Page Two THE SUMMER DAILY 1214 S. Univ. RC Players' Banana: quick, brilliant satire A68-6416 By DIANE LEVICK I'll never look. at a banana the same way ... without think- ing of the Residential College Summer Theatre's adequate pro- duction of the fabulous satire The Banana from Outer Space. Written by a '72 R.C. grad- uate, Peter Anderson (who also acts in it), Banana satirizes everything from transcendental meditation to TV commercials. The dialogue is often brilliant, the pace fast. ACT ONE of this musical opens with a truckdriver named Joe (Mike Madaj) and his curler- headed wife Rose (Peggy Jac- obs) watching a late-night sci- ence fiction thriller on TV. The play focuses back and forth on the middle-Amerikan couple and the TV movie, until at the end the actions of both are chaotically interwoven as Ander- son satirizes the concept-of real- ity itself. Starring in the TV movie is Bennie Banana, the cutest piece of fruit on two feet you ever saw (?) Played beautifully by Debby Krant, Benny never speaks a line - after all, he's from another planet - but en- dears himself with a note asking for "a little love" until his mas- ter comes. Out to "get" Benny, however, is the Rev. William Joseph Crack- er (Michael Parsons), a faith- healer turned President. Sport- ing an all-white (of course!) cow- boy outfit complete with guns and holster, Parsons has the stereotype down pat. WITH LINES like "Jesus never cheats - he just bends the rules Liza curtails new affair with Sellers LONDON /1m)- The Liza Min- elli - Peter Sellers romance has come unglued only four weeks af- ter Sellers pronounced it total love, the two revealed yesterday. Sellers said at his home, "We are finished, but it was not my wish." He was dressed in black and appeared pale. Four weeks ago, Minelli an- nounced at a news conference she was ending her engagement to Desi Arnaz, Jr. because she and Sellers were in love. THE SUMMER DALY. summer edi tion of The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXII, No. 31-S Thursday, June 21, 1973 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phe 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 May- nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam- pus area); $11 local mai (Michigan and Ohio); $13 non-local mail (other states and forein. Sudmmmreission published Tuesday' through Saturday'morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $d.00 non-local mail (other stes andtforei) 3RD H IT Week! Peter O'Toole, Sophia Loren, & James Coco in the c Greatest Romantic Msicol ' Adventure of All Time6 603 east liberty ec s n moe d iseh'Mig' a little," Parsons gleans every bit of satire from the words with an exaggerated apocalyptic voice. Shades of Billy Graham, among others. Jim Guthrie as Captain Zilch does as good a job poking fun at TV commercials ("Up-Chuck Doggy Burgers"), celebrity inter- views, and game shows. Nick O'Connor and Jean Lien- ert as Fred and Nancy, the young unmarried couple who befriend the Banana, have their ups and downs. Val Gifford plays a convincing Sapphire Slick, a very cynical lesbian rock star turned dirty-dealing businesswoman who tries to exploit Benny, ALTHOUGH THE RC Summer Theatre doesn't have the money for elaborate sets-and costumes, what they've done for thispro- duction in the East Quad AudL- torium is marvelous. The backdrop for alt the ac- tion is a wall of bits and piecea of Amerikana amusingly ar- ranged . . . a guitar, skeleton, red toilet, and 12-pack of Stroh's included. Benny Banana's costume, green leotards and a yellow banana suit stuffed out to the correct shape, is another winner. PUNCTUATING THE play's t.v. tonight 6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News 9 Courtship of Eddie's Father 20 Stagecoach West 24 ABC News-smith/Reasoner 50 Flintstones 56 Litias, Yoga and You 6:30 2 11 CBS News-Walter Cronkite 4 13 NBC News-John Chancellor 7 ABC News-Smith/Reasoner 91 Dream of Jeannie 24 Dick Van Dyke-Comedy 50 Gilligan's Island 56 Making Things Grow 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 News 7 To Tell the Truth 9 Beverly Hillbillies 11 To Tell the Truth 13 What's My Line? 20 Nanny and theProfessor- 24 Bowling for Dollars 50 I Love Lucy-Comedy 56 Course of Our Times-History 7:30 2 What's My Line? 4 Circus! 7 Michigan Outdoors 9 Movie "Tarzan's Desert Mystery." (11943) 11 Parents Game 13 Truth or Consequences 20 Rifleman-Western 4 Cirus! - 50 1o0n's Heroes 56 To Be Announced 8:00 2 Billy Graham Crusade-Special 4 13 Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in 7 24 Mod Squad 11 The Waltons-Drama 20 Wrestling 56 Playhouse New York Biography 50 Dragnet 8:30 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 2 Movie "Son of Frankenstein." (1933) Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill 413 Ironside 7 4 Jane Goodall -Documentary 9 News-Don West it Movie "Petulia (1968) George C. Scott, Julie Christie brilliant dialogue are 1950's-style rock and roll songs - w i t h words that you'd never have heard back in that era. Unfortunately, none of the cast can really sing, though some do stay on key, and important words are drowned out by the piano and guitar accompaniment. The staging of the songs, under the direction of Pam Hendrick does evoke the 50's greaser style, so all is not lost. Despite the production's rough edges, it does justice to Ander- son's fine satire. Ironically this talented three-time Hopwood award winner is now working locally as a janitor. Beywthat's one thing he forgot to satirize: the job market. Daily Official Bulletin Thursday, June 21 DAY CALENDAR Computing Center: J. Cederquist, "Misceilagroaus Useful subroutines," 413 P-A Bldg., 3 pm. American Heritage Night: food of San Francisco, League cafeteria, 5 pm. Trotter House: Poetry reading, Trot- ter House, 7 pm. Residentialtollege Summer Theatre: "The Banana from Cuter Space," RC Aud, 8 pi. 20 Lee Trevino's Golf for Swingers 9:30 9 lhappy Though Married 20 SevenH ndred Cluh 56 Just Jazz 10:00 4 13 Dean Martin 7 24 Streets of San Francisco 9 All Around the Circle 50 Perry Mason 56 Masterpiece Theatre 10:30 9 Countrytime 11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News 9 CBC News-Lloyd Robertson 50 One Step Beyond-Drama 11:30 2 11 Movie "In the Cool of the Day" (1963) Jane Fonda, Peter Finch 4 13 Johnny Carson 7 24 Crimewatch-Interview 9 News 20 Walters Family-Music 50 Movie "Back from the Dead." (1957) 12:00 9 Movie "The Locket" (1946) Laraine Day, Robert Mitchum 1:00 4 7 13 News 1:10 2 Movie "Three Secrets" (1950) 11 Newsj 2:40 2 News -Winsten, N.Y. Times AS WED., SAT., SUN. "hm"rd""ingpr"ui at 1 -3-5-9-7 & 9 P.M THUR.-FRI.-MON.-TUE. at 7 & 9 only SOON: Last Tango in Paris Rome. Before Christ. AfterFl Thereis otsi Infinlte passion of life." eGOINI An ALBERTO GRIMALDI Prodction "FELLINI SATYRJCON" staring MARTIN POTTER - HIRAM KELLER " MAX PORN . SALVO RANDONE " MAGALI NOEL ALAIN CUNY - LUCIA BOSE - TANYA tOPE:RT CORDON MITCHELt with CAPUCINE Seenplay byFFDERICO FEI naBERNARDINO ZAP'PONI COLOR by Deluxe' PANAVISK)N' Ulnted frtMts SPECIAL LATE SHOW Nat Cntmoos sFri. & Sat. Not Continuous ' rFi&Sa. Doops Open 11:15 with regular 7519700 One Show feature at 11 :30 NEW WORLD FILM COOP PRESENTS TONIGHT & FRIDAY JUDY GARLAND (Dorothy) and the Munchkins in ORIGINAL, UNCUT COLOR VERSION with Straw Man, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Wicked Witch of AUD. 3 the West, Good Witch Glinda, The Wizard of Oz, The Flying Troll 8:15 & 10 P.M. Monkeys, and Toto. DUPLEX / NOTE SPCAL DAILY AT 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:45 AU D. 4 oen Lngae lg 8:15 & 10P.M. v_ _(E. Washington at Thayer) Single Feature: $1.25 Tickets on Double Feature: $2.00 sale 7:00 P.M.