.fPage Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesday, June 26, .1973, Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesday, June 26, 1973 Dean (Cotinued from Pag- 1} not realize or appreciate at any time the implications of his in- volvement.'" Others had pointed to Dean as a key member of the conspiracy to hide official involvement. as the conveyor of executive clem-. ency offers, and as a raiser of funds to keep the Watergate de- fendants silent. Dean's version, essentially, was that he did not know about the June 17 Watergate burglary in advance-that he was in the center of cover-up activi- ties but did nothing without con- currence of H. R. Haldeman, the President's chief of staff and John Ehrlichman, his principal aide for domestic affairs. DEAN HAD immunity from prosecution for any self-incrim- inating statements he made-but not for evidence developed in- dependently. cites Nixon's cover-up role His story was one of trying to get the White House to admit the truth and that he told the Presi- dent: "I thought it' was time for sur- gery on the cancer itself and that all those involved must stand up and account for themselves and that the President himself get out in front on this matter." BUT, HE SAID, Nixon did not understand. Eventually, he said, Haldeman and Ehrlichman real- ized "I was not playing ball . . . could present a serious problem to them," and he saw they were interested most in protecting themselves. He said the two presidential aides evolved a plan to have John Mitchell take the blame and by mid-April "the theory that had been discussed . . . was be- coming the policy: 'if Mitchell takes the rap the public will have a high level person and be Sheriff institutes new jail services C(onsi i cI froan tge, and four inmate rehabilitation workers, two of whom are ex- inmates themselves. 'he pro- gram is uniqce, according to Postill, in that "the inmate ser- vice workers and Wasson have a relationship with every inmate. They are available for daily counselling to whoever wants to talk to them." "The whole program is geared toward release into the com- muaity," according to Reno, and human services are utilized to give the inmates more opportun- ity to feel a part of the com- Munity. AT 'TilE PRESENT time Alco- holics Anonymous and Ozone House are doing alcohol and drug counselling at the jail upon re- quest. Other community talents may be utilized in programs that are planned for the future in- cluding educational opportunities. Presently the jail holds classes for lon' security inmates covering topics from reading skills to the legal system. Expansion of class- room facilities and curriculum is planned with the help of more teachers frot all areas of in- terest. Another educational opportun- ity that has opened up for in- mates is the Study Release Pro- gram. At this time three Wash- tenaw County inmates partici- pate by attending. classes at the University, Eastern Michigan University, and Washtenaw Com- munity College during the day. and returning to the jail facility in the evening. THE MEDICAL care program begun at the jail is "one of the best in the county," according to Reno. Before it was started "people died in here due to lack" of medical care,' she says. Over fifty per cent of the jails in this county lack any kind of medical care at all. The Wash- tenaw jail at the present time has a doctor in the jail for one hour every day and on call at all times. Postill also has plans for employing a dentist soon. According to Postill, his goal is to obtain a new jail building that will eliminate some of the prob- lems that the present "cramped hole" facility on Ann St. causes. A NEW JAIL is still in the planning stage, but in the mean- time Postill and his administra- tion are devoting their energy to making the present one liveable for the inmates. satisfied and the matter will end." It took Dean nearly six hours to read his statement and question- ing by the senators was put off until today, the thirteenth day of the hearings. AT SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nixon was being kept in- formed of Dean's testimony, but would have no comment this week. Dean said Nixon told him on Feb. 27 that his chief aides, Haldeman and Ehrlichman, "were principals in the matter." The former White House lawyer said vigorous efforts were under- taken to hide White House ties to the break-in and named the chief participants as: Haldeman, Ehrlichman, former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell; former Asst. Atty. Gen. Robert Mardian; campaign deputy director Jeb Stuart Magruder; and , former White House aide Charles Col- HE SAID he also briefed then Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst and Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry Peter- sen about Gordon Liddy's role in the niretapping, almost three moths before Liddy was in- dicted. Liddy eventually was one of the seven men convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wire- tapping in the June 17, 1972, entry at the Watergate office building. Lean read a 245-page statement weighing more than three pounds -a recitation arranged in ad- HAIRSTYLING As You Like It! NEW TRENDS FOR 1973 TRIMS-SHAGS AND RAZOR CUTS -2 SHOPS---- - 611 E. UNIVERSITY 615 E. LIBERTY Dascola Barbers RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich- to 24 week pregnancies terminated, by li- censed obstetrician ovnecolo- tist. Quick services wil be or- rnged Low rates CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE ily ion be 1973 ,ion 101 173 dines will lay issue.) WOMEN and EDUCATION * School of Education Course No. G 598 (Div. 214 Sec. 001 2 creditsl . * No prerequisites-open to undergrads and grads in any school. TIME: Monday and Wednesday 7-9 p.m. PLACE: School of Education Room 2320 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: 11 To encourage women and men to become positive catalysts for educational reform. 2) To aid teachers in the implementation of true learning and growing atmosphere. "WOMEN and EDUCATION" will utilize resource people from the University community to promote awareness FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Mary Feldstein 761-3957; Linda Hallman 761-8680; Barb Stellmon 761-8610. or visit the SEI Office, 1234 School of Education COMING-Saturday and Sunday JANE FONDA Donald Sutherland in "JANE FONDA here emerges as probably the finest screen actress of her generation. -Life duplex duplex duplex- - with the POLYMORPH FILMS (Boston) program of FILMS ABOUT WOMEN Higher conse' usness films by and about women from the Boston Women's M6vement . Both programs start at 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. $1.25 single admis- sion; $2 double feature at 7:00 ONLY--MLB 3 & 4 FRIENDS OF NEWSREEL vance and free of interruption by committee questioning. Dean insisted he did not know specifically about the Watergate break-in before it happened, but that he sat in on meetings with Mitchell, Magruder and Liddy when bizarre forms of political espionage were discussed. DEAN SAID Haldeman and Ehrlichman directed the exten- sive cover-up activities, including efforts to sidetrack a congres- sional investigation, destroy evi- dence, tailor the testimony of principals and blame the Central Intelligence Agency for all that had happened. At a meeting March 13, Dean said, Nixon told him that Colson had discussed an offer of execu- tive clemency for E. Howard Hunt, aiother of the Watergate defendants, Dean said he told Nixon about money demands being made by the Watergate defendants and that there was no money to pay. "HE ASKED me how much it would cost," Dean said. "I told him that I ciuld only make an estimate, that it might be as high as a million dollars or more. "He told me that that was no problem and he also looked over at Haldeman and repeated the same statement." Dean said he felt all along that Nixon did not seem to under- stand the implications of the cover-up going on and "I did not know if he realized that he him- self could be getting involved in an obstruction of justice situation by having promised clemency to Hunt." ON MARCH 21, Dean said he talked with Nixon. "What I had hoped to do in this conversation was to have the President tell me that we had to end the matter-now," Dean said. "I began by telling the Presi- dent that there was a cancer growing on the presidency and that if the cancer was not re- moved that the President himself would be killed by it. I also told him that it was important that this cancer be removed imme- diately because it was growing more deadly every day." wishes to announce: The last day of publicati for the Spring Term will WEDNESDAY, 27 JUNE1 We will resume publicat for the Summer Term TUESDAY, 10 JULY 19 (Display and Classified advertising dea be: Noon, Monday, 9 July for the Tuesd I