THE Sumer Daily Saimmsr Editionof Jill MIChI(GAN DAIlY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, June 19, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Problems plague pos-,tal syqstemlI ANYONE WHO sends or receives mail, (namely all of us), knows that the speed of mail delivery can be very slow. We speak from first-hand observation-hav- ing received Monday morning an Air-Mail item mailed the previous Thursday. And a recent Associated Press study shows that one of every six letters is delayed for days before delivery. Yet, despite this disgracefully poor service, Post- master General Elmer Klassen stated in a recent inter- view that he intends to seek a two-cent hike in first class rates-from eight cents an ounce to ten cents. SUCH AN increase is not only unjustified, but unde- served as well. When first class last went up, from seven to eight cents, we were given assurances that the price boost would help improve postal service. We're not even being given any hope with this latest proposed price increase-Klassen seeks the increase only to meet rising labor costs. And Klassen admits that private postal services, such as United Parcel, are doing substantially better business handling such items as parcel post. It seems fairly obvious to us that the reason the U.S. Postal Service is short of revenue is not because stamps are underpriced, but because of gross inefficiencies in the way they operate their business. The public should not have to reward such shoddy service with extra revenue. Let us see improvements in our mail service before seeing any more increases in our mail service. CONGRESS WILL soon deliberate on this matter, which will go into effect in January if passed. We urge Con- gress to reject this proposed increase, and we urge our readers to write--no, make that wire--their representa- tives to express their disapproval of any postal increases. Lettuce, grape boycotters aim to strengthen United Farm Workers By TOM O'BRIEN 1'A RMWORKERS IN the Coach- ella Valley of California have been on strike since April 16 when grape grower signed "sweetheart" contracts with the Teamsters Un- ion, ignoring Cesar Chavez' Unit- ed Farm Workers Union {UFW) and the wishes of the workers. In April, 32 contracts between Coachella Valley growers and the UFW expired. T h e s e were contracts which were won three years ago by the orig- inal grape strike. 30 growers im- mediately signed - new contracts with the Teamsters despite the fact that a poll conducted on April 10 by religions, civic and labor lead- ers showed that the workers pre- ferred the UFW to the Teamsters by i0 to 1 margin. The grape growers were follow- ing the lead of lettuce growers who three years ago signed contracts with the "more business-like" Teamsters to avoid dealing with Chavez and the UFW. Teamster officials have petitions with over 4,000 workers' signatures as evi- dence that they are the choice of the grape workers. However, there are only about 2,500 workers in the Coachella Valley and handwriting experts have testified that many of the signatures are in the same handwriting. Included on the pe- tition are "signatures" of several Arab farmworkers who have been in Detroit organizing for the UFW the pastseveral months. Legal ac- tion has been initiated against the Teamster - grower partnerships but because court settlement takes a long time another grape boycott is necessary. THE COACHELLA Valley grows about 30 per cent of California's grapes, while most of the rest of the crop is grown in the Delano area. Since the Coachella Valley is farther south its crop is har- vested earlier and the contracts ex- pired earlier. Delano's g r a p e harvest and contract expiration is in July. Because of these circum- Tot O'Brien is a guesti riter for The Daily.- Cesar Chavez stances the boycott support which can be ralleyed in the next nonth will be crucial to the Delano con- tracts and the very existence of the JJFW. If a strong grape boycott is launched the Delano growers will be virtually forced to sign with the UFW, however if support isn't shown the growers will feel free to sign with the Teamsters. This would virtually put the UFW back to where it was five years ago with almost no workers under contract and no financial base. Obviously there must be differ- ences between UFW and Teamster representation since the workers strongly favor the UFW while the growerstundergotagreat deal of trouble to have their workers un- der the Teamsters. The difference is a measure of dignity for farm- workers under the UFW. The UFW hasreplaced the labor contractor system with the hiring hall, which means the union decid- es who works instead of the grow- ers. Under a UFW contract, work- ers can earn seniority and older workers can no longer be discard- ed when they pass their prime. Racial, sexual, and political dis- crimination is likewise prohibited. The hiring hall means workers are chosen by a fair system rather than by the whim or prejudice of the growers. ANOTHER IMPORTANT feature of the UFW contract is pesticide protection. The UFW demands to know when, how much and what kinds of pesticides are applied to crops and the contracts require strict control over these poisons. Union control provides the only real protection for consumers, since the ssorkers have the greatest interest in controlling pesticides. The UFW is committed to grass roots contract enforcement. Work- ers on each ranch elect a com- mittee of workers called "a ranch committee" whose job it is to see that grievances are corrected and pesticides are closely controlled. The ranch committees are also the basic unit of the UFW. It de- cides on contract demands, vote in union affairs, and decides on un- ion dues. This set-up allows t he workers tothave real, concrete con- trol over the decisions that affect their lives. Locally, volunteers are -b e i n g recruited to picket A&P supermar- kets in order to force them to sell only UFW grapes and lettuce. A&P supermarkets are picketed because A&P is the largest food chain in the East and Midwest and the largest buyer of non UFW lettuce and grapes. Richard Chavez (Cesar's brother) who has been in Detroit for the past month coordinating the Michigan area boycott, has e x - plained, "A&P is the key to the lettuce and grape boycotts. We have already spoken so a number of the smaller chains in the area who have agreed to fall in line behind A&P, when A&P agrees to sell only UFW lettuce andtgrapes. This pattern has held in the past and in other sections of the cotn- try." THERE ARE picket lines on Thursday and Friday from 2 - 6 p.m. at the Huron and Division A&P and on Saturday from 11 - 5 at Huron and Division and the S. Industrial and Stadium A&P. For more information call or stop by the Boycott Office at 114 Legal Re- search Bldg. 763 -01285 or call 761- 6947. Sorry, Babe: Aaron's taking over By GORDON ATCHESON W/AITING FOR Hammerin' Henry Aaron to break Babe Ruth's all time home run record has been a trying experience for sports fans. We cheer every four bagger Aaron hits and check rff one more step in his quest for that masgic record, while bemoaning the days when Henry forgets to munch his Wheaties. Behind the fascination with the home run derby between Aaron and the legend of yesterday's greatest ball player lies the need to have real, tangible heroes and not one shrouded by myth and some yellowing pages in a record book. To many of us the Sultan of Swat is mere- ly a mythical giant not unlike Cyclops. A name, a bunch of tales, but no direct link to reality. His exploits captivated a prev- ious generation, but now there can't be the same vicarious, Mittyesque thrill about a bygone era's hero. BUT HANK'S feats are unfolding before our eyes, entwined with our day to day lives. He apears on the game of the week. The box scores in the morning newspaper list his name. He occasionally chats with Ho- ward Cosell and millions of other sports addicts via the tube. Ruth despite all his greatness can't do that. Still for some unexplained, and undoubtel- ly frivolous, reason the baseball hierarchy has tried to preserve the records and the heros of the past long beyond their natural deaths.' Witness poor Roger Maris. He out clout- ed Ruth's ghost over 4 decade ago by blasting 61 round trippers in one season. For his effort he got an asterik noting he AP Photo played a season eight games longer than Ruth's. Maris's achievement doesn't deserve to be cheapened by the baseball bureaucrats who want to perpetuate Ruth's nearly devine or at least super-human inrage. RUTH WAS a man and like other mortals his accomplishments must be superceded by some one else. Today that someone hap- pens to be Aaron. The barflys will argue that Aaron took more at bats to get his homers if Ruth hadn't been a pitcher for awhile he would have clobbered more home runs thanany- one else ever could. Let the barflys argue. BUT WHEN AARON finally tops Ruth's "unbreakable record" grant him the credit he deserves. Give us a hero who is flesh and blood and don't dare tarnish his image with asteriks. Babe, the best of the Bronx Bombers, probably knew his records could not stand forever. After all to set those records he had to break the marks left by the previous generation's hero. Ruth's era - the depression, the rising tide of Nazism, FDR - has faded away. The events, the people, the struggles are just pages in a history book and perhaps so it should be with the Bambino. The mighty legend ought to be placed in semi-retirement, as Aaron assumes the role for this generation. Because he is part of-the generation along with space rockets, the Vietnam War, and even Watergate. Esentually, however, just as Ruth's re- cord must fall, the mark Aaron leaves be- hind will topple. Still neither the men nor their triumphs can become less awesome with time's passing. They will always be re- membered as among the finest to play the game. The fans will pay the two their due. BUT EVERY era needs its own hero and for the moment Henry Aaron is ours. Gordon Atcheson, a diehard Henry Aaron fan, is a sJaff serier for The Daily, Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth