israel in 1948
ordan in 1970, the small Lebanese See LEBANON, Page 8

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