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June 14, 1973 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-14

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Page Twelve


Thursdcay June 14. 1973

PageTwele TErSUMERAILThdo, ,1 1t7


AP Photo
DETROIT'S NORM CASH is tagged out at home by Chicago's Ed Herrmann in
last night's White Sox thumping of the Tigers by a score of 10-2. Four Chisox
homers did in the Bengals.

AP Photo
MINNESOTA'S DAVE WINFIELD (31) takes a hefty cut for the Gophers before
losing to Southern California's eight-run ninth inning in the College World Series.
USC went on to win the title.

Cards' Wise 1-hits Reds

Sports of The Daily


By The Associated Press
Wise pitched a one-hitter
-Joe Morgan's one - out
single in the ninth - and
Luis Melendez slugged a
grand slam homer, leading
the St. Louis Cardinals to
an 8-0 victory over the Cin-
cinnati Reds last night.
Wise,8-3, overpowered the Reds
while._ his teammates provided
plenty of support in the field and
at bat.

Summer Daily

FCC orders inquiry
WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission
yesterday ordered an inquiry into whetherprofessional and ama-
teur sports teams and sponsoro of sports broadcasts have too
much power over sports announcers.
The FCC said it has information that many pro and amateur
sports leagues and clubs, including the National Collegiate Ath-
letic Association, require broadcasters to give them veto power
over the selection of sports announcers.
The commission said it has charges that professional club
owners have forced announcers to misrepresent weather condi-
tions or the size of the crowd at a sports event.
Walther still serious
Race car driver David "Salt" Walther remained in serious
condition yesterday in the University Hospital's burn unit here.
"Walter has a serious burn on 34 per cent of his body sur-
face," said Irving Feller, director of the burn unit.
Feller . said Walther has had two operations on his right
hand and one on his left wrist.
"His right hand has improved," Dr. Feller said, "but the
left requires more 'surgical procedures."
Walther of Dayton, Ohio was injured when his race car was
wrecked in the rain-shortened Indianapolis Sf1 auto race last
Hockey notes
Bill McCreary is the new coach of the Vancouver Canucks
having signed a two-year pact yesterday. McCreary is a former
NHL player and coach of the St. Louis Blues . . . Left winger
Lowell MacDonald of the Pittsburgh Penguins yesterday was
named the recipient of the Bill Masterson Memorial Trophy for
the NHL player who best exemplified perseverance, sportsman-
ship and dedication to hockey.
Tradin' time
In baseball . . . the Yankees finally dumped pitcher Mike
Kekich late Tuesday to Cleveland for minor league pitcher Low-
ell Palmer and a player to be named later . .. San Diego also
dealt pitcher Fred Norman to Cincinnati for outfielder Gene
Locklear and reliever Mike Johnson . . and in another sport,
football, the Detroit Lions dealt tackle Joe Schiniesing to Balti-

Del Unse
was the ki
second as
around for
tive inning

For a preview of the U.S. Giants
Open and other items from the
world of sports, look inside at NEW YO
page 11. his first hog
ag2e 1 s year and
Until Morgan's sharp single up Millan c
the middle to the last inning,tthe inning aga
closest the Reds had came to a ley, 5-4,1
hit was Pete Rose's long drive bullpen, jut
to left-center in the third that left fielder
Jim Dwyer caught at the wall. had robbed
First baseman Tim McCarver
also made a sparkling back-hand
stab of a hard grounder by Dan
Driessen in the fifth.
The Cards wrapped up the
game in the third inning with AME
seven runs. Melendez' slam, the
second of his career, keyed the Detroit
big inning during which the Cards New York
sent 11 men to the plate. Milwaukee
Dodgers disgraced Btimore
delphia Phillies scored six times Chieago
in each of the first two inig Minnesota
nnnsKansas City
last night and coasted to a 16-3 Oakland
victory over the Los Angeles California
Dodgers. Texas
For lefthander Ken Brett, who Tesas d Cleve
joined the offensive fireworks KansasCity 2,
with a solo homer in the fifth, it Chicago 10, De
was his fifth triumph against Milwaukee 4, 1
two lsses.Boston at Calli
two losses. Ti
A two-run homer by Mike An- Kansas Cit
derson and triples by Bob Boone more (Alexant
and Willie Montanez highlighted New York
land (Hunter
the first-inning uprising against Boston (C
losing pitcher Tommy John, 5-3. (May 4-6)

r's bases
ey blowi
the P
the se
RK - Fi
me run i
the New
d the S
last nigh
inst lose
ist beyon
Gary M
him of

s-loaded triple a leaping catch Monday night.
in the six-run
billies batted Tigers bombed
cond consecu- DETROIT-The Chicago White
Sox belted four home runs, in-
cluding a three-run blast by Car-
los May and a two-run shot by
elix Millan hit Bill Melton, anl defeated the De-
in exactlytone troit Tigers10-2last night.
vYork Mets . John Jeter led off the game
an Francisco with a homer off loser Mickey
t. Lolich, 6-6. May's homer, his
in the first seventh, came in the four-run
x Tom Brad- fifth off Lolich. Melton hit No. 11
the Giants' in the seventh off reliever Lerrin
d the glove of Lagrow, who also gave up a
Matthews who homr to Rick Reichardt in the
a homer with same inning.
- . - - .. - .. - -ta imiits~stse m tesm mate a i

Major League Standings
East Fast
W L Pt. GB W LPct.GB
30 27 .526 - Chicago 35 24 .593
30 27 .526 - Montreal 27 25.319 4%
30 27 .526 - St. Louis 28 29 ..491 6
27 26 .509 1 New York 25 29 .463 7,
26 20 .500 132Pittsburgh 24 us .453 8
22 36 .379 8Y Philadelphia 24 34 .414 10%
West west
32 22 .592 san Francisco 39 25 .69 --
30 26 .535 2% Los Angeles 37 24 .604 2
32 29 .524 3%2 Houston 34 28 .548 4
30 20 .517 4 Cincinnati 31 21 .525 5j
27 27 .5005 Atlanta 20 34 .33 11
19 35 .352 12% san Diego 20 41 .327 17
terday's Results Yesterday's Results
alind 2 Philadelphia 16, Los Angeles 3
Baltimore 6 Montreal 3, San Diego 2
troit 2 New York 3, San Francisco 1
inn Inc.3, 11 innings Atlanta 18, Pittsburgh 3
night's Games St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 0
y (Litteil 0-0) at Balti- Hootson 6, Chicago
der 5-2) Tonight's Games
(Medich 5-2) at Oak- San Diego (Grief 4-7) at Montreal
r 8-3) Renko 4-3)
urtis 3-6) at California Chicago (Jenkins 6-4 or Hooton 6-3)
at Houston (Reuss 7-4)

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