Friday, July 13, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Friday, July 13, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five SWELTERING in, Ann Arbor this summer? then, STYLE INI LA ,.t «7> L I of . by subscribing. to THE FOR QUICK INFORMATION: " to the nearest air-conditioned theater or bar. " about your favorite ice cream parlour. " how best to spend those summer evenings. AND INCIDENTALLY: * full coverage of all the exciting events on the U-M' campus, along with national and international news. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS-Phone 764=0558 1 J * Yes, I would like to subscribe to THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be billed later (pre-payment necessary for * subs, out-side of Ann Arbar, Mich.); TERM: Lii Illb * SUMMER SUBSCRIPTION PRICES; ! $3.aa Summer (Illb) Term * $3.50 by Mail (Mich. and Ohiol $ 4.aa by Mail (All other U.S.A. points) " ! * (Please Print) Last Name First Middle Initial " " I .D. N.__ ~Phone____________ " " ! " *Number Street Name Apt, Na. City aState zip t I Clip and send to 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 THE SUMMER DAILY is published 5 times a week during the summer, Tuesday-.Saturday U II