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June 23, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-23

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Saturday, June 23, 1973


Puge Three

Obscenity ruling gets mixed
reaction here and elsewhere

Chilean protest
sANTIA,) Chile-More than 150,000
students cut classes yesterday to protest
pobiics of the Marxist-led government
and to demonstrate support for 12,000
copper miners on strike for nearly two
rmonths o'er swages. The protest followed
trikes bombings and riots Thursday by
both friends and foes of President Salvador
Allende's leftist administration.
Peronist infighting
1UEN's AIRES, Argentina The divi-
a si ISinh Peronist movement deepened
sterday with radicals and moderates
accasing each other of setting off the
gimfipht ing that upset the homecoming of
their clader, luan Peron. At least 20
persons swere killed and 300 injured Wed
nrsdav wten rival factions battled throogh
a terrified crowd of two million people
gathered to welcome Pero.
New joints?
A 19-year-old girl who received artificial
hip and knee joints in four separate opera-
tions is nose able to walk for the first time
in 14 years. Although she had to use
crutches, Roanne Chaney left University
Hospital on her feet.
Poor Martha
WASHINGTON-Martha Mitchell, once
the darling of the Nixon administration,
now travels a lonely, bitter road. In the
days when romance blossomed, she said
what she thought. And in the days of
Watergate, she has been no different.
"Give 'em hell, Martha," Nixon once
said. But now she has said the President
should resign-that her husband, John, is
protecting hint.
Martha was last seen Thursday fleeing
New York.
Happenings ...
. . . are pretty limited. Make your own
or try ...- The BatteaofAlgiers at Anel
HlIIAnd. A at 7:30 und 9:30p.. .-.-
Mickey One is at the Arch. Aud. at 8 and
10 p.m. . . . Residential College Summer
Theatre is putting on The Banana from
Outer Space at the Residential College
Aud. at 8 p.m. . . . and Paul Siebel is at
the Ark at 8:30 p.m.
A2's weather
Sunny with scattered clouds throughout
the day. A northernly flow of cool air
should keep the temperatures low with
highs today between 72 and 77 and lows
tonight of55 to 60. .

with Wire Service Reports
Some Atmuericans love stut. Others atr
offended by it. Btt Thursday's Stureme
Coart ruinsg pornography proved _ne
thing: whether they love it or hate it,
everyone's interested in obscenity.
SThe high court decisisin, which granted
naore discretion to local courts and police
in determining sthst is unlawfully b-
scene, produced a wide variety of re-
AT ONE END of the spectrum was
Detroit's city prosecutor, Brooks Paier-
son, who called the ruling "a breath of
fresh air, " and said he would issue strn-
gent guidelines to the Mottr City's pr-
isographv peddlers.
Then there as ark Robson, director
of "Peyton 1lace," "Valley of the Dolls,"
and nitmer)iis othIer fleshy productions.
While Robson isn't known for his rtle as
a civil libertarian, the ruling evoked same
flowing legal- rse from the vetcraa di-
No 'i-tter' i i lt cvtecl it, it's censor-
sshop," Roso siud it is Atigees tes-
"'l"S A )ENIAL of iv l liberties,"h
continued. "I hold no rief for hard-core
porno, but feel the individsal should .)e
given a f-reedom of choice that is very
S broad. Censorship of books and films could
tead to censorship of social and psliticat
thu ght."
State Attorney General F1rank Kelley re-
gia / siptncded with ectial vehemtencc, speaking
is sharp tones usually saved for election
"This really sets us btck into ithe Drk
- .>,. Ages. Now prosecuting attorneys in every
county and state will be gindstanding,
d every ju y ieverylittle ciitity
iwill have a crack at each new -book, play,
a and movie."
'1vs THE PO1ICE in Orlando, Fla., didn't
waste any time fulfilling Kelley's pro-
Daily Photo by D riik 6 (, phecy. Only hours after the ruling, they
PASSERSBY EYE one of the city's adult bookstores, where business continued as arrested the projectionist and ticket-taker
usual yesterday. The Supreme Court's mandate for a national crackdown on at a showing of the anatomical classic,
pornography has had little local effect, and local porno merchants say they antici - "Ieep Throat."
pate no trouble with the court's ruling. See SUPREME, Page 10
Colson charges Hunt was told
o leave . after break-in

WASHINGTON 4') - Two days after the
Watergate break-in, White House counsel
John Dean said conspirator Howard Hunt
had been ordered out of the country, for-
mer presidential aide Charles Colson'
claimed yesterday.
Colson said in an interview that when he
objected strongly to Dean's news on the
grounds the White House might be aiding
a fugitive, Dean made a telephone call
and claimed he got the order rescinded.

Despite his violent objection to the Hunt
order, Colson said, he did not ask Dean or
anyone else who issued it or why. Colson
continued to insist that he had no evi-
dence of White House involvement in the
Watergate break-in or the subsequent at-
tempted cover-up this year.
Meanwhile a Costa Rican federal court
refused yesterday to grant a U. S. request
that financier Robert Vesco be extradited
to the United States.

HUNT WAS later convicted in the Wat- THE DECISION can be appealed to
ergate trial. ' Costa Rica's Supreme Court.

Nixon and Brezhnev pledge to avoid
conflicts that might cause nuclear war

Vesco was indicted in New York, charg-
ed with trying to influence the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) with a
secret $200, contribution to President
Nixon's re-election campaign.
Vesco, former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell,
former Commerce Secretary Maurice
Stans and New Jersey Republican figure'
Harry Sears were charged in New York
with conspiracy and obstruction of jus-
tice. Mitchell and Stans also were accused
of perjury. All pleaded innocent.
THE SEC has charged Vesco and 49
others in a civil action with milking a
mutuatl fod's shareholders of $224 mil-
The Veseo contribittin to the Nixosn
campaign wiis returned.
U. S. Amba.stidor Virnon Vaky lure-
sented the extradition request earlier this
month, asking the high court to throw out
its request for moreproof of the validity
of chnre asgainst Vesco.
FEDERAL JUDGE Atilio Vizenso reject-
ed the extradition petition after Vaky
failed to furnish the further proof.
Vesco's investments in Costa Rica are
estimated at $25 million. His interests
have been closely linked with the finan-
cial dealings of President Jose Figueres
of Costa Rica.
The Senate committee, meanwhile, was
preparing to resume its hearings Monday
See DEAN'S, Page 10

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Nix-
on and Soviet Leonid Brezhnev, already
planning a 1974 summit, yesterday signed
a new agreement pledging their nations
to avoid military confrontations that
could lead to nuclear war.
The agreement, toasted with champagne
by the smiling world leaders at a lavish
ceremony in the White House East Room,
came after the two signed an accord
Thursday to speed limitations on nuclear
weapons. The latest agreement apparently
is more significant for the friendly atmos-
phere it proclaims than for any concrete

restrictions it might impose on future
NIXON and Brezhnev signed the agree-
ment before leaving on a five-hour flight
to the West Coast to continue their talks at
Nixon's bluff-top villa in San Clemente,
The ceremony began about 15 minutes
late because Brezhnev, the general secre-
tary of the Soviet Communist party, ex-
tended trade discussions with 51 American'
business leaders at Blair House, the guest
house across the street from 'the White
House where Brezhnev stayed while in

The agreement to avoid nuclear war
was described by both sides as a supple-
ment to the pact signed Thursday com-
mitting the two nations to negotiate by
the end of next year a permanent treaty
to limit and ultimately reduce stocks of
offensive nuclear arms.
THE STRATEGIC Arms Limitations
Agreement may be ready for signature
when Nixon visits Moscow next year. The
President accepted Brezhnev's invitation
for another summit meeting late Thurs-
See NIXON, Page 10

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