THE Summer Daily Vol. LXXXIII, No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigon-Wednesdoy; July 11, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages The varying moods of John Mitchell during his testimony yesterday before the Senate Watergate committee. itche I: Kept id on hite House horrors' Lonn suffers thru lengt,,hy ordeal WASHINGTON (P) - Prior to his appearance yesterday, John Mitchell had been holed up in his New York apartment for months, awaiting the calls that never came from his old friends and one that finally did from the Senate. You could see the toll on his hawk face. The lines are deeper, the gray hair sparser and turning white at the temples. His cheeks are thinner, as is, for that matter, his girth. HE RAISED his hand yesterday to take the Watergate committee's oath, and that hand quivered. He cupped his fingers, and still they quivered. Mitchell's voice, at the start, was downright weak, even if it showed traces of the pre-scandal snap when the ques- tions got tougher. That combativeness, wholly familiar to the Senate from Mitchell's days as attorney general, first surfaced when chief counsel Sam Dash reminded him of Jeb Stuart Magruder's testimony that he had chewed out- G. Gordon Liddy over the quality of intelligence gleaned from the bug- ging of Democrats. "MR. DASH," said Mitchell, "It happens to be a pal- pable, damnable lie! Mitchell admitted that he had not disciplined Liddy even though Liddy had twice advanced patently unlawful sabotage ideas to him in Mitchell's own office. "In hind- sight, I not only should have thrown him out of the office I should have thrown him out of the window," Mitchell faid. "Since you did neither," replied Dash acidly, "why didn't you fire him?" "I SHOULD HAVE done that, too," sighed Mitchell. None of his testimony came as any surprise, though committee staffers were caught a bit off guard by the spark, limited as it was, in his performance. At an earlier appearance in closed session, Mitchell appeared complete- ly drained. Mitchell himself had put out the word that his testi- money would be interesting, and that much it seemed to be. Hundreds of spectators stood outside the room in vain, because those inside - wouldn't leave - save for several who collapsed from the heat and were carried out by police. WASHINGTON (A - Foriner Attorney General John Mitchell told the Senate Wat- ergate Committee yesterday that he knew about the Watergate affair and its cover-up but kept the information away from the President for fear the chief executive would take actions that would be damaging to his own re-election campaign. Mitchell continued to deny reports that he had approved the bugging of the Demo- cratic National Headquarters. He conceded playing a role in the cover-up to keep the lid on what he called "White House horrors." AS EXPECTED, Mitchell's testimony conflicted sharply with accounts given by previous witnesses including Jeb Magruder and John Dean. In several spots, the testimony came dangerously close to contradicting statements Mitchell had made on other occasions. Appearing under subpoena from the committee with no promise of immunity, Mitchell, accom- panied only by his attorney, made no opening statement to the body. His voluble spouse Martha was not present at the hearing. Like a number of witnesses before him, Mitchell stressed loyalty to the President and commitment to the re-election effort as the primary motivating factors explaining his role in the Watergate affair. UNDER QUESTIONING from Sen. Herman Tal- madge (D-Ga.), Mitchell said, "It wasn't a ques- tion" of telling the President the truth. Knowing Richard Nixon as I do, he would just lower the boom in all of this matter . . . and it would come back to hurt him in connection with his re- election." Pressed by Talmadge on his failure to tell the President about the crimes and perjury being committed around him Mitchell responded, "In my mind the re-election of the President, compared with what was available on the other side, was so much more important." See MITCHELL, Page 10 JOHN MITCHELL confers with his attorney, William Hundley, prior to testifying before tl Watergate committee yesterday.