Wednesdav JulyI 1 1.1973
Page Three
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Arbiter eniters jail labor dis Pute
By DEBBIE GOOD takeover as sheriff at the start of the case. last November's election.
Both sides in a labor dispute involving year, were legal under the contracts Local 214 President Joseph Valenti But Blaznek refused to indicate whether
Washtenaw County law enforcement offi- management statute. The statute allows claimed Postill's staff changes were mate to felt his support for Harvey affected
cials presented their cases to an inde- the sheriff a free hand in organizing the for "partisan reasons." Postill's decision not to rehire him in
pendent arbitrator yesterday in a closed department. "All these sheriffs think, they can walk January.
session. In a conference closed to reporters, rep- on water," Valenti declared in an inter-
The argument centers on Sheriff Fred resentatives of both sides presented state- view. W
Postill's firing of seven sheriff's depart ments and answered questions to Irwin VALENTI CHARGED that Postill shuf- comment on the case, Undersheriff James
ment detectives and sergeants, and de- Ellman of the American Arbitration Asso- fled the staff "before any of the men had Spickard said Postill's staff decisions were
motion of 13 others last January. Six of ciation (AAA). a chance to work for him." made after "careful analysis of available
the men involved requested arbitration WHILE NEITHER Postill nor spokes- One of the fired deputies, John Blaznek, data" and the changes were "not partisan
following the move, charging Postill vio- persons for the employes' union, Team- insisted that he had established "a very or capricious i any way.
lated their contracts.. sters' Local 214, would comment an the good record" with the department and Ellman said the AAA's decision on the
POSTILL MAINTAINS that the person- session with Ellman, both parties agreed added that he had supported former Sher- case will be announced after the standard
B net changes, made immediately after his that Ellman took a "fair approach" to the iff Douglas Harvey, Postill's opponent in 30-day arbitration period.
Vietnam patrol
A South Vietnamese militiaman is framed by a coil of "razor wire" as he patrols outside an outpost in the Saigon region.
Military patrols have continued since the cease-fire, and yesterday in Moscow, Soviet Communist party chief Leonid Brezh-
nev cautioned two North Vietnamese leaders that there must be "complete and strict fulfillment" of the Vietnam peace
agreement. Timplying that the Soviet Union's word was at stake, Brezhnev told the visitors that total adherence to the peace
accord "by all sides . . . is precisely what is meant by the signature of the Soviet Union" to the Paris agreement.
S - P ce blamd i
Govt. will
study gas
WASHINGTON ' - -The Cost of Living
Council yesterday annoinced a nationwide
audit of the petroleum industry to detect
possible price control violations and deter-
mine the extent of the gasoline shortage.
A spokesman said the investigation will
last about five or six weeks and will be
carried out by Internal Revenue Service
ONE SOURCE said the agents will even
measure the -mouint of gasoline in service
station fuel tanks to determine whether
reported shortages are is seriois as
James McLane, the coincil's deputs di-
rector and head of its price frese operi
tion, told newsmen the goals of the na-
tionwide check are:
-To identify major shifts in suply;
-To detect violations of the govern-
ment's price control prgras;
-To help establish an "early w arning
system" for possible creation of h I a c k
markets in the petroleum industry; and
--To provide information that will allow
for adjustments of price control regula-
tions in Phase 4 over a period of time.
A SPOKESMAN said the invesigation
initially was carried out in four test cities
and that "enough evidence" was found
to justify any investigation on a ntiot-
wide basis.
'he council source said results of the
audit would show whether there is a real
fuel shortage, whether there are price
violations and where fuel supplies are go-
He said this would indicate what srt
of priority is being given to farmers, in-
dependent service station operators and
the government.
OCTANE RATINGS also will be part
of the "comprehensive look at the situa-
tion, at the producer, wholesale and re-
tail levels," the official was quoted as
Meanwhile the Dallas Morning N e w s
has reported that the council is also con-
sidering a rollback in oil product prices to
mid-May levels. And it said the council is
considering denying oil companies their
customary markups following import oil
cost increases.
Milky Way
to illuminate
July heavens
The Milky Way will dominate the heav-
ens during July, according to University
astronomy Prof. Hazel (Doc) Losh.
The starry stripe is believed to be the
projection of our galaxy, Losh says. "It is
thought we are located roughly three-
fifths of the way between the center and
edge of our galaxy," she explains, "and
during summer nights we are looking to-
ward its farther border, and therefore a
greater-and brighter-number of stars
than during our winter."
Star enthusiasts will be able to observe
the constellations Cygnus (the swan) and
Aquila (the eagle) this month, Losh says,
mu au.\misAuiye
Mozambique bleeds
LONDON - Fresh reports of army-in-
stigated massacres in the Portuguese col-
ony of Mozambique reached the outside
world yesterday through the pages of the
London Times. According to reports from
Spanish missionaries in the area, Portu-
guese soldiers fighting guerrillas of the
Mozambique Liberation Front have wiped
out entire villages in a string of massacres
over the last two years.
Wheel steal
NEW YORK-Long known as a favorite
hang-out for nighttime muggers, New
York City's Central Park has apparently
become a zoo by day as well. Five per-
sons competing in a championship bike
race in the park on Sunday were attacked
and beaten during the race by a local
gang. While several gang members threat-
ened the contestants, others made off with
the bikes valued at some $450.
Happenings .. .
. . are light today, better stay home
with your air conditioner ... in the second
night of the Audio Visual Education Cen-
ter's film series, "Persuasion" will be
shown in MLB Aud. 3 at 7 p.m., admission
free . . the Commission for Women
meets in Homer Heath Lounge at the
Union at 11:30 a.m.
ATs weather
Everybody can relax today, the project-
ed highs are all the way down to the low
80's. Skies should be mostly sunny, with
clouds and showers on the way later in'
the week.
Baon Rouge
student dea ths
BATON ROUGE IA' - An official report with an unarmed group of students,
released yesterday on the Southern Uni- report said, noting police carried sm
versity shooting of two black students last chine guns, shotguns, rifles, and tea
November blames the entire confrontation guns.
between police and students on unjustified Police were sent to the campus whe
law enforcement tactics., main administration building was
In making the report public- Louisiana over by students after several wee
Atty. Gen. William Guste said the police protests centering on student dec
called onto the campus were overarmed for a greater voice in campus affair
and underdisciplined and that "much of panded programs in black studies
the confusion at the moment of the shoot- better living conditions.
ing was due to human error." "Southern University is a blacks
, the
ir gas
en the
eks of
s, ex-
HE ALSO SAID the student disruptions
were fed by a lack of communication be-
tween students and administrators.
Guste headed a commission of inquiry
into the deaths of the two black students
who were killed Nov. 16, 1972, by a blast
of buckshot as they fled police tear gas in
front of the administration building on the
Baton Rouge campus.
A preliminary report by the commission
said the fatal shotgun blast came from an
area where six deputy sheriffs were stand-
ing. Neither the earlier report or the report
issued yesterday identified the person who
fired the fatal blast.
"THE NUMBER and variety of weapons
brought on campus by law enforcement
units were far more than necessary to deal
iuder the control of a state Board of Edu-
cation which has no members who are
black," the report said. "This fact evi-
dently caused much of the frustration, con-
fusion and distrust which led to the un-
rest on the campus in October and No-
vember 1972."
GUSTE SAID he had turned over all the
testimony and information to an East Ba-
ton Rouge Parish grand jury.aAs tocthe
likelihood of inditnents, "t have no com-
ment on that," he said.
The 12-member commission which drew
up the report was appointed by Guste and
included Turner Catledge, former execu-
tive editor of the New York Times; two
Southern students, and a New Orleans at-
torney who served as a member of the
President's Commission on Campus Un-