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June 13, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-13

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rame Ten

Ruge Ten ~~~~TH-E SUMMER DAILYWdedaJn 1,17

1Nednesday, June 13, 1973

Govt. sues
(Continued from Page 1)
stantial supply source for the
independent market would be
foreclosed and competition be-
tween Texaco and Coastal States
in the manufacture and sale of
No. 2 fuel oil would be elim-
Meanwhile, Florida's chief
trial counsel says he is prepar-
ing a federal anti-trust suit
against major ti companies o
charges of cospirn.s to createa
phony "energy, crisis" to elim-
inate competition and reap prof-
Asst. Attv. Gen. Daniel Dearing
claims he sees an unspoken
agreement among the major oil
comnpanies-he won't say' exactly
who--to hold down production of
crude oil, so that in dependent
producers who hay it fruin them
will. soon dry up.
AT THE SAME time,.lBearing
maintains, the coil companies will
scare the public into accepting
such environmsentally controver-
sial. projects as the trans-Alaska
pipeline and of-shore drilling
along Florida's Gulf Coast..
Dearing said that, in preparing
the anti-trust suit he intends to
fife within the next few weeks,
thelDepartmnenttif ILegal Affairs
has taken a look at import levels,
domestic production, transmission.
and refinery capabilities, and
Wednesdi ayuet13
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Cklis oiiffaticetorcompletedeeails.
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st tdiiels. App ,not iscessari-but d
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Texaco _
sev eral oher factor. in the oil ~ o
From that study, Dearing has g q,
conchuded thaI the. big compea-
ofes all decide at once to sell'
less crude oi to small indepen-
dent refineries. '-
sity economist Paul McCracken
recommended a 10 per cent per
gallon gasoline price increase$v
and an equally large price hike
next year to alleviate the na-
tions's fuel crisis.
"The tax on gasoline should be
increased by S0 cents a gallo ane
immediately, an by another 10
cents next year, in order to
dampen the demand and curtail MAURICE STANS, vho testified
consumption," said McCracken, at the Senate Watergate hearings
former chairman of lbe P resi- yesterday that he had no knowl-
dents Cunci ofEconmicAd- edge of any wrongdoing by the
dents Cunci ofEconmicAd- Committee to Re-elect the Presi-
visors. dent during the 1972 campaign.
S'tans testifies he did not know
of 'dirty tricks' in '72 camp aign

New cease-fire.
accord a rehash
of earlier, pact
A News Analysis By GEORGE ESPER
SAIGON i {'-U. S. and North Vietnamese efforts to strengthen the
Vietnam peace agreement so far have produced what amoints to
restating neglected provisions of the original agreement.
Sooth Vietnaniese government sources divulged draft documents
yesterday showing that Henry Eissinger and Hanoi's Le 'Ouc Thu have
thus far been unable to work out foolproof nauchinery to force the
South Vietnamese and Viel Cong to abide hi' the cease-fire signed
more than four months ago.
THE FINAL POINTS of disagreement between Kissinger and Thu
remain secret. But in the draft agreement disclosed by the South Viet-
namese informtants, cease-fire two will stilt depend on the sincerity
of the opposing South Vietnamese sides.
Given the hatred and mistrusot betw'een the two sides, the Ciim-
munists' public goat of reunifying Vietnam into one nation, and Presi-
dent Nguyen Van Thieu's reluctance to relinquish any power in the
South, there is reason for skepticisnt.
The Kissinger-Thu doutment revealed here, still awaiting signaing
by the four parties to the initial agreetment, decla res a second cease-
fire 24 hours after it receives the official saap of the United Slates,
North Vietnani, South Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Cov-
erment (Viet Cog).
IT CALLS FOR A delineation of zones of control by the opposing
parties and for a meeting of battlefield commanders at places of direct
conflict in an attempt to halt thae hostilities.
Even as the 14-point new plan was made public by govertnent
sources, a preview of what w'a to come was shaping up in the two
party Joint Military Commission. Saigon anod tie Viet Cong again were
unable to agree on moths s and criteri' for delineating zones of con-
tro and exchainge of civilian persionel.

(Continued teams Page 3)
money, Stans replied.
"Mr. Kalmbach was a than I
knew very well. He had been my
principal deputy in the 19618
campaign. He subsequently had
close affiliation with a nomero
people in the White House. He
was personal counsel to the Pres-
ident. He was a man I knew, of
highest integrity, trustworthi-
ness and honesty.
IN A RELATED developrdent
yesterday, Federal Judge John
Sirica refused to restrict news
covet-'go of the Senate Watergate
hearings. Archibald Cox, the spe-
cial Watergate prosecutor who
asked for the restrictions, said
be would live with the decision
and weould not appeal it.
"I regret the outcome, but to
press the legal argument further
wounld risk unduly delaying pro-
ceedings and divert attention
from our essential tasks," Cox
said in a statement.
Sirica granted immntity' for
both men for testimony before
the Senate committee, meaning
they cannot be prosecuted for
anything they say before the
committee unless prosecutors

ca n develop the evidence inde-
SIRICA SAID that to rule on
the issutte new. coverage would
be beyond -the scope of the U.S.
district court. Had Sirica ruled
for Cox, it would have restricted
newrs coverage of any Senate wit-
ness alho required immunity to

Peace Corps recruits at 'U'
Cs iitliac from age 3) Botswana for two years, organiz- Tbe University wa s fifth it the
make the Peace Corps less can- ing a vocational school to teach U. S. in applications last year,
spicuous." carpentry atnd agriculture, and this year Cwrisley expects 20%
THIS IS BECOMING especial- Surrounded by white - dominat- to 250 more.
ly difficult, since many European ed couintries, Hotswana was a po- While he is on campus, Grisley
countries are starting up their litical as. well as a cultural class- will also be distributing litera-
owen volunteer programs, room for Grisley. turn for VISTA, a one year pra-
"Bat everyone is considered "The Peace Corps volunteer grans focused on both rura1 and
Peace Corps, no tmatter what always gets more than he c-n urban probteuns within the Unit-
coauntry they come from," says ever pat into it," maintains ed States.
Grisley. Grisley.- OFTEN RECRUITING volun-
The idea, he says, is to replace FINANCIALLY, THE P e a c e teers locally, VISTA needs a
the Peace Corps volutnteer with Corps backs it volunteers with a broad s pectrum of pople in law
sotneone from within the host monthly allowance of $120, plus -for legal aid bureaus such as
society. housing, transportation, medical the one in Ann Arbor - social
GRISLEY WORKED as a vol- care and a readjustment allow- wvork, architecture, health and
unteer in the African country of ance which totals about 5180.s liberal arts.,

Offerd b Thee Navy
-Applications for the Navy's flight
training program are now being accept-
ed from college graduates and stu-
,.~ets h possess 20/200 vision or dns h
-better. Positions are also available in
-' our Nuclear Power Program.
7. If you are interested in a future i n
f Aviation or Nuclear Power, or if you
desire more information, a Naval Offi-
cer will be at the Ann Arbor Navy Re-
cruiting Station,106 East Washington
Street, on Thursday, June 14, 1973, to
talky with you.

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