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June 27, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-27

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXIII, No: 35-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 27, 1973

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

'The truth will out eventually'

ed about
Dean says
WASHINGTON T)-John Dean yesterday challenged President Nixon's
last pronouncement denying involvement in the Watergate cover-up,
claiming he personally informed the President of the campaign scandal
and its subsequent suppression.
Pressed on whether Nixon ordered
the break-in itself, however, Dean ment as "less than accurate."
said he was not sure whether the He said he had no knowledge that the
President knew of the wiretapping President knew about the Watergate break-
attempt before it happened. in in advance.
DEAN ALSO testified the White House ASKED ABOUT Nixon's statement that
maintained an "enemies list" of political t took no part in, nor was I aware of,
foes. any subsequent efforts that may have been
"The truth will out eventually," the made to cover up Watergate," Dean re-
evicted presidential lawyer said when he plied:
was' asked how the Senate' Watergate "I believe the President was aware of
committee can reconcile Dean's accusa- an effort to cover up the Watergate .
tions with the denials of Nixon who prob- As far as I know, the first time I had first-
ably will not consent to Senate question- hand knowledge that he was aware of this
"I strongly believe that the truth always See DEAN, Page 12
emerges," Dean said. "I don't know if it
will be at these hearings . . . I don't know
whether as the result of the special prose-
utror whether. by the process of history
but the truth will out eventually."
DEAN ENDED his second day as a wit-A-
nesafter, testifying for fiv anda half
tet e ilbeqetindfutemtdy UNNNim al
hours-with an offer to take a lie detector f5 f f
in hearings televised live by the three
commercial networks. By GORDON ATCHESON
He spoke of "substantial efforts" to dis- The sky turned an eerie green, thunder
credit the testimony he is giving the com- pealed, lightning darted across the dark-
mittee, including rumors that he is a ened clouds, and the wind began to blow.
homosexual and that he was living "with Sounds like a scene from the Wizard
a beautiful foreign woman," while his wife of Oz, but this time the tornado was real
was away. and it touched down in Ann Arbor.
Dean said the administration used the
Internal Revenue Service and other agen- ALTHOUGH NO houses were blown
ties to seek embarrassing information away, the wind played havoc across the
about people on the "enemies list" city, knocking out power in many areas,
IN HIS OWN case, he said, investiga- dismembering trees, and smashing count-
tions were thorough. less windows.
"Every conceivable inch of my life has The twister, accompanied by hail and
been gone over." heavy rain, blazed a -trail through the
"I have one ally only and that's the heayrnaze cita out he
truth as I know it," Dean said. "I can southeastern part of the city about 3 p.m.
speak it and realize implications when I yesterday.
speak about the President" Th. .rit' i i i

AP Photo

John Dean studies a memo

o hits cityarea;
damage reported
Damage was limited primarily to downed "We were sitting here blind as bats un-
power lines and trees. til 7. We didn't have lights, radios, or tele-
"The sky suddenly became a dark, phones," one officer commented. "A pret-
mysterious green," Cheryl Pulley of Brae- ty awkward situation, I guess."
burn Circle said. "I don't know if it was
a tornado but it was extremely impressive EVEN ON CAMPUS the effects of the
and a little scareyx"m tornado were obvious. Branches lay
strewn across the pampered University
The Pulley's house suffered only slight lawns. For the first time this summer,
damage as several. windows were ripped the Diag was deserted, as its drenched oc-
out of their frames. The Pulleys lost elec- cupants scurried for the nearest shelter.
trical power for about four hours.

took Dean point by point through Nixon's
most recent denial of knowledge about the
Watergate coverup.
Dean characterized the May 22 state-

i e citys municipa airport receivedad-s
visory weather bulletins reporting wind
gusting up to 95 m.p.h.
THE CITY POLICE said there were no
injuries directly related to the storm.

ANOTHER Braeburn Circle resident was
not quite so lucky. The wind, which the
police steadfastily refused to call any-
thing other than "an alleged tornado," rip-
ped panels of aluminum siding from the
house and whipped through the interior
knocking articles off shelves.
The County Sheriff's Department a a os
suffered grievously at the hands of mother
nature's rambunctious child. The office
was without power for nearly four hours.

Just before the twister struck, Mrs.
Thomas Sherman was watching television.
"They issued a warning for several other
counties and I figured I was safe. Then
the house suddenly shuddered."
By the time she finished closing all the
windows and calling in the children, the
storm had passed.
"I SAT DOWN in front of the TV again
and they gave a tornado warning for
Washtenaw County."
Better late than never.

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