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June 12, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-12

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Tuesday; June 12, 1 97 3


Page Three

Two conservatives, liberal

win School

Board election

Lew voter turnout, especially in the
student precincts, characterized yester-
day's School Board election as two con-
servatives and a liberal won three year
Unofficial final results indicated the
winners are Patricia Pooley (7239), Terry
Martin (6268) and Paul Weinlold (5725).
ALSO ON THE ballot were two millage
proposals-for a renewed school millage
and for library funding. Both won over-
Voter turnout was disappointing as it
Schaper bounced
In his first major move as chief execu-
tive, newly elected Student Government
Council President Lee Gill has kept a
campaign promise to remove controversial
SGC figure David Schaper from Council
affairs. Gill yesterday announced the ap-
pointment of math major and grad stu-
dent Rosemary Mollin as SGC Treasurer,
terminating Schaper's role as "executive
assistant to the President for financial
affairs." Mullin, says Gill. will attempt
to tnake a proper accounting of SGC's
mangled financial records, a task origin-
aH assigned[ to Schaper.
Dope note
tore a 150 people cr ided nto City
Council chambers Saturday for a pub
lic hearnig on the proposed repeal of the
citys 5$5 marijuana fine Speakers from
various walks of life gave near-unani-
mons support for the reknowned "penal-
ty As Rainbow People's Party honcho
John Sinclair, State Representative Perry
ullard and others sang the praises of
toking up, several riot-equipped police-
men looked on "in case of trouble" frotm
the stairwells. Council is expected to re-
peal the dope law within the near future.
WNRZ sold
A tentative agreement for the sale of
WNRZ has been reached with the owner
of a Rochester, N.Y. radio station. Jim
Trayern, part owner of WCMF in Roches-
ter said he will return "free form" pro-
gramming to NRZ's airwaves.
Working class hero?
A college president who said he wanted
to "get away from the world of books
and words" spent his two-month vaca-
tion digging ditches, collecting garbage
and washing dishes. Dr. John Coleman of
Haverford College was concerned about
a split between intellectuals and work-
ers. "I think I will be a better college
president because I have done it," he
Happenings .. .
... are slim today. "Bonnie and Clyde"
will be featured by the A2 Film Co-op
at 7:30 and 9:30 at And. A, Angell Hall.
The Ecumenical Campus Center is spon-
soring a lunch at noon, at the center. If
you just feel like cooling tff, try the tM
pool from 3,30-6:30, or the Margaret Bell
Pool from 9:30-1 (co-ed), from 12-4 (wo-
men only), from 1-2 (co-ed), from 5-6
(women only), from 7-8 (women only)
and from 8-9:30 (co-ed). The Fuller City
pool on Fuller Road is nice if you can
manage to avoid the busy ,after-school
A2's weather
Sunny with scattered clouds through-
out the day, Chance of an isolated rain-
shower this evening. Hote today, highs
between 87-92 with lows tonight 65-70

drooped to 25 per cent from 30 per cent
last year. Less than 211 per cent of the
registered voters in the stttdent wards
voted; up to 80 per cent turned out in
the more conservative precincts of the
fifth ward. The two most liberal candi-
dates, Diana Autin and Henry Alting, came
in last.
Although alt of 'the candidates save
Autin frosa the Human Rights Party ran
on a non-partisan basis, Martin and Wein-
hold are generally characterized as con-
servatives and Poolev as a liberal.

MAJOR CAMPAIGN issues included
violence in the public schools, community
control and the basic curriculum.
Recently the city schools have been hit
with a rash of violent incidents including
several riots and stabbings. The discipline
problem differentiates the candidates most
Martin and Weinhold favor an alterna-
tive school which would segregate the
"trouble makers" from the rest of the
student population. They also favor a
stricter grading system. Weinhold suggests
potential problem children should be ding-

nosed and helped at the elementary school
POOLEY ALSO hones the problem can
be defeated in the lower grades but
opposes the alternative school.
Weinhold downplayed the political im-
plications of the race and emphasized his
"pragmatic" concerns, such as school
While Pooley advocates placement of
voting student members on the School
Board, Weinhold and Martin stop short
of giving such members voting power.
City Council
vote forbids
in schools
After lengthy debate, City Council last
night approved an ordinance designed to
prevent unauthorized persons from loiter-
ing ai public school property.
The Rtepitblienn cotciltnen claimed the
ne sitre is ntecessary to ctrttil the vio-
lence which his recently plagued local
schools. lrt iiiic and luitan Rights
Party (hIRP) c ecil tmembers contend-
ed the ordii"'n it 1would violite basic
civil liberties Lind give an undue amount
of nowstr to s'hitoolt tinistrators.
'IE ORDINA'NCER, acitedi by a -4
tIllts, provides thy ,'i ii"tanthorized ier-
so' nijst leiv sci!l itpropertyiwtei S
ordered by the priniil or a person desig-
nated by the principal
Under the ordintitce persons other than
students, teschers, and school district
empliyes mtst secure admrinistrAte ap-
proval before entering and remi-inintig to
school buildings
'ouncil member Rttbert Henry (R-
'third Ward) spoke in favor of the hea-
sure saying the violence in city schools
must be curbed. Ie admitted that certain
applications of the ordinance ciild be dis-
criminatory, but said that "no better al-
ternatives to the present situation have
been offered."
Ward) said the ordinance merely can-
tinues "closed, authoritarian school poli-
cies." The ordinance is irrelevant to the
actual problems within the schools, she
Several amendments to the legislation
were proposed by Norris Thomas (D-First
Ward) but the Republicans teamed up to-
vote them down. Thomas termed the
measure "Hitlerian tactics" in its present
During the debate, a member of the
Gay Liberation Front entered- the coon-
See COUNCIL, Page 5

Veep visits Michigan
A grinning Vice President Spiro Agnew arrives at Lansing Airport yesterday for a
speech before the Michigan Manufacturers' Association today. Earlier the Veep
told a St. Louis audienee that the televised Senate Watergate hearings are "be-
smirching the innocent."

Untedns wrong aipr
MIAMI, Fla. (A-"It was a perfect land- "WE WERE prepared for them because "THEY ALL LOOK very sin
ing except the plane landed at the wrong, we got a call from Miami," said Sam night," he said.
airport," mused a spokesman for United Hamilton, chief controller at Opa-Locka But Lt. Donnie Polk, a Coast Gu
Air Lives yesterday after a United jet tower.. who has been flying a Grumman
landed at a small field used by the Coast Opa-Locka has no radar facilities but out of Opa-Locka Airport for fo
Guard instead of Miami International, the runway is 8,000 feet long and "ample said he didn't think Miami Inte
eight miles away. for the type of plane" said Hamilton. looked at all like the small fieldt
Federal authorities and airline officials Tom Hardy, a control tower supervisor
were questioning the jet's pilot, Capt. at Fort Lauderdale when a similar in- "Opa-Locka stands out like
James Bosse, and copilot Charles Mel- cident involving a Northwest Airlines 727 thumb when I come in," he said yt
bourne to find out why they landed the took place in May 1969, said almost every "The runways are situated dii
Boeing 727 with 62 passengers aboard at airport along Florida's east coast has a We only have one long east-west
the smaller Opa-Locka Airport Sunday main lighted runway on an east-west and two shorter ones. Miami1
night. . . line because of prevailing offshore winds, long parallel east-west runwy

nilar at
ard pilot
ir years,
at night.
a sore
has two

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