Page Ten THE SUMMER DA I LY Tuesday, July 10, 1973 Dope law history (Continued from Page 3) "There was fear that things might get out of hand in the dorms after the law passed and people would start carrying guns giving you a Batman versus Super Fly situation in the cor- ridors," Harris remembers. BUT MEMBERS of both par- ties feel the law had little if any effect on dope use or sales in the city. When the law went into effect last summer, city judges began placing people on probation rath- er than fining them. Probation sentences of up to two years were not uncommon. To counter act such legal she- nanigans, last September coun- cil amended the law allowing the fine to be paid like a parking tic- ket and prohibiting the judges from giving probation. THE HONEYMOON for dope smokers was a short one, how- ever. Later that month District Court Judge Sandorf Elden ruled that council had overstepped its legislative powers by enacting a marijuana law establishing less severe penalties than those set by the state. The city has appealed the ruling but the law's status has clouded ever since. "If I were to be remembered for one thing as mayor I would- n't he embarassed if it wassthe marijuana law," Harris says looking back on the whole affair. "In fact I'd be quite proud." ACCORDING to Harris, al- though basicly symbolic in na- ture, the law has been important because it centered attention on the case in favor of marijuana legalization. "The case is sur- prisingly convincing," he adds. A year before the five dollar fine became a reality, council re- duced the penalties for use and sale of marijuana from a felony to a misdemeanor. At that time state laws still regarded dope use as a felony. Harris and former City Attor- ney Jerold Lax contend that the reduction was far more signifi- cant that the five dollar statute. "While each was important from a legal standpoint the reduction to a misdemeanor was far more important," Lax says. HRP PEOPLE reject such a notion arguing that the reduction to a misdemeanor still made use of marijuana a crime. Despite their differences both parties are dismayed at the law's repeal. "People should be able to control their own lives and the issue of drugs. The move to repeal is a step back from that goal," De Grieck says. HRP would like the issue of a five dollar marijuana fine to be put on next April's ballot as a referendum, "allowing the peo- ple to decide the law's fate," De- Grieck adds. HARRIS CALLS the repeal "ca- tering to a constituency which enjoys repression." Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY TO PASS THE time at last night's City Council meeting two spectators indulge in a casual toke, Start- ing today those tokes could become quite dangerous. With the repeal of the city's liberal dope law, local smokers will be subject to the harsh penalties stipulated under the state narcotics law. Join The Daily Staff M tche continues ~~~nto deny rsosblt (Continued from Page 1I) the Justice Department before joining the White House staff, said Mitchell played a central role in obtaining perjured testi- mony and payoffs in the cover- up. Magruder, who has been Mit- chell's second-in-command at the campaign, said he saw Mitchell approve the wiretapping March 30, 1972, after rejecting earlier, more expensive plans involving electronic s-trveillance, prostitu- tion and kidnapping. IN OTHER Watergate develop- ments: -The New York limes report- ed yesterday that two years ago Justice Department officials over- ruled staff recommendations for an investigation of pricing prac- tices of a firm owned by Presi- dent Nixon's friend Robert Ab- planalp. It was confirmed by the White House in May that Abplanalp, a multimillionaire, had loaned Nixon $625,000 in 1969 to help buy the President's estate in San Clemente, Calif. THE TTMES account noted that it is not unusual for officials of the Antitrust Division to over- rule a request from a field office for an investigation. -The Times also reported yes- terday that efforts to sabotage and spy on Democrats in 1972 comprised two operations approv- ed by top aides to President Nixon and financed with more than $100,000 in unreported cam- paign gifts. The Times said one operation, headed by California lawyer Don- ald Segretti, was conceived early in 1971 by presidential aides Dwight Chapin and Gordon Strachan and approved by White House chief of staff II. R. Iladle- man. THE OTHER operation was said to have been devised in November 1971 and managed by Nixon's deputy re-election cam- paign director, Jeb Stuart Ma- gr'der, The Times said. It al- legedly received some direction from special presidential counsel Charles Colson, the newspaper added. The operations were described by the newspaper as "a widely scattered and sometimes disor- ganized network of amateurs who engaged in political pranks as well as more serious, and even violent, activities" in at least seven major primary states. -A Gallup poll taken June 22- 25 reveals that 71 per cent of the 1,451 Americans it questioned believe President Nixon was in- volved in the Watergate bugging or cover-up but only 18 per cent feel he should be compelled to leave office. REP. HENRY REUSS (D-Wis) claimed in a letter to the In- ternal Revenue Service that the Committee to Re-elect the Presi- dent may owe more than $5 mil- lion in unpaid income tax. Amin frees Peace Corps volunteers (Continued from Page 3) Bujumbura, Burundi, where Air the Watergate scandal. U.S. aid Zaire planes were waiting to programs, including the Peace take the group on to Bukavu in Corps, are being phased out of eastern Zaire. his eastern African country. THE AMERICANS spent Satur- During his stormy reign Amin day night under armed guard in has committed a number of the airport transit lounge, sing- other acts that have brought ing eating and sleeping on sharp criticism from around the benches. Their luggage was world. Last year he ordered all searched. of the nation's Asian citizens out of the country and on another On Sunday, the volunteers were occasion praised Adolph Hitler moved to the Lake Victoria hotel, for his treatment of Jews. where they slept in beds for the Thesvolunteers' 51 hours of de- first time since leaving Philadel- tention began Saturday noon phia last Thursday. after their chartered East Afri- "ANOTHER DAY or two here can Airways VC10 from London would be fine with us," said Ken had refueled and taken off for Beck, 25, of Walla Walla, Wash. DANCE MASTERS It is our pleasure to invite you to attend this special summer dance concert by the Viola Farber Dance Company, . presented in collaboration with the University's Dance Residency Program. The wel-known dancer/choreographer, Viola Farber, leads her seven-member dance group in a performance in the Power Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday evening, August 16, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are attractively priced at $2, 3, and $4, available now at: G"fjtIVEI~T'7Y ~fUSICAL8OCIFIY Burton Tower, Ann Arbor Weekdays 9-4:30, Sat. 9-12 Phone 665-3717