Tuesday, July1,'!Q,1973
Page Eleven"
Tuesday, July 10, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Eiever'
McLain demoted
Major League Leaders
BATTING (150 at bats)-Blomberg, BATTING (150 at bat)-Mota, LA,
NY, ,379; Carew, Min, .343; W.Horton, .342; Unser, Phi, .338; Watson, Htn,
Det, .342; Bumbry, Bal, .319; Murcer, .336; Goodson, SF, .324; W.Robinson,
NY, .313. Phi, .323.
RUNS-R.Jackson, Oak, 57; Otis, KC, RUNS-Bonds, SF, 79; Watson, Htn,
56; Mayberry, KC, 55; D.May, Mil, 53; 65; W.Davis, LA, 61; Wynn, Mtn, 58;
Carew, Min, 52. Singleton, Mon, 57; Rose, Cin, 57.
RUNS BATTED IN-Mayberry, KC, RUNS BATTED IN-Beufeh, Cin, 64;
78; R.Jackson, Oak, 65; Mureer, NY, 58; Stargell, Pgh, 61; Bonds, SF, 60; Wat-
Darwin, Min, 56; Melton, Chi, 54. son, Htn, 59; Evans, AtI, 57; DaJohnson,
HITS-Mureer, NY, 107; D.May, Mil, Atl, 57.
104; Carew, Kin, 99; Otis, EC, 97; HITS-Watson, Mtn, 111; W.Davis,
R.Jackson, Oak, 93 A.Johnson, Tex, LA, 109; Rose, Cn, 108; Russell, LA,
93. 107; Bonds, SF, 106.
DOUBLES-D.Allen, Chi, 20; Braun, DOUBLES-Cardenal, Chi, 22; Staub,
Min,19; A.Rodrigues, Det, 18; Money, NY, 22; W.Davis, LA, 22; Simmons, StL,
Mi, 17; Melton, Chi, 17. 21; T.Perez, Cn, 20.
TRIPE-CaewMin,7;.Goggns, TRIPLES-Metzger, Btn, 11; Matt-
TEIPES-are. Mss,7; oggnshews, SF, S Sazsguillen, Pgh, 7; Mad-
Bal, 6 Bumbey,Sal, 6; Briggs,Ci M, 6; doxs,SF,F6;, SCn, IL, 5; Evans, AG,
Braun, Min, 5. 5; W.Davis, LA, 5.
HOME RUNS-Mayberry, KC, 20; Fisk, HOME RUNS - Stargell, Pgh, 24;
Bsn, 17; R.Jackson, Oak, 17; D.Allen, Bonds, SF, 24;' H.Aaron, Atl, 23; Evans,
Chi, 16; Bando, Oak, 16. Atl, 23; Monday, Chi, 21; DaJohnson,
STOLEN BASES-North, Oak, 25; AtS, 21.
Campanerls, Oak, 20; D.Nelson, Tex, STOLEN BASES-Morgan, Cin, 34; Ce-
20; Alomar, Cal, 19; Harper, Bsn, 16; deno, Htn, 29; Lopes, LA, 25; Brock,
Patek, KC, 56. StL, 24; Bonds, SF, 24.
PITCHING (7 Decisions) - Hunter, PITCHING (2 Deisions)-Brett, Phi,
Oak, 13-3, .813, 3.19; Singer, Cal, 14-4, 7-2, .778, 3.14; Bryant, SF, 13-5, .722,
.778, 2.44; Lee, Bsn, 10-3, .769, 2.48; 2.69; Wise, StL, 10-4, .714, 2.96; Osteen,
McDaniel, MY, 6-2, .750, 2.88; Colborn, LA, 10-4, .714, 3.14; Parker, NY, 5-2,
Mil, 11-4, .733, .293; K.Wright, KC, 5-2, .714, 3.83; Bilingham, Cin, 12-5, .706,
.714, 3.19; Pina, Oak, 5-2, .714, 2.45; 3.33; Seaver, NY, 9-4, .692, 2.09; P.
Hamilton, Oak, 5-2, .714, 2.93. Niekro, Atl, 9-4, .692, 2.89.
STRIKEOUTS - N.Ryan, Cal, 192; STRIKEOUTS - Sutton, LA, 118;
Singer, Cal, 146; Blyleven, Min, 136; Seaver, NY, 115; Carlton, Phi, 115;
Wood, Chi, 129; G.Perry,' Cle, 128. Gibson, StL, 111; Forsch, Htn, 105.
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Michigan Union ANN ARBOR'S MOST
DES MOINES, Iowa ()- The
comeback trail for Denny McLain
has taken a downward turn.
The Iowa Oaks of the Ameri-
can Association annOunced yes-
terday the optioning of the for-
mer Cy Young Award winner to
Shreveport of the Texas League.
Oaks' owner Ray Johnston,
who also owns Shreveport of the
Texas League, said McLain was'
making the move "at his own
McLain, 29, was signed by
Iowa as a free agent in April,
but has pitcched sparingly in the
last two weeks.
The major league's last 30-
game winner worked 31 innings
in. nine games with Iowa, post-
ing a 1-4 record. He surrendered
46 hits, struck out 13, walked 9
and had an earned run average
of 7.55-worst on the club.
"Fortunately we are able to
keep him (McLain) in the or-
ganization and honor his re-
quest,".said Johnston. ' "This
move doesn't preclude the pos-
sibility that Denny might return
to the Oaks."
Johnston explained that Mc-
Lain hadn't been getting the
pitching opportunities with the
Oaks, who lead the Association's
Eastern Division.
"It's no one's fault he didn't
pitch more," said Johnston.
"We can't blame manager Joe
Sparks. He has the club in first
Johnston 'said he still thinks
McLain's comeback chances are
"I'm still of the opinion that
given the right opportunity un-
der the right circumstances, he
can put it all together and pitch
in the big leagues again," noted
McLain may be able to work
into the starting r o t a t i o n at
Shreveport, J oh n s t o n added.
Shreveport is the Class AA af-
filiate of the Milwaukee Brewers
and Iowa is the Class AAA farm
club of the Chicago White Sox.
In Shreveport, it was announced
that McLain-the only 30--game
winner in major league baseball
since ."Dizzy" Dean did it in 1934
-takes the mound for the Shreve-
port Captains Friday night.
McLain won 31 games for the
Detroit Tigers in.1968, came back
with 24 wins the next season,
then was suspended for involve-
ment with gambling in 1970. He
has not been the same since.
Before this season began, he
was cut by the Atlanta Braves
and signed by Ray Johnston,
owner of the Iowa Oaks and the
Johnston said Monday that the
29-year-old right hander will start
Friday against the Midland Cubs
of Midland, Texas. The Captains'
36-43 for the season, are in third
place in the four-team Eastern
Division of the Texas League.
A Special Offer:
upper deck
Tennis Club (Part I):
Conflicts and shortages -
MICHIGAN'S summer Tennis Club: Is it a reasonable way to
. supervise and regulate the use of the varsity courts, or is it
an unjust system working to the detriment of students?
Each summer for the past four years, the eleven varsity
courts adjacent to the Intramural Building have become the home
of the Michigan Tennis Club. And each year complaints are
received about unfair restrictions on play due to the Club.
Tennis is now recognized as the fastest growing sport in the
land. Interest has zoomed in leaps and bounds, but the growth
in facilities has failed to keep pace with the increasing demand.
THE WEALTHIER TENNIS FREAKS can join tennis clubs
such as the Racquet Club of Ann Arbor or the Huron Valley
Tennis Club, but the infrequent, player, the student, or the less
than well-to-do must depend on city facilities or University courts.
Michigan's Tennis Club was instituted for two major rea-
sons - to protect the $150,000 investment by the Athletic De-
patment from -abuse, and to regulate play. The Club is designed
to provide members some of the advantages of private clubs
such -as reserved court time, tournaments, lessons, and at the
same time it attempts to avoid the major disadvantage of those
more luxurious clubs - restriction to only a few who can -af-
ford it. How successful these efforts have been is not generally
Any student can join for $15 while other 'senior' member-
ships are $35 and 'family' memberships are $50. Members can
reserve courts for 1 hours while non-member students can use
unreserved courts on a walk-on basis.
According to Athletic Director Don Canham, the need for
the club is to supervise the courts. He offered, "The purpose is
to try and supervise tennis courts that cost $150,000. If they are
not supervised, they will be ruined."
He added, "Either close them down or have some sort of
The Athletic Departmentt built the Varsity courts with
their own funds, and it also maintains them. As a result, the
department argues, it should control their use and avail-
Beyond the protection of the courts, the club effectively
regulates the use of nearly all the composition courts on campus.
type of regulation or of any regulation. The arguments gener-
ally come to: They are University courts, so students should
have free use. They pay enough in tuition and buy enough foot-
ball tickets to at least have that privilege.
The specific manner of regulation resulting from the club
has its advantages as well as disadvantages. It is not clear,
either, that any alternative would be more acceptable.
The obvious advantage is to the members who, for a fairly
low fee, can use the courts as often and whenever they like. Most
members contacted were quite happy with the set-up and viewed
the club as a fair use of the courts.
Complaints usually amount to the restriction of the courts
to non-members. Students who are not regular racket toters
and would like to play a couple of times a month are effectively
prevented from using the courts. Late afternoons, and evenings
are the peak play periods for members and these are also the
times when most non-member students can play. These infre-
quent players may be directed to the Palmer Field courts or city
courts, but the Palmer courts are often more crowded than the
varsity courts and the city courts are inconvenient for stu-
ANN ARBOR residents not associated with the University
are allowed to become members of the club, and there is the
valid argument that students should not be displaced to city courts
because city residents are members of the University club.
Ingfrequent players and poor students are penalized by the
club's fee since those that do not play often can not justify the
$15 expenditure and others simply can not afford the fee.
In the past, faculty members and city residents made up
the bulk of the club's membership and this fact added fuel to
the fire of contempt since it supported the theory that students
as a whole were being given second-hand treatment. But this
year's membership shows a sizeable majtrity of members to
be students, thus alleviating some of the inequalities.
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