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June 26, 1973 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-06-26

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Tuesday, .tune 26, 1973


Page FIeven

Tusdy Jn-2,193TH SM ERDIL ag--ee

Major League Leaders Philly
BATTING (125 at bats)-Blomberg, BATTING (125 at bats)-Mota, LA,
NY, .410; W. Horton, Det, .344; P. .359; Unser, Phi, .340; Watson, Hin,
Kelly, Chi, .324; Carew Min, .324; Kirk- .330; Goodson, SF, .327; Maddox, SF,
patrick, KC, .319. .325. d ra w s
RUNS-Mayberry, KC, 53; R. Jackson, RUNS-Bonds, SF, 71; Watson, Htn,
Oak, 51; Otis, KC, 45; Carew Min, 44; 50; Wynn, Htn, 49; W. Davis, LA, 49;
North, Oak, 41. Morgan, Cin, 47; Rose, Cin, 47.
RUNS BATTED IN-Mayberry, KC, 69;MraC,4; ae m 7
R. Jackson, Oak, 60; -' NY, 41: RUNS BATTED IN-Bench, Cin, 55$
Meltn, Chi, 46; Darwin, Mitt, 44 o Stargell, Pgh, 50; Ferguson, LA, 49
ITS-C. Jarkson, Oak, ; 81M rcer, Bonds, SF, 49; DaJohnson, At], 47.
NY, 80; Mayberry, KC, 80; Otis, KC, 80; Hits-Bonds, SF, 94; Fuentes, SF, 92; MONTREAL ( ) -
B. Bell, Cie, 78; D. May, Mil. 78. Watson, Htn, 88; W. Davis, LA, 86; ton, virtually tinbea
HOME RUNS-Mayberry, KC, 18; D. Russell, LA, 84. 1972 National Leagu
Allen, Chi, 16; Fisk, Bsn, 15; Iendrick, HOME RUNS-Stargell, Pgh, 22; H. going back to the
C se, 15; Spikes, Cie, 14; Bando, Oak, 14; Aaron, Ati, 19; Bands, SF, 19; Monday,
R. Jackson, Oak, 14. Chi, 16; Evans, All, 16. he probably won't1
STOLEN BASES-North, Oak, 21; Alo- STOLEN BASES-Morgan, Cin, 31; Ce- sees.
mar, Cal, 17; Campaneris, Oak, 16; D. deno, tn, 20; Bonds, SF, 23; Lopes, Carlton, whose 2
Nelson, Tea, 16; Barper, Bsn, 14. LA, 72; Broth, SIL, 18; Garr, It.
PITCHING (6 Decisions)-Colburn, PITCHING (6 Decisions)-McAnaly, record earned him
Mil, 10-2, .833, 2.01; Lee, Bsn, 8-2, .800, Mon, 5-1, 8.333, 2.86; Parker, NY, 5-1, Young Award in 19
2.01; Singer, Cal, 11-3, .786, 2.52; Split- .833, 3.42; Brett, Phi, 7-2, .779, 3.14; Wise, gling along this ye
torff, KC, 10-3, .769, 2.92; Hunter, Oak, St.L, 9-3, .750, 2.70; Osteen, LA, 9-3,
10-3, .769, 3.12; McDaniel, NY, 6-2, .750, .750, 2.96; Twitchell, Phi, 6-2, .750, 1.92; plete 11 starts. Las
2.58; Pina, Oak, 5-2, .714, 2.51; Blue, John, LA, 7-3, .700, 2.90; Reuschel, Chi, mark and has fai
Oak, 6-3, .067, 3.73. 9-4. .692, 1.92. complete games in
STRIKEOUTS-N. Ryan, Cal, 155; STRIKEOUTS-Seaver, NY, 105; Carl-
Singer, Cal, 121; Blyleven, Min, 112; ton, Phi, 100; Sutton, LA, 100; Gibson, 41 starts.
G. Perry, Cle, 107; Wood, Chi, 107. St. L, 92; Forsch, Htn, 86. Manager Danny C
Philadelphia Phillit
spent hours compar
lii BrbrsCarlton thisses
Datsun Service Meet the U-M Barbers ar.
Basically, he's doi
Modified Sports Cars Chet Dave Harold the same," Ozard
1 rbeen trying to fin
1 150 Rosewood and ha but it's very difficul
JayIn his latest out
663-2441 'MIcHIGA N U NION pitched five-plus in
Friday night, giving
and four runs in



Sports of The Daily


- Steve Carl-
atable in the
ue season, is
movies. But
like what he
7-10 won-lost
the NL's Cy
972, is strug-
ar with a 7-8
t year, h a d
led to com-
111 of his
Ozark and his
es ace have
ring films of
n and last
ng everything
said. "We've
d something,
It to pinpoint.
ting, Carlton
nings here on
up nine hits
a 4-2 loss

Everyone Welcome!
8-10 p.m.
West Conference
Room, 4th Floor

to the Montreal Expos. me also
walked five batters, boosting his
walk total to 56. In the entire
1972 season he only walked 87
The four Expo runs, all earned,
sent his earned run average soar-
ing to 4.333. In his six full major
league seasons, his highest ERA
was 3.72, when he was 10-19 with
the St. Louis Cardinals in 1970.
The next year he was 20-9, with
a 3.56 ERA. Last year he won
the league's ERA title with a
1.98 smark.
"His control wasn't very good,"
assesed Ozark.
Cal McLish, the Expos' pitching
coach, agreed with the appraisal.
"He's not the same pitcher he
was. In fact, he wasn't even
throwing as well as he - did up
here earlier this season when we
beat him 3-1."

Fashion Sunglasses

Mayer nets two
PRINCETON, N.J. - Sandy Mayer captured the singles
crown and was victorious in the doubles, powering Stanford Uni-
versity to the team title in the 89th annual National Collegiate
Athletic Association tennis championship finals Saturday. The 21-
year-old Mayer, who is the U.S. amateur champion, downed Raul
Ramirez, Mexican Davis Cup star attending the University of
Southern California, 6-3, 6-1, 6-4, in an hour and 20 minutes.
Baseball notes
Steve Kline, last year's Yankee ace, has been placed on the
21-day disabled list by the New York Yankees yesterday because
of trouble with his right elbow, To replace Kline the Bombers
have called up right hander Dave Pagan from West Haven .. .
The Baseball Players Association has exacted a change in the
controversial warning track at the new Kansas City ballpark.
Seems the track did not warn the outfielders of the promimity
of the wall because it was not constructed of different material,
only painted a different color.
Crenshaw aces tourney
STILLWATER, OKLA. - Texas' Ben Crenshaw became
the first collegiate golfer ever to win three straight golf titles
Saturday, despite shooting a six-over-par 76. Florida withstood
a strong Oklahoma wind and the tricky course to defeat host
Oklahoma State by ten strokes and grabbed its second straight
NCAA golf championship. At times the wind reached gusts of 40
miles per hour and the final day's scores read more like a
duffer's convention than a NCAA championship meet.
Christine Jorgenson of the courts
LONDON -- Bobby Rigs, whose mouth may just be a bit
bigger than his bite, had a novel suggestion yesterday. He ap-
plied to play in the Wimbledon in the women's singles. "After
beating Margaret Court I reckon I'm the world's No. one
women's player, said the 55-year-old former Wimbledon men's
champ. "I'm prepared to shave my legs and put on a skirt
if necesary." Oh. how cute.
Smalley smiles
LOS ANGELES - Roy Smalley, USC shortstop, rapped four
hits and drove in five runs to lead the United States College All-
Stars to an 11 inning, 11-6 victory over the Japanese College All-
Stars Sunday at Dodger Stadium, The victory was the second
straight for the U.S. team and the second straight 11th inning
five run outburst for the United States. The United States leads
the seven game series 2-0.
Seals stay put
CHICAGO - The National Hockey League yesterday turned
down Charles O. Finley's request to move his California Golden
Seals from Oakland to Indianapolis. Seems Finley has as many
friends in the NHL as he does in the American League.
Big Golden-fried Tenderloin
Sane olde price 4
You all head for Scotty's. And Save.
Get this olde time zany art on a poster
now through Sunday with a Tenderloin
What you like...in sandwiches.

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-Just up from Arborland)

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light-and-bright days ahead
. . .time to select attractive
sunshades with tempered,
impact resistant lenses...
and a smart value view-
point. Choose from among
flattering shapes and styles
with plastic or metal frames
in goldtone, silvertone,
tortoiseshell and
fashion colors. '.

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Please park in the adjoining Maynard Street Auto Ramp.
Jacobson's will gladly validate your parking ticket.

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