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June 12, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-12

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 24-5

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 12, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Dean said to

WASHINGTON (Al)-Ousted White House
counsel John Dean III was at the center
of a plot to cover up the Watergate wire-
tapping, federal prosecutors said in a
letter released in court yesterday.
They said others should share the blame
with Dean, but didn't name them.
THE MAY 22 LETTER to Dean was in-
troduced in connection with a request by
Dean to postpone his testimony before
the Watergate grand jury.
"The evidence that has been gathered
and is still being gathered establishes that

you were at the center of a very profound
kind of corruption," the letter said.
"Involved was your exploitation of a
position of trest in order to foster a
pervasive scheme to obstruct justice.
"THINGS THAT the FBI, the grand
jury, and this office were striving to
uncover about the implication of others
in the Watergate matter were blocked
and frustrated by your connivance and
collaboration with others.
"Accordingly, we cannot allow you to
trade your testimony about the culpability

plan C
of others in return for dropping all
charges against you. However, as you
know there is a deep interest by this
office and the grand jury in the full
disclosure of your evidence concerning
the guilt of others who should share the
blame with you."
The letter was sent by U.S. Atty. Harold
Titus and the three assistants who made
up the original Watergate prosecuting
team. Special prosecutor Archibald Cox
has since taken over responsibility for
the investigation, although the original
prosecutors remain on the job, at least

for the time being.
quest for immunity from prosecution, and
offered instead to allow him to plead
guilty to a single count of conspiracy to
obstruct justice. The offer has been
rescinded by Cox pending a review of all
immunity and plea-bargaining decisions.
U.S. Dist. Judge John Sirica put off until
today a ruling on Dean's request for im-
munity or a delay in testifying before the
grand jury.
See DEAN, Page 5

Supreme Court axes



residency rule

Univ. of Conn. case to affect 'U'

In a ruling which may profoundly affect
the University, the U.S. Supreme Court
yesterday struck down a statute which
prevented out-of-state students at the Uni-
versity of Connecticut from attaining resi-
dency and lower in-state tuition rates.
The high court's ruling appears to give
authority to a recent decision by Circuit
Court Judge William Ager that threw out
the University's residency rule. That de-
cision could cost some $5 million in lost
tuition revenue.
IN A 6-3 AFFIRMATION of a lower
court ruling, the Supreme Court justices
held that the statute violated the equal
protection clause of the Constitution.
On this occasion, as in the past, the
court did not rule higher out-of-state tui-
tion rates unconstitutional.
The justices confined their opinion to
the legality of the Connecticut residency
statute, which required students who de-
sired in-state status to live in the state
and not attend school for one year.
THE UNIVERSITY requirement, and
one very similar to it at the University
of North Carolina, requires the non-resi-
dent to take no more than three credit
hours of class while living in the state for
at least six months.
A high court decision on the North Caro-
lina requirements is expected next Mon-
day. Observers suggest that these regula-
tions, and by implication the similar
Michigan rules, will be declared uncon-
President Robben Fleming indicated that
he would wait for the crucial North Caro-
lina decision before-making a public com-
ment on the residency rule question. But
Fleming did admit that yesterday's court
action "had a bearing" indthe University's
CHIEF COUNSEL R od er i ck Duane
acknowledged that the institution's posi-
tion in the matter was precarious.
"If it (the Supreme Court) squarely
faced the matter of the equal protection
clause in the Connecticut case ... I sup-
pose I'm licked in North Carolina. I'll
See HIGH, Page 5

Try, try again
William Sullivan, left, Henry Kissinger's deputy, shakes hands with a North Vietnamese official yesterday as Hanoi's Nguyen Co
Thach, top aide to Le Duc Tho, waves to newsmen waiting outside a suburban Paris villa. Sullivan conferred with Thach on
the Vietnamese cease-fire prior to Kissinger's scheduled resumption of talks with Tho in Paris today.
Conservatives winin
of nSchoolB races
Story on Pag"e 3,

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