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June 09, 1973 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-09

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Page Twelve


Saturday, June 9, 1973


Secretariat was smashing in Kentucky ... tremendous at the Preakness ... can he capture the Triple Crown today?
Secretariat runs at Belmont
seeking elusive ple Crown

Summer Dail
Major League Standings

Sham heads five challengers
in bid to defeat 'super horse'


W L Pet. G
Detroit 28 24 .538 -
New York 29 25 .537
Baltimore 24 24 .500 2
Boston 24 20 .480 3
Milwaukee 24 27 .471 3
Cleveland 20 33 .377 8
Chicago 29 20 .592 -
58 nnesota 29 21 .580
California 27 23 .540 2?
Kansas City 30 27 .526 3
Oakland 27 27 .500 4
Texas 18 32 .360 11
Yesteday's Results
Minnesota 2, Baltimore 0
Chicago 5, Cleveland 2
Texas 5, Boston 2
Now York 8, Kansas City 1
Deteoit at Oakland, inr.
Milwaukee at California, inc.
Today's Games
Detroit (Perry37-3) at Oakland
(Hioltzman t0-3).
Milwaukee (Colborn 6-2) at Cali-
foenia (May 4-5), night.
Boston (Pattin 5-7) at Texas
(Dunning 0-2), night.
New York (Stottlemyre 7-5) at
Kansas City (Drago 5-5), night.
Chicago (Gossage 0-4) at Cleveland
(Perry 6-6), twilight.
Minnesota (Bands 5-5) at Baltimore
(Cuellar 2-6), night.

B Chicago
-. Montreal
- Pittsburgh
St. Louis
3 New York
31 Philadelphia
San Francisco
-Los Angeles
E San Diego

W L Pci. t
33 22 .600
23 25 .479 6
23 25 .479 6
24 27 .471 3
22 27 .449 8
21 32 .396 11
38 21 .044
34 22 .607 2
30 24 .556 5
32 70 .5525
21 33 .389 14
20 37 .351 17

NEW YORK (UPI) - Secretariat is perfectly
oblivious to the whole thing.
With time drawing closer for today's Belmont
Stakes, in which he'll either become the ninth
Triple Crown winner in history or blow the final
jewel, thus prolonging or ending conjecture as
to whether he's actually a super horse or simply
a superior one, Secretariat keeps acting as if he
couldn't care less.
B The announcement Thursday that there would
% be no show betting in today's six-horse race didn't
even get so much as a rise out of the big good-
looking chestnut three-year-old.
All he did in his stall was chew some hay.
Some already are talking about Secretariat
in the same mouthful as Man o'War.
.yr That could be a bit premature.
5 MAN O'WAR WON 20 out of 21 in his career,
losing his only race to Upset in the Sanford Memo-
rial at Saratoga on Aug. 13, 1919, while Secretariat
has finished in front in 12 out of 14 so far,"
If you go by money alone, you can't help but

1920, but then, of course, a dollar was a dollar.
Despite the fact more and more racing people
seem to be climbing on Secretariat's bandwagon,
one man isn't sold on him at all yet.
He is Frank "Pancho" Martin, hardly an un-
biased witness. Martin trains Sham, who ran sec-
ond to Secretariat in both the Kentucky Derby and
Preakness, but beat out the Meadow Stable star
The Elite Eight
Year Horse- Owner
1919 Sir Barton J.K.L. Ross
1930 Gallant Fox Belair Stud
1935 Omaha Belair Stud
1937 War Admiral S.D. Riddle
1941 Whirlaway Calumet Farms
1943 Count Fleet Mrs. J.D. Hertz
1946 Assault King Ranch
1948 Citation Calumet Farms
in the Wood Memorial where both trailed Angle
"I don't go by the Derby and the Preakness
because my horse had trouble in them," says
Martin. "I still say if there is no other trouble,
if they go head to head, my horse can win."
Maybe yes, and then again, maybe no, but
because he felt it would help his cause, Martin
also has entered a second horse, Knightly Dawn,
in the Belmont Stakes.
LUCIEN LAURIN, Secretariat's trainer, had
been annoyed by some things Martin had said
about his horse earlier, but no more.

Yesterday's Results
Chicago 6, Cincinnati 5
Philadelphia 5, San Diego 1
Atlanta 5, St. Louis 3
Montreal 17, San Francisco 3
Los Angeles 5, New York 3
Houston 4, Pittsburgh 3
Today's Games
San Francisco (Bradley 5-2) at Mont
ceal (McAnally 3-1), night.
Los Angeles (Downing 5-2) at New
York (Matlack 2-8).
SatsDiego (Gref )4-6) at Philadelphi
(Brett 3-2), night.
Cincinnati (Billingham 8-2) at Chi-
cago (Jenkins 6-4).
St. Louis (Spinks 1-4) at Atlanta
(Niekeo 4-2), twilight.
Pittsburgh (Moose 4-5) at Houston
(Roberts 6-3), night.


More Sports, Page 11
being impressed by Secretariat's financial figures.
That $6,080,000 he has been syndicated for is
the highest ever, and put still another way, it's
even more than their present owners paid 'for
Bobby Hull, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Ron Blom-
berg all together.
INSOFAR AS money winnings are concerned,
Secretariat has earned $805,122 so far compared
with the $249,465 Man o'War picked up in 1919 and

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