Tuesday, June 12, 1973 Witnesses warn of heating oil shortage WASHINGTON OP) -- Witnesses at the government oil hearing yesterday warned of a winter heating oil shortage in addition to the summer gasoline shortage and said relaxation of air pollution stand- ards is necessary to increase the country's fuel supplies. But there was disagreement over whether a mandatory allocation program for petroleum is needed or whether the present volntary program should be given more time to prove itself. ONE OF THOSE urging an immediate mandatory program was Sen. Carl Curtis of Nebraska who said the shortage was so bad in his state that a black market for gasoline for farmers had started up in late May. "The voluntary program thus far has failed miserably to meet the needs of agriculture in Nebraska," the Republican senator said. He was the lead-off witness at the hearing called by the admin- istration to determine whether its voluntary program is working or whether it should be made mandatory. ABOUT 45 witnesses representing oil companies and distributors, the government, consumers, and trade associations are scheduled to testify during'the four days of hearings. Under the voluntary program oil and oil products are supposed to be distributed by major oil companies to independent refiners and distributors and to customers on the basis of last year's allocation and also on the basis of priority need, such as for agriculture and government use. The voluntary program has been in effect since May 10 after the shortage of gasoline and other oil products throughout the country became apparent. The Senate has approved a bill to make the alloca- tion program mandatory. SEVERAL WITNESSES, including Arthur Soule of the Independent Fuel Terminal Operators Association, urged that the voluntary pro- gram e given more time to work. Court Wh upholds pollution \ rule W AS HIN G TON 1P) - An equally divided Supreme Court yesterday handed environ- mentalists a major victory by enforcing a national policy that bars significant deterioration of clean air. The 4-4 vote, while not deciding the issue on the merits, has the effect of affirming a decision on the issue handed down by the U. S. Circuit Court here last year. THE CIRCUIT court ruled that federal law prohibits any sub- stantial new air pollution in re- gions where the air is still pure. The pollution dispute began when environmentalists set out to protect those areas with air that was cleaner than that re- quired by federal standards. The Environmental Protec- tion Agency has established air quality standards setting limits on the permissable levels of pol- lutants under the Clean Air Amendments of 1970. ONE SET of standards de-f signed to protect human healthBusiness must e achieved by 1975. No D om s time limit has been set on a sec- ond, more stringent set of stan- dards to protect animals, plants, property and the environment. The environmentalists contend- ed that the law's stated purpose to "protect and enhance" air quality means air quality must not be degraded. The EPA was poised last No- vember reluctantly to issue regu- lations to comply with the ap- peals court decision. The high court issued a stay that froze the situation -while it was un- der consideration. Today's ac- tion gives effect to the appeals court decision. THE ISSUE was brought to the high court by the federal gover*- ment which argued that air quality need not be maintained at a level above that required by federal standards. The gov- ernment's unsuccessful appeal saw the issue largely in terms of economics. "The cost, ultimately to the public, of reducing pollu- tion in polluaed areas to meet the primary and secondary stan- dards will be substantially in- creased if no encroachment can be made on clean air areas," the government argued. 'THE $UMMAER DAILY ,Pge Nirne THE SUMMER DAILY Page Nine SEN. CARL CURTIS (R-Neb.) pressed for a mandatory uel aonucaun progrmuw macu apear leadoff wvitness in hearings on the government's voluntary fuel allocation program, yesterday. Curtis said the shortage is so critical in his home-state that a gasoline black market for farmers has develop- ed. I/Aa/ 0 'p '9 w Q S ®r T 0 44?%4 ,M4? Opportunities Merchandise for Sale I =* a. _Qt $ I,