I Saturday, July 14, 197 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three I. S.t..- y, uly.4, 173.TE-SUMER AILYPafeThre a. Ni ize Ni dw , f to Cc we President operative despite ilness WMASHINGTON P-President Richard said Nixon was running a temperature of had a chest pain on the right side, in- the suburban Maryland hospital, xon intends to carry on "the essential from it In to2 degrees and was attended teasified when he breathed. But he said Nixon is occupying a third floor pres rk of his office'' despite being hospital- by fwir doctors. He receis-ed an analgesic it was "not the kind of chest pain that tial suite. d with viral pneumonia, the White inetirn so he could get some sleep after ine associates with coronary artery dis- Early in the afternoon, Ms. Nixon use announced yesterday. a restless first night at the hospital, they ease r heart disease. It was pleural-type daughter Julie Eisenhower came for Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said said, pain." first visit to the President since he xon was "champing at the bit" to keep White Iloise physician Dr. Walter Tkach ZIEGLER SAID Nixon had met with hospitalized Thursday night. rking, while doctors sought to cut said that all of the doctors on the case his chief of staff, Gen. Alexander Haig, THE ILLNESS of the Presidentv wvnt his schedule to less than a quarter agree that aside from the viral pneu- yesterday and that the President would not cause him to delegate any powe normal. monia, the President had no other illness be reviewing and signing legislation and the presidency, Ziegler said. DOCTORS SAID THEY expected the ir complication. continuing to make policy decisions. His He pointed out that Nixon reite esident, who was admitted Thtrsday, HOWEVER, Tkach said a viral illness illness would not delay the announcement that he would "proceed with the esse remain at Bethesda Naval Medical "is somewhat devasting," explaining that iaf Phase 4 of the economic stabilization work of the office of the presidency. iter from seven to 10 days. Visitors it is debilitating and weakens the patient program, Ziegler said, although a date has So far, Vice President Spiro Agnes' re being kept to an absolute tinimum, necessitating the lengthy hospitalization. not been set yet. not been in communication withT At a hriefing yesterday morning, they Dr. Sol Katz said that the President Both Haig and Ziegler set up offices in since he entered the hospital, Ziegler rhei e iden- and their was Would rs of rated ential has Nixon said Senate action on oil pipeline viewed as ecological setback Secretary Kissinger? CBS television reported last night that President Nixon has talked privately about naming Henry Kissinger to replace Sec- retary of State William Rogers. Kissinger is reported as s-ying: "The President has not discussed that with me. - A fond farewell City hall bid a fond farewell to Jerold Lax and Edward Goldman yesterday aft- ernoon. Lax served as City Attorney for the past four years and Goldman filled the os tiof assis tint to the attorney While the recepition featuired nit goild wa-tches, Acting City Administrator George Owers tiraised the diii anid their wsork. Lax swilt asstte a proifessorship at the y toe Stite Lit Schtiiii in thne fill. Bye'-bye Dracula Lon Chaney, the noted Holywo>d moie mtinster is dead lit aige 67. In a titia career thait began in 1932 Chattey plaiyed such notables as ount IDracla, the Moumy, the Wolf Man atd Frankenstein. Nearly forgotten among the monsters was his nmemotrtible purtrayal tif the dint uitted Lennie in the 1939 production of Stein- beck's "Of Mice and Hen." Caffeine blues A team of medical researchers from Boston University announced yesterday that according to their recent study heavy coffee drinking can increase the likelihood of heart attacks. A person who drinks five cups of coffee a day say the researchers has a 60 per cent greater chance of a heart attack than a non-drinker. The cof- fee indastrv termed the study "isimplis- tic." Happenings . .. . . . today are topped by a pair of films this evening. John Huston's "Beat The Devil" will be shown at Aud. A, Angell Hall at 7:30 and 9:30. In the Arch. Aud. at 8:00 and 10:00 Hitchcock's "Foreign Cor- respondent" will be shown . . . looking ahead to Monday a benefit for Pun Pla- mondon and Craig Blazier will be held at Primo's Showbar. "U of M Women/73 a program on affirmative action will get underway at noon in the MLB. The pro gram will continue on Tuesday. A2's weather Today should be cloudy and cool with expected temperatures of around 80. This cool and cloudy weather should continue through the weekend. Occasional rain is likely. WASHINGTON (i' - In a resounding defeat for environmentalists, the Senate yesterday refused to delay construction of the Alaska oil pipeline and authorize a study of an alternative pipeline route through Canada. The 61 to 29 vote appeared to abruptly end all hopes of environmentalists to block construction of the Alaskan pipeline by Legislation. STILL PENDING, however, is a suit filed by the Wilderness Society and other f ' conservation organizations. This suit has 1temporarily halted all work on the pro- <. posed 789-mile pipeline designed to trans- port oil froi tPrudhoe Bay on AlasIa's North Slope to Vildez on the state's south- ern coast. Sen. Walter Meondule, ()\-Minn.), spon- r NMsored the amend'ment to delay action on the Al-ska painine for a year. 'Tsc deliv wo,1 peramit the National Academy of Sciences to study the al- ternative route slong the M-ckenzie River valley'tf('aetud',coimupure lbh' ensiumi m 'mttutfeconomunr 'ted natiolIsecurit -aspects of the two piiehine roues, and mermit tine tniiist>tiot te sbegin ego S tithis withb Csi l-' . tor eseid IE AGUJEDI) 'b-uhis :,oemsdmemst wuld se .c iht rsimm 'tif the seurthsmoe til cfielIs siinceCmmgress wtul be reuit-ed gto select u rrote within a yegir,w dcisioin APwhichhe sidom ald'e'th he sWlbject toasourt E U J, esEnvironentaistsr' npmse the pipeline for Sfeasr of massve boi Jks1. s hey charge the pipeine itself is liable tou rututre be- cause' it crosses oneo f the earth's must active earthquake zones. They also point to possible massive icean spills caused by tankers running Agrotnd or colliding while transporting yI e oil from Valdez to the West Coast. WEsRE NUMHER JUAN u Jan Peron, the ever-present quasi hero of Argentine poli- Blondale's amendment was attached to tics, has a gleam in his eye as he and his wife Isabella greet supporters in Buenos a bill sponsored by Jackson to grant a Airesdyesterday phe announcement later that Argentine President Hector Campora :onsortim of oil companies the right- swill step down to make mum eor Peron may account for the gleam of-way across federal lauds in Alaska. RESIGNATIONS CLEAR WAY Peron to take over Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (A', - The on's hand-picked candidate in the nation's By all accounts, Peron is to run on a Argentine government cleared the way first presidential election in 10 years. coalition ticket with his former rival, Ri- yesterday for Juan Peron to return to the THE 64-YEAR-OLD former dentist said cardo Balbin, who would be vice president. presidency 11 years after his downfall at in a nationally broadcast speech explain- Balbin served more than a year in jail the bands of the armed forces. ing his own resignation and those of Vice during Peron's old regime. President Hector Campora, a long-time President Vicente Lima and the Cabinet: PERON MADE no immediate pablic Peron protege, sabmitted his resignation 'I have always had very clear in my comment throughout the fast-paced de- to Congress, saying he was doing so will- conscience the conviction that my elec- velopments except to tell reporters he ingly and happily so the 77-year-old former lion swas fur no other reason than to re- felt fine. dictator could personally lead the nation to store to Gee. Peron the mandate that was Busloads of workers circled Peron's a new era of Peronisnm. taken front him unjtistly." villa Thursday night and chanted : "Per- PERON, LIVING in a Buenos Aires sub- This was a reference to the military on to power!" The aging leader raised his urb since his tumultuous return last month, coup that ended Peron's nine years of arms in a salute, grinning widely in the must first run in an election, expected in strong-man rule in 1955. cold drizzle. 40 days. There is little doubt that he CAMPORA ASKED the chiefs of the PERON WAS allowed into Argentina last will win. armed forces to remain in their places November for 28 days by military rulers In the meantime, Raul Lastiri will serve to assure the security of the nation. who found the job of running the econom- as the provisional president. He is the But the nation appeared calm, de- ically shaky country too much to handle. president of the Chamber of Depoties and spite protests from leftists in the Peronist Elections were organized for March, but the son-in-law of Peron's close adviser, movement that moderate union leaders Peron himself was disqualified. - Campora Jose Rega. were trying to steer Peronism to the ran under the slogan, "Campora to gov- Campora's resignation came on his 50th right. Peron's chief source of support in ernment, Peron to power" and scored a day in office. He took over from a mili- the old days was from the working landslide over Balbin, of the second larg- tary junta on May 25 after running as Per- classes. est party, the Radical Civic Union.