THE Summer Daily Si ioscr Idiion of Till; MICHIGAN DAlIY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, June 26, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Putingreligion i its properplc THE FIRST Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for the separation of church and state. The Supreme Court apparently ended some major, violations of this provision-in its 8-1 ruling yesterday to strike down New York and Pennsylvania plans in which parents of paro- chial-school children receive state financial assistance. Specifically affected were the New York and Penn- sylvania - programs allowing tax deductions or tuition reimbursement to parents who choose to send their children to parochial schools. The Supreme Court ruling is bound to have nation wide repercussions, and we thus have high praise for their action, which should go a long way to re-establishing religion as a personal right, rather than a national duty. AS COULD BE expected, Roman Catholic reaction was immediate and unanimous in its condemnation of the ruling. Opinions were various: that the ruling jeopardizes the right of parents to choose an education for their children, that the ruling is "separate and unequal" and "harms the young, (and) the poor," and that the con- tributions which parochial schools, make to -the nation merit state aid for parochial parents. We totally disagree with such religious righteousness. As is the case with all extras and luxuries which people want in life for their children, it is the responsibility of the parent, and not the state, to provide for parochial educa- tion, which surely qualifies as an extra. Parents who wish to see their children receive religious training must either be willing to accept any additional financial burden which such optional training may carry, or should provide the training in the home, if necessary. THE STATE DOES have, we note, the responsibility to see that all children have the opportunity to receive an equal education in public schools. Its responsibilities should not extend, however, to assisting those who wish sectarian education for their children. Issue of. freedom and justice vital fo both U.S. and Russia By JAMES WECHSLER ANY DISPARAGEMENT of the pageantry surrounding the Nix- on-Brezhnev rendezvous will no doubt be dismissed in high places as querulous partisanship. More- over, the airing of some doubts and reservations is inhibited by an awareness that ancient anti-Krem- lin crusaders are accusing the Pre- sident of betraying their holy war. So one is obliged to begin by say- ing that it is far better to see Nix- on and Brezhnev holding hands than shaking fists. The long-range symbolism of their fraternalism may one day matter more to man- kind than any banalities tttered now. That both Nixon and Brezh- nev regard the spectacle of peace- making as the most effective do- mestic politics of the time signifies some advances in the quest for a rational universe. Nor do I share the obsession of Sen. Jackson and his Pentagon cro- nies that the pressures of Water- gate are inducing Mr. Nixon to sacrifice critical strategic advan- tages to produce a good show. Brezhnev also has a large invest- ment in detente; as Vladimir Dedi- jer, the Yugoslav heretic, wrote the other day, "his ideology is busi- ness: making big deals in.his se- cret talks in the United States." To the extent that the summit rituals represent new acknowledge- ment by the chiefs of the super- powers that the fantasies of atomic blackmail-or conquest-are ob- solete, all the hammy posturing before the TV cameras becomes se- condary. WHAT, THEN, remains trouble- some about these scenes of com- radeship between the man who rose to power under the banner of uncompromising "anti - commun- 'm" and the leader of the Siviet Union? Who but Richard Nixon csild have arranged an occasion on which William Randolph Hearst, Jr., ioined in a state dinner hailing the biggest Bolshevik of all? Who bit Leiinid Brezhnev could have decreed that the Soviet press trans- form "inperialist, war-mongering America" into one nation under Nixon dedicated to peaceful inter- coirse with the Soviets? These are indeed events that confound the prophets of Armaged- don--Marxist and Republican alike. Admittedly they may create mo- ientary jealousy and apprehension among Mr. Nixon's newly-acquired admirers in Peking; Dr. Kissinger has already undertaken to assure them that Mr. Nixon has not swift- ly forgotten those Chinese nights. While this double-affair may in- volve complexities, the President cannot be charged with furtive di- plomatic philandering. His effort to maintain a steady relationship with the rival Communist establishments will get high marks in history if it succeeds. The cause for uneasiness stems not from these intricate problems of maneuver-nor even from the chance that high expectations may be unfulfilled. It involves those re- bels who live under tyranny and whose fate is brushed aside in the euphoria of "normalization." THERE ARE conflicting indica- tions about whether Brezhnev is genuinely prepared to relax the oppression of Soviet Jews seeking emigration to Israel. At least there is some sign that he recognizes the intensity of sentiment in the U. S. Senate on that issue. But Jews are not the only vic- tims of despotism. A committee of prominent American progressives and dissenters has drafted a list of political prisoners currently held inside the USSR, including the Ukraine and Lithuania, and in Czechoslovakia;Lit points out that 'they speak for thousands of others whose names do not appear on this statement but who are in prisons, labor camps and psy- chiatric hospitals for having dared to say 'no'." The statement pleads for amnesty in their behalf. Whatever concessions Brezhnev may offer on the Jewish emigration issue, there is small likelihood that Mr. Nixon will be disposed to raise the broader question during the Washington festivities. And the tragic fact seems to be that pro- DAN BIDL E .F .... DAVE BURHE N. CHRISTOPHER i'ARKS MtARILYTN RILEY JUD YRUSIN DEBRA THAL REBECCA WARNER GORDON ATCHESON LAURA BERMAN KATHY RICKS SUE SOMMER. ... DAvE MARGOLICK TERRYM CATHY SHERiY CASTLi Sui1o1er Staff ROLFE TESSEM Editor sARTY STERN Ediorial Page Editor SpartsEdior BILL LCFRD Business Manager Nigii Eiti- NigIiT Editor Night Editor Right Edi tr Night Editor Night Editor Night Ei'or Ass't. Nightt Editor Ass't. Night Edilor Ass't. Night Editor Ass't. Night Editor Staff Photographer Staff Photographer . Dipily=Manager gress toward detente produces no reflex of mellowness in the Soviet hierarchy toward internal critics; at times it appears only to intensify the repression. Even if Mr. Nixon felt impelled to speak out for those sildiiced, the rebuttal is too easily predictable. For there are too many U.S. spheres of influence where he might be challenged to explain our lack of passion for freedom. What have we done to press for the release of political prisoners in Greece, Spain or Saigon? And, once the subject turns to what Brezhnev chooses to call "internal affairs," how would Mr. Nixon respond to a Soviet suggestion for a U.S. amnesty for opponents of the Vietnam war? TO PUT IT grimly, freedom and justice are not on the agenda of summitry. Realists may insist that is the way things have to be if there is to be any movement to- ward agreement on arms control and other manifestations of sanity. But there is no reason why the U.S. cannot set a unilateral ex- ample in those areas where it can help to open the prison doors for political dissenters - beginning here. This would have been a memorable week for such an ex- ercise. James Wechsler is editorial director for the New York Post. Copyright 1973, New York Post Corporation. Memories of July said, "What do you think of that? Never saw a better 4th of July fireworks display. Sure made the kids happy." "How could it have happened over here?" we pondered. We decided that American ser- vice people stationed in that lo- cality had planned and financed the show, however, it could be the citizens of Tubingen wanted to prove their loyalty to their Sister City-Ann Arbor, and took this means of doing it. WE DECIDED that before we left town the next day we would find oit. We asked a young col- lege boy who seas responsible for the beautiful 4th of July fireworks display. "That was no 4th of July fire- works display," he smiled. "Yes- terday was the last day for our summer music festival, and the fireworks-well,. they were just the finale." Naturally our American egoes were a little deflated, but we agreed that although it was an unusual experience it was a beauti- ful one. We would never forget that 4th of July in Tubingen-Ann Arbor's Sister City. CHUCK BLOOM .... Managing Sports Editor MARC FELDMA...N........Associate Sports Editor PATTI wILKINSO.N . Classified Manager PAULA SCH WACH. . ... Circulation Manager L'TANYA HAITH.. . Circulation Assistant ELLIOTT LEGOw .. Assistant li-i tM E vAA winT c-i-Si covA Vet Lit''is 0OiL64TE -54(5. , a t s es aao aas:Aami. Stars over Tubingen: .1of. last year's Fourth By EARLINE GLADSTONE T WAS LATE in the evening, I July 4th, 1972, when we drove our campmobile into Tubingen, Germany. A conspicuous sign near the city limits written in both German and English informed us that we were entering "Tubingen- Sister City of Ann Arbor, Michi- gan." This information made us feel welcome. We were from Cali- fornia, but when you are a visitor on another continent the name of any American city brings warm feelings of home. We found our way to "Camping Platz Tubingen." Neat streets of blue, red, yellow and green tents gave the place the appearance of a Dutch tulip garden. German chil- dren and small blond Hollanders were everywhere in evidence. We parked our vehicle beside that of a United States service man. He and his family proved to be the only other Americans in the camp. After exchanging in- formal greetings we all agreed that Earline Gladstone is a guest writer for The Daily. it certainly was a different 4th of July from any we had ever known. In fact it just didn't seem like the 4th of July without fireworks. The man's three small children listened to our conversation. Their little faces were sober and unhappy. He smiled at them and said, "Don't you remember I told you there would be no fireworks to- night? You will just have to forget about sky-rockets and fire crackers this 4th of July. Next year we will be home and we will really celebrate." .THE DARKNESS of a summer night settled over the camp. Sud- denly there were distant strains of music followed by a loud rumble then a hissing sound. Showers of sparkles illuminated the heavens. For almost an hour the sky over Tubingen was a backdrop for a fireworks extravaganza. Gigantic flower and waterfall designs mush- roomed into the blackness and sprayed iridescent drops of light in all directions. High overhead "gold fish" swam through an inky sea and then disappeared leaving rainbow-shadows in the sky. When it ended the service man