Page Twa THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 1973 tev. tonight 6:00 2 4 11 13 News 9 This Is Your Life 20 Temple Baptist Church SO Star Trek 6:30 2 11 CBS News-Roger Mudd 4 13 NBC News--Garrick Utley 7 24 Reasoner Report 9 Fishin' Hole 20 Ozzie and Harriet 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 George Pierrot 7 News 9 Untamed World 11 55 ore Haw 13 Lawrence Welk 20 Movie "The Spide.r" (1958) 24 Call of the West 7:30 2 Young Dr. Kildare 4 Johnny Mann's Stand up and Cheer 7 Town Meeting 9 Fiipside 24 Johnny Mann's Stand Up and Cheer 56 Auction Continues 0:00 2 11 AU in the Family 4 13 Emergency 7,24 Herre We Go Again 9 Front Page Chalienge 30 Movie Eisenstein's epic "Alexander Nevsky" 0 That Good Ole Nashville Music 0:30 2 11 Bridget Loves Heroic 7 24 A Touch of Grace 9 Movie ',"The Mountain." (1956) 20 Movie "Night Tide" (1961) 50 Nitty Gritty 9:00 2 11 MaryTyler Moore 4 13 Movie "Elmer Gantry" (1960) 7 24 The Strauss Family 50 Black Omnibus 9:30 2 11 obu Newhart 10:00 2 11 Carol Burnett 7 24 Assignment: Vienna 20 Seven Hundred Club 50 Lou Gordon 56 Auction Continues 10:30 9 Diocuiment 30 Eisenstein-Profile 11:00 2 7 11 News 9 CBC News-George Finstad 24 ABC News-Sam Donaldson 11:15 7 ABC News-Sam Donaldson 9 heritage Highway 24 Flipside 11.20 9 News 1:30 2 Movie-Drama "TheResurrection of Zachary Wheeler." (1971) 7 Movie "The Haunting." (English 1963) .9Movie "The War Lord" (1965) 11 Movie "Four for Texas" (1962) 50 Movie "The Haunted Strangler." (English; 1958) 11:45 4 13 News 24 Rollin' 12:15 4 Johnny Carson 13 Movie-Drama JAY SHARBUTT: Television in review NEW YORK - The hills maybe ALL THESE SHOWS are pr,; alive with the sound of music, duced with the main idea of msk- but these days it's primarily due ing money for their creators; per- to the reverberations of pop formers appear on them at rela- music shows that have sprouted tively low fees because the TV all over television on weekends. exposure helps boost their record Last night, for example, there sales. was ABC's "In Concert," fo. But since September, 1971, at lowed at one a.m. Saturday by least two record labels owned NBC's "Midnight Special." This by the Columbia Broadcasting in turn is followed tonight and System have produced TV music tomorrow night in many cities shows with a different business by "Flipside," a new syndicated! approach; they only want to boost half-hour show. record sales. Because of all the pop n11isi shows now on TV, he said, "we might have to evaluate the neces- sity of our doing the ; things in light of the fact there are a lot of other opportunities now for an artist to be on teleision.' TURNING NOW fiv loftier thoughts, at least for tle little ones, 'What's Skylab All About?" is coming up S'urday at 12 30 p.m. EDT on CBS-TV. It's ano- ther of the network's fine news- for-children series. On Monday, all three networks will be out in force for the sched- uled 1:30 p.m. launch of Skylab, America's first space lab. They'll be back Tuesday to televise the 1 p.m. launch of the three astro- nauts who for four weeks wi'l live in the space station. "THE BEST FILMED CHEKHOV I'VE EVER SEEN." -Cnby, NY Times - IN COLOR Starring Bonderchuk, f Director of Puce" 4 "BREATH-TAKING IN ITS BEAUTY." -Archer Winston, NY Post Sat., Sun. & Wed. at 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 P.M. Mon. &-Tues. at 7 & 9 P.M. Only 1214 s. university Theatre Phone 668-6416 NEXT: "The Nelson Affair" ALL THREE shows began this year, "Flipside" being the most recent entry. And one more is in the works. It'll be a series of three 90- , minute rock concerts produced by Tom Owens, a 31-year-old pop music producer whose firm is known as Ego Productions of Los Angeles. OWENS, WHO says none of the shows have been given a title yet, said the first will be taned in late June and feature four major acts. He said his sales representa tives will try to interest any of the three networks in buying the shows, but if that fails, they'll sell them to individual stations on a syndicated basis. "Three into Two Won't Go." (English; 199) - 1:30 2 Movie "Killers from Space." (1954) 7 Movie "Blow Awful About Alin." (1970) 11 News 1:45 4 News 2:00 13 News 3:00 2 7 News The Summer Daily, summer edition of The -Michigan Daily, edited and managed by students at the 4Univerty at Michigan. News phone: 764-0502. Sec- ond Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day ybrough Sunday morning tniver- sity year. Suibscription rates: $10 by arrier (campus area); $11 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail (other staes and foreign). Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other states and foreign). THE LABELS are Columbia and Epic. Al Teller, Columbia's national director of merchandis- ing, says the two labels jointly have produced a total of five half-hour shows seen on TV sta- tions around the country. All feature Columbia or Epic artists. They show up in two - rock shows, one country and ses- tern program, one easy-listening show and one classical music of- fering. ALL OF THEM are offered free to local station in return for the TV exposure, or they're spon- sored by major te.ord stores in the areas in which they appear, or the two labels huy the TV time. Whatever the me-'od, Teller said, it definitely produces sign- ificant sales inc-eases for ,be records of those in the slwis. And that's the whole idea behind it. "IT'S INTERESTING," he iu- sed. 'We startedi:loin; t h e s e4 things because of the absence of what we conside-ed exposure for artists on televisiin " IF IT WAS MURDER- WHERE'S THE BODY? IF IT'S ONLY A GAME- WHY THE BLOOD ? ;1 PRESENTS Marion Brando and Lee Marvin in THE -WILD ONE The screen's most volatile personalities lead two motorcycle gangs into battle. This is the best of the motorcycle pictures. Directed by Laslow Benedick. TONIGHT-May 12 8 & 10P.M. ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM $1 NOW SHOWING "2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY" at 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee 2:00 P.M. SPECIAL LATE SHOW Fri. & Sat. at midnight "HAROLD & MAUDE" 61970 1 X ADULTS ONLY tWEEK "71N DELUXE COLOR DAILY AT 1 P.M. 3:30 - 6:10 and 8:45 603 at 1 berty MICH IGCalNil Thoefe Phne 66 629 ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE PRESENTS PLUS X-RATED CO-FEATURE "ROMP AROUND" Featuring: Ralph Herbert Connie Avsharian Judy Manos Robert Armstrong Karen Lungren Jess Wright LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATER MAY 16-19, 23-26 Box Office Opens 10 A.M. Daily