Fridoy, May 1, 1973
Poge Three
Throngs attend Little eague game
as girl ballplayer makes her debut
495 and 561 . . . M
are yesterday's wianiag Michigan
Lottery numbers.
Dope note
PHILAI)ElPIIA-Two Iranian nationals
facing charges of hashish possession tried
to have their case dismissed on grounds
that the trained dog that sniffed out their
a I 1 e g e d cache represented an illegal
The prosecution subpoenaed the labrador.
retriever, Wanda, and three times the dog
picked the hashish filled box out of frve
that had been placed in the courtroom.
Animal note
Tiger knew his 800-pound pet alligator
had come home when it started croaking
like a ths-and bollfrogs outside his
thatched-roof hut.
Tiger, 60, a Miccoosukee Indian, thought
he had seen the last of his bellowing tet
weeks ago.
Happenings ...
. are mostly masical today . . .
there will be a recital of Vietnamese
music in the Union Gallery at 7:30. The
event is part of the Vietnamese art exli-
bition sponsored by Medical Aid for Indo-
china . . Hudson Ladd, carillonneur, is
giving a recital at the Baird Carillon, 7
p.m. . . there will be another folk dance
at Barbour Gym from 8 to 11 p.m.
A2's weather
Chances are those May flowers will get
another drenching today, as we'll see var-
iably cloudy skies and a 50 per cent chance
of precipitation. High temperatures will be
near 70 with a low between 45 and 50.
Carolyn King, the lanky 12-year-old cen-
terfielder from Ypsilanti, made her official
Little League debut last night as a cheer-
ing-and booing--crowd looked on.
Wearing the Orioles' No. 9 uniform, her
ltng bland hair tied in pigtails with blue
r i b b ot s, she straddled the plate as
cameras. c 1 i c k e d fitriously and boys
"SHE STANDS like a girl," said one
young baseball player from another league
"that doesn't have any girls and better
not get any."
After she walkedl to first base, her
brother Gregg, 10, and a Little Leaguer
himself, complatined that "those last two
balls sure looked like strikes" to him.
"These kids are here to win a ballgame,
not to be celebrities," said one disgrtmtled
bystander. "There are more press people
here than players They should have call-
ed the game when it first got overcast
and waited fin' all the excitement to die
S. B. STANTON, the Little League dis-
trict administrator from Jackson w )o has
called Carolyn's L ittle League staIns
"against the whmle ptrpose of the pr-
gram," refused to comment about Ypsi-
lanti's threatened disqualificattion from the
Little League.
"Whe" we reach a decision, it "ill be
the Little League who decides, not the
news media," lie said.
There did seem to be a disproportio'ate
number of press representatives watchitg
from the sidelines. In the bottom half of
the fourth inning a Yankee fouled a line
drive into Doris Biscoe, Channel 7 Action
News reporter.
THE BALL connected with her head and
she, very gracefully, slumped into the
arms of the newsman standing beside er.
Then she fluttered her eyelashes and went
into shock.
BUT THEN Carolyn was back in cen-
terfield, striking various authentic-looking
baseball poses: hands on knees, head
hunched forward waiting for the pitch. She
picked up a line drive the shortstop missed
and hurled it off to second base-but the
runner was safe.
Carolyn went to bat again in the top of
the sixth inning when the score was 15-0
and struck out. The game ended like that,
the score 15-0 in favor of the Yankees.
She was as good as the boys but they
weren't anything to brag about.
THEN THE TV cameramen swarmed
around her while she giggled and blushed
and looked very tired. Her words were
all but drowned out because of the hordes
of kids surrounding her, trying to be on
"I bet there'll be five people watch-
ing the game next week," said the bay
from the league without girls. Then he
spit in the sand and walked away.
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
SMILING CENTERFIELDER Carolyn King is embraced by her mother after
yesterday's tradition-shattering Little League game.
-SGC ballots uncounted
Two weeks have passed since ' Student
Government Council held the second of
two trouble-plagued all-campus elections.
The winter term has ended, the flowers
have come out, the Little League has re-
instated its famed female fielder.
But don't ask who won the SGC election.
The second SGC election, that is. Council
invalidated the original March all-campus
vote after spending about $10,000 to put it
together and then discovering that some-
body defrauded between 300 and 1500
To guard against fraud in this second
election, SGC President Bill Jacobs and
former Election Director Ken Newbury
devised a new election procedure which
they termed "flawless." However, the
procedure has not yet produced any re-
Why? According to Velna Knapp, Rack-
ham's part-time SGC vote tabulation boss
and full-time computer wizard, the vote
count has been held up by the massive
flow of exams to be graded in the same
computer that adds up the votes.
She says the count probably won't get
under way until Monday at the earliest.
The unprecedented "re-run" election
was held under the watchful eye of uni-
formed Sanford security guards in Water-
man Gym during the April 23-27 pre-
registration period, with an extra voting
day on April 28 for. those who did not
Jacobs cancelled the last scheduled
Council meeting and officially stated that
he was placing the new election under the
security guards' "total" jurisdiction with'
out approval from SGC.
Jacobs then apparently empowered con-
troversial former SGC Treasurer David
Schaper to oversee the second voting.
Schaper denies that he is acting in a
capacity very similar to that of SGC
election director (a post vacated by a
disheartened Ken Newbury several weeks
ago), but admits that he is "more or less
in charge."
He maintained Wednesday that his ac-
tivities are "part of my job" as "executive
assistant to the president for financial
The financial affairs post was created
by a personal order from Jacobs at the
final SGC meeting in April. Earlier, SGC
had voted to suspend its own chief capa-
city as a funding organization until its
mangled financial books could be cleared.
Schaper refused Wednesday to explain
how the new election process could be
seen as "tart of his job" as financial
Residency case leaves
In the wake of Judge William
Ager's monumental decision to strike
down the University's key require-
ment for granting residency to out of
state students, a good deal of am-
biguity remains as to what specific
effects the ruling will have,
The following information is an at-
tempt to deal with some of the ques-
tions raised by Ager's opinion.
* The exact criteria for granting
residency are now quite unclear. The
judge ruled that Ann Arbor voter
registration was not proof' of resi-
dency by itself, saying that the in-
tent of the student to remain in the
state after graduation should be the
principal consideration for granting
residency. However intent is diffi-
cult to determine. It is still required on the extra tuition they hav
that out-of-state students live in the since March 1, 1972. There r
state for six months to establish resi- a question, however whether g
dency, as Ager did not strike down ing seniors will be able to col
that rule. they left the University before
! Out - of - state students enrolled ing for the resident status.
on or after March 1, 1972 and who * The official estimates of t
think that they can gain resident ing's cost to the University's
status must apply for that status range from $21/ to $12 million
within the three months following non-resident students current
Ager's release of a judgement in the rolled would receive resident
case. The judge released an opinion cost would probably be closer
Wednesday which explained the rea- $12 million figure-and force
soning for the specific recommenda- stantial tuition increase.
tions he will make in the judgement * If you are an in-state s
-recommendations that will further and concerned about a jump
clarify the situation. tion, hold tight. The judge's rul
SIf students are granted residency be stayed pending appeal, tho
after following the above procedure, reapplication rebates processr
they will be eligible to receive-rebates ahead on schedule.
'e paid
lect, as
the rul-
. If all
tly en-
cy, the
to the
a sub-
in tui
ling will
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may go