Tuesday, June 26, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three House OKs Senate bill to ban Cambodia, Laos bombing WASHINGTON 4'- The House all but completed yesterday a cutoff by Congress of all funds for the U.S. bombing in Cam- bodia. It shouted approval of the Senate-passed cutoff after dramatically rejecting on a tie vote of 204 to 204 a proposal to delay the cutoff until Sept. 1. PRESIDENT NIXON will have ten days after he receives the bill containing the cutoff to either halt the bombing or veto the measure. It first must go back to the Senate for final approval and then go through a form- al printing procedIre that takes one or two days before it goes to the President. At the California White House, spokes- man Gerald Warren noted the administra- lion had strongly opposed the legislation but said he would "withhold comment on what the President tay do." SENATE MAJORITY leader Mike Mans- field (1-Mont.) said he doubted Nixon would veto the $3.4 billion second supple- mental money bill to which the cutoff was attached -- but iowed that if the bill is vetoed the mone will not be reapproved st the Senate. The Iiouse apprveelthe Senate's amend- ttment prohibiting use of any money the liPentagon has for "combat activities in, over or from off the shores of Cam- bodia or in or oier Laos." Sen. Thomas Eagleton (D-Mt.) author of Photo the bombing cutoff originally approved by the Senate 63 to 19, said President Nixon would "throw this nation into a consti- tutional impasse if he continued the bomb- ing." "THlE HOUSE HAS reflected the will ittthe American peotle inlaguage that cannot be ignored, 'Eagleton said. But supporters of the bombing policy, in- ciding house Repibtican leader Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) aitpealed for at least 60 amtieda ys tolt IIthe PrsidettrIcyl toice Itofitalccieite 'itamoiaitwiith the bombing. Ford said "highly classified" negotia- tions now under way are aimed at seating a stable government in Cambodia and said S' this would bring a cease-fire. a class "IT IS WORTH the gamble," Ford said. ning the ''We should give the President 60 more eir busi- days to conclude a final settlement in Indochina." as never But the amendment by Iouse Appropria- tess per- tions Chairman George Mahon, (3-Tenn.) straining to delay the boimbing cutoff until Sept. 1 nt from was rejected by the 204 to 204 tie. e. The final vote cut oft all funds in the ay is an supleimental money bill for the fiscal year tnted by ending June 30, and all prior funds ever he GOP approved by Congress, for the bombing. tle ordi- BOMBING OPPONENTS in both the through House and Senate served notice they will try to attach the same or even stiffer Indo- esenting china war bans to all new funding bills for " to the the military. he move They said this will start- today when ed." the House takes up a stop-gap continuing earlier resolition to authorize the Department necessi- of ]defense and other federal agencies to rding to continue spending until their regular ap- propriation bills pass Congress. U.S. planes strike Route 4 south of Phnom Penh 4 - - Supreme Court rules in a historic ruling yesterday the Su- preme Court said tax deductions for par- ents of private school children violate the IF irst Amendment provision on separation of church ind state. Also struck down were programs providing tuition reim- bsirsetient to parents and state payment for state-ordered tasks like attendance keeping. Catholic leaders throughout the country have condemned the ruling and said they will seek new ways of aiding parochial school children. In another im- portant ruling, the Supreme Court rejected Nixon's appeal to make people living in communes ineligible for food stamps. The court said the law requiring that all mem- bers of a household must be related in order to receive food stamps was invalid. Cold War ends? President Nixon and Soviet leader Leo- nid Brezhnev yesterday issued a communi- que declaring that prospects are favorable for a new arms limitation agreement be- tween the United States and Russia. Brezh- nev, fresh from his talks with Nixon, starts meetings today with President Pom- pidou of France. The Russian is expected to assure Pompidou that U.S.-Soviet co- operation does not mean U.S.-Soviet dom- ination. Happenings . . .. this evening at 8:00 Jim Peters will present a retrospective of his multi-media Hopwood-winning manuscript, Noise for Western Dawn, in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall . .. as part of Gay Pride week a documentary on the life and works of Gertrude Stein, "When This You See, Re- member Me," will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in the third floor conference room of the Union. A coffee open house will follow thel film . A2's weather Cloudy with rain today. Scattered thun- dershowers will be in the area as a storm system moves across Michigan. It will be warmer with highs from 87 to 92 and lows in the range o 63 tp 68. wearing on citj stalled until Noi By GORDON ATCHESON The trial date for a lawsuit filed against Ann Arbor's controversial non-returnable bottle ordinance has been rescheduled for November causing a five-month delay in the case, City Attorney Edw t Pear re- vealed during last night's City Council meeting. Responding to questions raised by Coun- cilmember Jerry DeGrieck (HRP - First Ward), Pear confirmed that the hearing had been shifted from this Wednesday to November 7. THE CITY ATTORNEY'S office prev- iously indicated the court decision could set constitutional precedents influencing other attempts to enact similar legisla- tion. The ordinance requires retail merch,-,nts within the city limits to collect deposts on all beer and soft drink containers theya sell and redeem such containers presented to them. Several merchants have filed action suit against the city clai law will irreparably damage the nesses. THE ORDINANCE, however, h gone into effect because the basin sons obtained a temporary res order preventing its enforcemet Circuit Court Judge Edward Deak tDeGrieck claimed the trial delt attempt to kill the measure mou Republican council members. "T is not willing to scuttle the bot nance openly so they have done it the courts," he charged. Both the city and attorneys repr the merchants "mutually agreed' delay, Pear said. He indicated t will allow "the issues to be clarifie THE CITY originally sought ate trial date, but the court's schedule tated the November hearing, acco Pear. WASHTENAW COUNTY JAIL New sheriff brings reform By KATHLEEN RICKE Within ninety days, twenty-five selected inmates of the Washtenaw County Jail may be moving into a new residential penal center. The center, financed by a federal grant, will serve as an alternative to the present jail system by allowing inmates to work at regular jobs and attend classes during the day, returning to the center at night. TTHE RESIDENTIAL center is one of the reforms that has been planned by newly-elected Sheriff Fred Postill and his administration since Postill took office in January. Some of the other changes already in effect at the jail include: a complete re- hauling of the meal planning by a trained dietician, construction of a library inside the jail, provision of a television for every cellblock, installation of time clocks which must be punched by the corrections officers every half hour to assure that they have been on the cellblock, medical care available daily for inmates, as well as psychological counselling, and nightly classes for inmates in academic and oc- cutpsutional subjects. "Many of the problems that we en- counter are inherent in the present penal system," says Molly Reno, a reresenta- tive of the Inmate Services Pruogram, "bitt we are working on a co-mmunity- based alternative to prison." "PRISON GIVES A guy nothing-sends him back to the same lack of having that pat him there in the first place," she claims. the new jail administration includes Postill, jail administrator Paul Wasson See SHERIFF, Page 10