Wednesday, June 20, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three Dean claims Nixon offered Watergater Hunt clemency WASHINGTON (A"--Fired White House zounsel John Dean reported to Senate _ + ~~~~~~investigators that President Nixon had i-AVbecosldinasnecnernga been consulted in ad- ance concerning an offer of executive clemency to a con- WNW Evicted Watergate conspirator. tt A aDan tn on testified he had been told that former domestic affairs adviser John Ehrlichman said Nixon extended the offer Abortion rUlin retu rn ed ton'U ' of clemnenry to F. Httswatd hunt. 4 LANSING - The Michigan Supreme Court yesterday unanimously ruled the state's abortion law which permits the operation only to save the life of the mother unconstitutional. The court cited the recent U.S. Supreme Court judgment allowing abortions through the third month of pregnancy as a precedent for the de- cision. While the abortion statute was struck down other laws, such as those requiring only physicians to perform abor- tions, remain in effect. Principal resigns Pioneer High School Principal Joseph Pollack announced he will become deputy superintendent of the Jackson Public School system begining in the fall. Pollack held the top post at Pioneer for the last two years. In Jackson he will be working with David Trost who until April was the assistant _ superintendent here. Happenings .. . . . . are somewhat more bountiful than usual . . . The Residential College offers an original musical comedy "The Banana from Outer Space." Curtain time is g1 p.m. at the RC auditorium . . . also at this evening the Grad Coffee Hour grac- es Rackham's East Conference Room . . . about 6:30 p.m. a Tae Kwan fro les- son will be given at Trotter House . . that's it. A2's weather The weather should only get better today. The heavens will gradually clear as a cool air mass passes thru. Highs will hit 80 while tonite the temperature will be about 60. Not bad for this town. by'ystey'man By GORDON ATCHESON University Safety Director Fredrick Dav- A valuable Japanese scroll taken from ids indicated that local police were "hav- the University's Museum of Art was re- ing a hard time trying to find anyone with the Univestdy' Mum of rtr wse- the name left by the man who returned the turned yesterday, hut the return seems pitn, nearly as mysterious as the disappear- ance.- A young man returned the painting to museum curator John Holmes late yes- terday morning. He claimed that he had purchased the 16th century scroll, valued at about $4,000, from a "man on the street" for $100. CITY POLICE have refused to identify the buyer, explaining that the cave is still under investigation. The man, accompanied by his wife and an infant, returned the painting after see- ing a photograph of it in Tuesday's Daily. The man left his name, but thus far the police "have not been able to make contact with him", a department spokes- m.A -id DAVIDS expressed some suspicion about the entire story. "You simply don't pay that kind of money on the street," he said. The local police do not "at this time" suspect that the buyer had any involve- ment in the theft. "Still, we don't trust anyone until all the facts are in", a spokesman added. The ink drawing of a bird perched on a bamboo branch was stolen last Satur- day morning, during regular museum op- erating hours. The thief apparently walked in, removed the scroll, and strolled out again, despite the presence of four guards patrolling the buildings at the time. DURING THE closed testimony con- ducted SatUrday, Dean also accused Nixon of requesting the Internal Revenue Service to "turn off" audits on friends of the President. Dean claimed he has docu- ments to support the charge. Nixon told Dean to "keep a list of press, who were giving them trouble and they would take care of them after the elec- tion," a summary of the testimony stated. The summary quoted 'Dean as indicating that former special presidential aide Charles Colson was involved in the Water- gate coverup and conveyed a message from Hunt's lawyer that the White House "would have to do something for Hunt." EHRLICHMAN said he had "checked with the President and that Colson should tell William Bittman that there would be clemency," the summary said. Bittman is Hunt's attorney. Dean told the investigators he heard that story from Colson and later discussed it with the President. The summary on Dean's closed-door statements quoted him as saying he has a tape of a conversation between Hunt and Colson in which Hunt asked for money. Dean reportedly received a mes- sage from Hunt in which the convicted conspirator said he wanted $72,000 for living expenses and $50,000 for legal fees "or Hunt would have things to say about the seamy things he did for Ehrlichman while he was at the White House." THE SUMMARY said Dean relayed the message to Ehrlichman who told him to call former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell. On March 21 or 22 Ehrlichman asked See DEAN, Page 9 man saw. THE PAINTING'S condition was de- scribed as undamaged, but the scroll on THE MYSTERY PERSON, who identi- which the picture was mounted had been fied himself as an Ann Arbor resident, badly creased. According to museum per- refused to remain at the museum after sonnel, the painting will have to be re- returning the scroll, according to Holmes. mounted, a process which could take up "He claimed he had other business," the to a year and a half. curator said. Because of Saturday's robbery the Uni- Holmes also mentioned that the man was versity has already tightened security within the museum. Closer surveillance very persistent about requesting the return techniques are currently being employed of his money. Holmes has asked the and further changes will be studied in the University administration for the funds, near future. Brehznev, Nixon sign accords WASHINGTON t'- Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and President Nixon resumed their summit talks yesterday on a mote of co-operation and peaceful coexistence between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. Brezhnev begin the day with Nixon at the State Departmsent, where they at- tended a ceremonial signing of four agreements between the two govern- ments. The treaties, prepared in ad- vance of the conference, include: -.CONTNINU'TIfN tt.'trotg 1979 of ehet;n e of gradtte st'dents, re- seat- 'her, lnet g teaches, perfsrts- ing atitts and ifi-i" man-'sines; -- oint std if the tcea- witt em- ptt-as is n the -' It:t-cr a"d musse-tenta tsf the a e'an''. crstt and ftcasting ftis -Expansdaty the ex.hang of i n ard DetI dep"ty".sattant se 't ary at agriculttre, sci I the S ieta were par- ttl-rly interested its U.S. achieve- tments in livestock sciences, whsite thie Russians may have available g e r to plasm that would help develop new varieties of plants in the United States. See U.S., Page 9 SOVIET LEADER Leonid Brezhnev looks like he's celebrated a bit too long after signing agreements yesterday to pro- mote the exchange of information and experts in the fields of agriculture, oceanography, and transportation. President Nixon, ever his straight and sober self, looks on in amusement.