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June 16, 1973 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-06-16

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Saturday, June 16, 1973


Page Three

Brezhnev visit starts today

MOSCOW (P) - Leorid Brezh-
nev is flying to Washington to-
day for summit meetings that
he says will be of "historic im-
After his arrival, the Soviet
Communist party chief is sched-
uled to spend the weekend at the
presidential retreat at Camp Da-
vid in. Maryland before starting
his talks with President Nixon in
the White House on Monday.
THIS IS the first trip to the
United States by the Soviet Un-

ion's top leader. Alexei Kosygin,
the premier, went to Glassboro,
N.J., in the summer of 1967 for
talks with President Lyndon
Johnson. The late Nikita Khrush-
chez had a whirlwind coast-to-
coast tour as guest of President
Dwight Eisenhower in 1959.
After a round of talks and din-
ners in Washington, Brezhnev
and Nixon'will fly to the Western
White House in San Clemente,
Calif., on Friday. Brezhnev re-
turns to camp David on Sunday

'U'hit by power
failure experts
remain in dark
The air conditioners abruptly halted, the clocks stopped
dead, and the campus would have been plunged into total-
darkness, if it hadn't been broad daylight.
Many a worried student and faculty member may have
thought the day of judgement had finally arrived. But hap-
pily such was not the case.
A BUG merely developed in the University's electrical
system, cutting off power to the central and athletic cam-
puses as well as to the medical center for half an hour be-
ginning at 9:15 yesterday morning.
The origin of the bug is as yet undetermined, according
to 'U' engineering services manager Ken Beaudry.
Detroit Edison workmen closed one of the University's
power units to conduct routine maintenance. Mysteriously,
the second unit overloaded causing the power failure.
THE MEDICAL CENTER quickly switched to their aux-
iliary generators. But other affected areas were forced to
survive without electricity, returning the campus to Stone
Age conditions until power was restored.
"All our calculations show the failure just should not have
happened," Beaudry claimed. He promised a full investiga-
tion of the situation.
"I won't take the easy way out and offer some flimsy ex-
planation, but we just don't have all the facts now," he said.

for an overnight stay before leav-
ing the following day for Moscow.
The June 25 return date is a day
earlier than originally anticipat-
The possibility of side trips to
the U. S. Space Center at Hous-
ton and other cities was ruled out
as being "impossible to fit into
the schedule," according to Ben-
ry Kissinger, Nixon's special ad-
IN AN AGENDA embracing
"all important questions in the
realm of Soviet - American rela-
tions," Brezhnev and Nixon will
be negotiating the future pattern
of relations, from strategic arms
limits to cultural exchanges.
Moscow - based diplomats say
Nixon is at psychological disad-
They refer to last year's sum-
mit when they felt Nixon had an
edge, proven by Brezhnev's will-
ingness to receive him after the
American mining of North Viet-
namese waters, an unmistak-
able challenge to Moscow.
THIS TIME, because of the
Watergate scandal, they contend
the nositions are reversed.
A Soviet official recently indi-
cated to a visiting foreign Com-
monist that the Russians intend-
ed to profit from this. Nixon
needs a se-cess, he said, and the
Soviets will provide it.
"Afterwardsu'e will present
him with the hilt," he boasted.
news co"fere"-e with U. S. cor-
resnondents Thursday night,
Brezhnev do-ied that he was go-
ing to the U-ited States "in the
hone or with the intention of
hringing nressire to bear on the
President in connection with what
is sirely a domestic affair."
"In fact," he said, "the
thooght has never entered my
head as to whether or not Presi-
dent Nixon hasalost any influence
or has gained any influence as a
result of" Watergate."

AP Photo

Leonid Brezhnev

Regents vo te to extend

Dollar plunges
LONDON - The value of the dollar
plunged to record lows in "panicky" trad-
ing on exchanges in Frankfurt and Am-
sterdam yesterday, and lost value else-
where in Europe. Bankers and financial
experts blamed President Nixon's new
anti-inflation program for the dollar's de-
Wanted: teachers
The Inmate Services Program of the
Washtenaw County Jail has a rare feature
these days: job openings. The program is
in need of tutors, teachers' aides and
teachers in all fields for inmate rehabili-
tation classes. It's part-time work - four
hours a week at most. Interested parties
are asked to call Molly Reno or Marta
Minilta at 662-5661.
. .. this weekend are topped today by a
"Poetry in the Park" session from 1-4 p.
m. in West Park at the band shelter . ..
tomorrow, a local group, Advocates for
Medical Information, will be featured on
"Haney's People" at 2 p.m. on channel 7
. . . and, if energy conservation is your
thing, a new PIRGIM study group on that
topic will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at
106R Randall Lab. All are welcome.
A2's weather
Partly cloudy with scattered rainshow-
ers throughout the day. With the approach
of the storm system we will be in a wes-
terly to southwesterly air flow bringing in
warmer temperatures. Highs today be-
tween 83-88 and lows tonight 65-70.

fiscal y
day vot
levels or
budget i
held at
year, ac

Y72-73 budget k6
with the approaching end of the one for the Regents. Last year, and the
ear, and still without a 1973-74 year before that, a tardy legislature
ity appropriation from the state forced a similar step.
ire, the Board of Regents yester- The University appropriations bill is
ed to extend last year's funding presently tied up in the state senate ap-
n an emergency basis until a new propriations committee. A vote by the
s prepared, entire legislature is not expected until
lls and non-salary items will be sometime later this summer. President
basically the same levels as last Robben Fleming Warned the Regents
cording to Wilbur Pierpont, vice- that a special meeting would probably
t for financial affairs. be needed in late July or August to ap-

1973 back to the
'good old days'?.
NEW YORK (M)-The Watergate scandal reception was cordial, and only one or two
touched some college commencement placards indicated student concern about
speeches this year, but protest and dis- Watergate.
ruption were seldom seen at the generally Sen. Sam Ervin, the North Carolina
quiet, traditional ceremonies. Democrat who heads the Senate's Water-
In all, the mood at college and univer- gate investigation, told Boston University
sity graduations, like the mood of the Law School graduates that true law and
campuses themselves during the past year, order requires a devotion to law. "With-
was more reminiscent of -the uninvolved out such devotion, law and order is a
19S0s than of the activist '60s. symbol for governmental tyranny," he
PRESIDENT NIXON chose tiny Florida U.S. Rep. Albert Quie (D-Minn.) chose
College of Technology in Orlando to de- "How Christians Should React to the
liver an address urging optimism. His See GRADUATION, Page 5

prove a new budget.
Fleming was clearly concerned about
the University's financial straits. "In no
year since I have been here," he said,
"have there been so many financial im-
THE BIGGEST "imponderable" is the
uncertain state of the University's resi-
dency rules. Because of Monday's Supreme
Court ruling on the University of Con-
necticut regulations, University chief
counsel Roderick Daane concedes that
the "portents are bad" for continuation of
the present rules.
A final decision is expected Monday
from, the high court when it rules on
North Carolina residency requirements-
which are identical to the University's.
But administrators are not optimistic.
Fleming estimated that it will cost the
University some $2.5 million if it loses
the residency case. And Pierpont added
that determining residency for the hun-
dreds of students who applied would be
"an expensive administrative process-
a long, laborious process. It would be a
massive problem."
IN OTHER ACTION yesterday, the Re-
gents approved a five per cent across the
board increase in monthly rents for Uni-
versity-owned family housing.
The increase, which affects the North-
wood and University Terrace housing
areas, was substituted in place of the
original two per cent rise advocated by
residents there.
Housing director John Feldkamp and
Vice President for Student Services Henry
Johnson said that the higher figure was
needed to offset additional capital costs.

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