rug Summer Daily Summer EdiIion of TH E MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, July 13 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Expediency seems While House ethic ONLY SIXTEEN MONTHS AGO, John Mitchell was the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, a man who marked his tenure by a theme of "law and order." Yet his testimony before the Senate Watergate Com- mittee has displayed a stubborn loyalty to the service of power over the exercise of democracy and a troubling valuation of expediency over ethics. Throughout his appearance before the Ervin Com- mittee, Mitchell has denied any participation in the plan- ning of the Watergate break-in, but has admitted that he was involved in the cover-up effort. JN HIS TESTIMONY, Mitchell admitted a number of "irregularities" that would be considered improper for a common citizen much a person in his governmental position. To list a few: . He failed to inform the President of criminal acts by his trusted aides in connection with the Water- gate break-in; * He perjured himself in sworn testimony before a grand jury concernin his own cover-up role; and * While, at the same time orosecuting radicals for a conspiracy to kidnap Henry Kissinger, he, himself was listening to plans to kidnan radicals and place them in comromising situations. Yet he took no action. Mitchell has stated that in hindsight he regrets these and other actions. What, then is the ethic that allows a man who self-riehtoulv nroclaimed himself the cham- pion of law and order to hreak the law? In his testimonv. Mitchell has given a significant revelation of the homaoe and subservience that seems to have nervaded the advisors and confidantes of the President. J STILL BEITEVE that the most important thing to this cotntrv was the elaction of Richard Nixon," Mitchell told the cnnmmittae Wednesday. H-Tis pn-ition is that the Nixon ecold not be informed of White Nose cometicit' in the Watereate break-in be- cause he would, as Peeidnt. have been faced with the alternative of particinatin