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July 13, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-13

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 39-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 13, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

ixon, Ervin agree to
negotiate about papers
Both expected to remain adamant

Ready to negotiate
United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock (center) flanked by his vice-presidents speaks at a news conference
yesterday. Woodcock said "there is no need for a strike" with the Big Three auto makers. Talks begin on Monday.
a N
Organizers hopes igh
for '73blues fes tival
By JACK KROST 100 affiliated stations across the country.
Anticipating a profit-making blues and "We will reach millions," Andrews shouts
jazz festival this year, spokespersons for enthusiastically.
the Rainbow Multi-Media Corporation say
they are now exploring the possibility of THERE IS ALSO the likelihood that an-
large-scale media coverage of the event. other album will be cut similar to the
If all goes as planned. September's 1973 recently released recording of the 1972
Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival may be festival by Atlantic.
videotaped for television and broadcast live In contrast to last year's festival, which
over national radio stations. reportedly lost some $7,000, the 1973 event
is expected to make a profit.
THE RAINBOW CORP., reports spokes-
man Pete Andrews, intends to invest $100,- Andrews cites steeper expenses due to
000 into production of a videotape of the inflation as the reason for this year's in-
festival. The corporation hopes to be able creased ticket prices - $16 in the city and
to sell the tape to national television net- $20 everywhere else. Last year tickets
works, to be used, for example, by pro- went for $15 both locally and outside the
grams like the "In Concert," or "Late city.
Night Concert" TV series, or perhaps by
National Educational Television. PART OF THE expected profits are al-
Andrews stresses, however, that the sale ready slotted for various "people-oriented
of the tape to television networks is still organizations" that have worked with the
not finalized. He says he is "checking into Rainbow People's Party, such as the Peo-
all possibilities." ple's Ballroom, Project Community, and
In addition, National Public Radio, a the Community. Parks Program.
nationally based, non-profit public service Andrews warns local festival-goers that
, radio corporation, is reportedly planning tickets to the festival will be sold only in
Luther Allison to broadcast the festivalBve. Such a advance and in series form. No tickets

WASHINGTON T---President Nix-
on agreed yesterday to meet pri-
vately with Senate Watergate Com-
mittee chairman Sen. Sam Ervin
(D-N.C.) in an effort to avoid a
dlirect confrontation between the
executive and legislative branches
of government over Nixon's refusal
to provide the committee with White
House documents.
The meeting announcement came
after Ervin's committee in a letter
warned the President that his re-
fusal could initiate a "fundamental
constitutional confrontation between
the Congress and the Presidency."
WASHINGTON - President Nixon was
reported late last night by his doctors to
be ill with viral pneumonia and will enter
Bethesda Naval Hospital for treatment.
Dr. Walter Tkach said the President
has "no complications" and is expected
to stay in the hospital for at least a week
for rest and medication.
Nixon is said to be running a fever of
101-102 degrees but is in "excellent spirits
even though somewhat weak."
See related Watergate
story, Page 10
SEN. HOWARD BAKER (R-Tenn.), the
committee's ranking Republican, and
chief committee counsel Sam Dash both
expressed optimism on the possibility of
a compromise with the White House.
However, a White House statement yes-
terday on the meeting appeared to leave
few points open to negotiation.
The statement from presidential spokes-
man Gerald Warren described the planned
private session between Nixon and Ervin
as covering "procedural" matters.
WARRED~ SAID the President has no
intention of changing his position that re-
leasing the documents would destroy "the
confidentiality of presidential papers."
Nixon has also refused to appear in
person before the committee.
The committee in its letter to the
President took the position that it is en-
titled to every White House paper related
to the Watergate scandal and other. mat-
ters within its probe.
The panel had discussed subpoenaing
the papers, but decided instead to seek a
meeting with Nixon in a last effort to
obtain them voluntarily.
THE COMMITTEE'S letter, signed by
Ervin, said "time is of the essence" in
discussing Nixon's position. But no date
was set for the meeting that was agreed
to in a telephone conversation between
the President and Ervin.
- Ervin announced at the afternoon ses-
sion of the committee that he "expects to

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