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July 14, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-14

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Saturday, July 14, 1973


Page Seven

1r ' - I



W~imW Ma tousmget te job done

(Continued from Page 6)1 FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT
USED CARS GOOD JUNK SALE. Chep.Potey WANT TO SHARE house oirapt. iiih
draftingat. Supplis tiol, hawse- I therga tudiets saring Y P
1969 RED TRIUMPH TPN6, 0 S d, l hole! ftrniture.Judy 1I,1-6, 421 663-9482. _ O5L40
300,00 ileshettoffer tibl et re Foulii of Mllr. 65B40
2 pus. 662-6943. 86N44 I NEED A CHEAP effitietrytoroe
ZE~NITH PORTARLE TVetc tcoon0. $75 bedroom opt. for tiogi1e ttomn. Cal
Coil Steve, 769-3942.$ 77842 Debbie at 603-5993 tre,764-6552. Start-
FOR '48 FORD &. . - ito August 1. Preferably toil option
'57 CHEVY OWNERS FOREST OREe.EN sect~oa tol Aiy 6 O ooe00
Frie esimiates o ol tinttgeca
rpoliri bestdes uinusual pricet. UNDERWOOD PORTABLE typetwriter, 1 PERSONAL
The Wheel Works, 769-8402 $20. OOLF clulbs, 0000 tot., with bog,
cNtc ony reatonable offer. S-cn. ptrtable CHRAD COFFEE HOUR KING retiritig.
- TV. $30. 665-4202. 82840iGraid Cuffee Houir needs Grad Stu-
1968 VW: Blurb, reee! til white lote- .---__ dent Oterseer for next year. If liter-
iue; newly rebuilt etuiJne atte!tens- IMPEACH NIXON NOW!" bumtpnr ettedl Contact 663-5977, Gary, after 6.
mission rado, dul speakers, Slke, ttickers, $1.0u etch: METASTICKERS,
si unitcr-topcrrere includee!. Boo 1700. 0. Lotting, Mi. 4u823. 60B451 BILLIARDS, FOOSBALL, BOWLING
Nugliibie rust. $750 or bett. Eves. Open 'til 1 a ni. tonight
0-3955. 8ON40 WAERD iyiietY fottt Sundty open at 1 oI
sfauturer one! tote. AqtuaeesttInc., Michigani Uin
1961 COMET, Fore! rebuilt enggine with 23 StaeblteRe!., A.A., Mich. 769-4491. rF40
19,70mlits, 3 good iaeil ply tiires.
tes ofe rti 62400. 0N~lCOMIC BOOKS. science ficttion bose-
btil rards, papeebocks, CURIOUS USHER-MICHIGAN REP '73
1000 CHEVY IMPALA 4-otor. Goode USED BOOK SHOP, TOO! 340 S. See four ployt free,.edettiis on buile-
cute!, 605-5062 before notn. 76N44 State (upstairt) 761-01i2 (open 1-6 tin board e!ae i504 Fri eeldg. tr
p .) ctr tc ali 760-5350. 75F41
_ _.._.._......_ate! tingle fem itts ftr p1easurbit
CASHj Thesis & MS Typing frietedship. Cotoct Miuhigan Doily
BRINO TOUR TITLE Transcription Rot 17. 84F42g
WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! Printing & Xeroxing VfISIT ANN ARBR'$ only gent itb
easexperience before you spende your mnenyneed!-
years$15 lessly, Fine quality diantondstate!
TP Task 761 -4146 ion prics on allengagemnt ant
-SPORTS,.& IMPORTS- 37J69 'weddcing rings. Austin Diantond, 1269
i1972 HG t Roadster, wiret, rai, rut - - --- - - ___ __ S. Unitertity, 663-7151, rFtc -
pruofinig, peralies ......$3295 TYPING - Expeeienredi. Low rates. - __-- _ -_---"_I
197i VOLVO 164, tufto., air,. AM-PM, Flckutp 060 delivery. 449-2241. 26340 U-H RARBERS & STYLISTS
Michelins............. $4295 - -Open Saturdayt one! Mondlays
loll PEOUGEOT, 4-(1r., 4 tpeed, 8:t30 tnt. - 5:15 p.nt.
sharp..............$1995 movi(ng. MICHIGAN UNION
i967 SAAR, V-4, 2 dr.... 90...$95 ;Etperiecred mntvers of furnituire one! . r4O
1967 SAAB, V-4, wogon ....$1695 appianrrs. Low ratet. Jobt large or
tntail. 663-3802. cJtt WANT- TO MAKE A DEAL? For large
-TOYOTAS- wine odes see us. Village Apothe-
16-72olnuisttotrrttWE GUARANTEE personal atention in tory, 112 5. Unitertity Ave. cFtec
166 percent warranty o engines, handling thipmntstttou your personali
tranittionttate! iffs. ftr 1000 ntiles efctwr i~.CnatA FGRAD COFFEE NOUN; Wee!. night 8-
or 30 0ays.efet wolwd.CnatA
1972DEMt .Ret doiortales. Rsrstront, E. Gcne. 963-4633. 'cJtt 10 pmn. Lots of peapie. Special: Hot
1972DEM's -Rea dolar alus..Chocoiate. 4th floar Rackhant. New
Chacfo ooo t!Crnt BIKES AND SCOOTERS people welconte. c~tc
166% warranty on egitet, teansmis- 1930 SUZUKI 50.Ec hape.Call 369- itg July 10. Open ndtOd, eely fe
tiots & 1iffeientiols ft 1060 mits 2028 or 769-4673. 87Z43 Call Doreen at 769-6390. 61F43
or 0-dat.
1972 INT'L. TRAVEL-ALL WAGON, PEUGEOT, Huttecchia, Atala, Hercules,
V-ti, puwer stteering, power braket, Sekioe, Oruort, the! tore. Aul frante
likctrw, utnly 1160 nties Redurce!sices ittobk. Contplcte repair terc-
to ................ $33951ic. Bellwrther Bicytcoccessories one!
1971 -COUGAR, auto., puner steering, bucbpacks" ALLSPORT H I C YUCL E
power braes, Micheliii, tharp 92795 SHOP, 510 W. Grist St. Ypsilanti,
'i7g MUSTANG, V-8, auto., silly 2406 4u3-7194. _cZtc
mlesjust lieue tw . $2195,-
1930 SUZUKI i1'C-10. Must sell. 663-1
Toyota Ann Arbor 1010. 70040
901 N. Main Join The Doily Staff;,,
01o0statiun, is louking; forfull- ur sqigiisani tes ee a
iiart-timehsalesmtnhtu scll trot time see IN0me. TI7CynedCCaI i phCC XVI
oni ioiiissiuii. Euperiece desrsd
Youiwill wuora with proutionatiuiiupston adI 0l
promuioins staff to buidlbs1ac-n w gri"u t07gadlCi
counits. Contact utu Guoldberu t.763 n w iebbs \CylCh
3701 ur 761-7814. 411H440iebbseeyhr
31, at M.Cantp16s0.brunch Let, 1 Aid! happen ,So, piease, be carefiulI w
needis ftill-timcofficermnagercoyreouri.hefres.
dinaor, tohbegin Aug.1. Restmsac
icpted throsigh July 15 it 418 Michi-
ga nUnion. MH4O al
PULL- a0dPART-TIMEHRusekeeper 6 A L
lieeded. Apply in perso t UCiter- 76D lL
siy Towr, 536S. Ftrestat S.Uti-
versty. 92.25/hS. "cH4i

WORDS 1 day 2 doyu 3 dots 4 dys 5 dos 6 dys dd
0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3 20 3.90 4.50 .55
11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75
16-20 130 260 3.60 4.80 5.90 680 85
21 -25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05
26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8.10 9.40 1.20
31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 10.50 1.35
36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 1000 11 .60 1 ,50
41 -45 2.55. 5.10 6.95 9.00 10.95 12.70 1.65
46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80
1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 180
2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19.10 23.45 27.60 3.60
3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 4020 5.40
4 9.40 1 8.80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51 .60 7.20
5 11.20 2240 32.20 42.20 X52.10 61.80 900
N..:toch ogrop of htracters ciunt as oare wod
Huphenated words ore 5 chracters count os Inc words
this includes teleehone nontbes).
10 les equals 1 inh 5 wuds 8r liee
Special Rates Sun. -6 p.m. HYPNOSIS? Diert deericit? Log-
Michigan Union ( distne lonies? Clt Comutsnity
cF4l Switchboard fr a treing cm
pin who will shre diing. c-
RICHARD LEE pene ittd adetttietn the free-
ways. For relief fronoauttomobile
Photographer txi, clt ONE-til. 5F40
Wedding Cndids one! Prtraits ...........___---
Cal 455-1331 for appointmtents. DO YOU HAVE A PHOBIA? Reearchers
cFtc at Unierity Rospita re offerring
-- --- --- free treatment for phobi. Call Di-
LUG INTO COMMUNITY SWITCH- nab Arnold at 763-4038 foe rIfoms-
ROARD-Find out whats happening tion 42F42
in town and help other people make
the connection, Sone timte ne! WEDDING INVITATIONS~-Moe. or tca-
etergy fromntoucarn help bring us ditionl style. Cal 761-942 onytime.
all together. Call ONE-111 or stop by cFt
6063 EWilliom. - 5940 -TENNIS LSOS-foc - lo-
IETDINTERESTED IN GIVING TOURS OF- er Country Club pro. Priate court
CENTRAL CAMPUS; Poective U of Indvidul or group. 769-5940, cFtio
H students ond their fanilies are e- BUMPER STICKERS csctomt pinted
gee to be shown the camtput. If you .whle-U-wait! $2. ML Press, 1217
hots a space hour a week to voun- Po
teer your sertices, please call 001 aropedt, Ann Arbor, 761-0942, Fte
76t4e-a0 heA3nniAtoit.n HAND-MADE THINGS Store is nowa
764-034,, between 8 aatm.toe! 5 pnt Co-op. We would like to at tiomne
36F40! new boode In our eins. For pce In
at MARTY'S. the Art Fair or interetitcal 668-729
'Wal-of-Slot" or comtie in--343 Maynard (intalley.
Flored 'n Cuffed304
Knit or Knot
Jean 'n Jackets XEROX AND OFFSET
MARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING Fst, low cost dpicatng.
310 . State St. COPY QUICK
etc 117 S Uniresiy 769-50
if twith fire.
Ler:ethere are
rahsblFitlow all. tlic rules o afifety and
il', Ihappjy caution--ju1st like iany other pla5c where
htere 6thCy can'I therDe.arie child~reni'at ply
uih fire when.f "
ca -

S, :_ 1' J ,
. o $. - N'
t.slr, _ .t .. __ 4r.
'l /=
_... . { "'

~+A Special Offer
c ly 4 S
THE ART OF SCANDINAVIA. Sy P. Anker With 270 gracure
poo,20 full cuolo lcs, 8 moes acd scores of linc drawings.'5
4 aifis0cucmpcndium+ of oll thc arts of the days of thc Vi kingi
suqos--400 to 1200 A.D0 Definitive test and picturecs couer m
~ 'churchcs;huomc crafts, woud and stone caruings} icwclry, pit
trgt, moch morec. 864 paors. 61/2x9. tub, 68 537.50. 2 Vt,.
Complete Only $998.1
316 S. STATE
10%fr DISCOUNT an all ri w Iardcovers ,

5.1?is to'dS~ttp . ctix

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