Saturday, June 9. 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Nine Sriturdov. June 9. 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Nine MUSIC BIZ Payola rc By TERRY RYAN Associated Press Writer NEW YORK - The record industry is shudder- ing as reports surface of payola, drugs, and or- ganized crime connection and misuse of funds. A federal graiid jiry and offices of district at- torneys in Manhtittan and Los Angeles are looking into the music business. One recording industry figure has fallen, and people in the field see troubled days ahead. "THE REPORTS SAY all record companies are being quietly investigated. I believe that is going to happen," said Herb Helman, head of public rela- tions for RCA Records. "At this point, I think every company should take a very low profile." The payola scandals of the late 1950s rocked the music world with liquor and free vacations to con- vince disk jockeys to play their records. Such exposure can increase sales. The record companies and broadcasters insist such practices have ceased. But some reports in- dicate they persist with a new twist: cocaine and marijuana are sometimes the inducement now. INSISTING ON ANONYMITY for himself and all concerned, a disk jockey recently with an FM station in Boston explained how it works on one level: "The promo man comes in maybe once or twice a month with a stack of cuts they are pushing. He says something like, 'Want to smoke some good grass?' or 'Want to do some coke?' You go in back and smoke a little or whatever. When he leaves, he leaves a little behind." The former disk jockey said such scenes were fairly common. The promotion men told him they used "medical expenses" to cover the cost of drugs on their expense accounts, he added. HOW WIDESPREAD such activities are can- SCANDAL cks CBS not be stated. But payola on a grander scale was reported this week by sources close to a federal grand jury meeting in Newark, N.J. Those sources said David Wvoihaw, until two months ago director of artist relations for Co- iinbia Records, told members of a federal Organ- ized Crime Strike Force that the company budget- ed $250,000 a year for payoffs to promote Colum- bia's stable of black pop and rock singers. Wynshaw said part of the money went to bribe the publishers of weekly tip sheets that supposedly keep radio stations informed of the latest "hot" records and part of it went to black disk jock- eys, the sources said. THE COLUMBIA Broadcasting System, owner of Columbia Records, issued a statement Wednesday saying it "had no evidence whatsoever of wrong- doing" and had appointed its law firm to conduct an inquiry. CBS last week fired Columbia Records Presi- dent Clive J. Davis, a powerful and highly regard' ed industry figure, and announced it was suing him for $94,000 allegedly misapprorpriated from company funds. Although CBS denied Dlavis' dismissal had any- thing to do with the grand jury's probe, Davis was Wynshaw's boss; any many industry insiders doubt he was fired exclusively for the reason stated. A FEDERAL OFFICIAL connected with the grand jury revealed another side of that investi- gation Wednesday: the role of organized crime. Underworld operatives have muscled into the scene by forcing singers and groups to hire them as agents, the official said. Without naming artists or record companies, he said the grand jury is looking into reports that some companies have sanctioned the mob influence to keep temperamental stars from disagreeing with corporate decisions or starting contract disputes. FENNY LYNN of Berkley, Calif. tends her sidewalk "guerrilla garden". Residents of Berkley began turning their front yards into gardens as a protest against the high food prices in their supermarkets. Beating inflation with guerrila gardening BERKELEY, Calif. (M) - Neat rows of lettuce, broccoli, a n d tomatoes are sprouting w h e r e front lawns normally would be in this university city. The curbside gardens can be seen along many streets these days as some residents raise crops at home to avoid high-pric- ed supermarket produce. They call it "guerrila garden- ing," although it is strictly legal, and dozens of sidewalk farmers insist they've never eaten so well. "People are going to have to learn how to grow their own food," said Harriet Robinson, a member of a political collective which does guerrilla farming. "Think of the prices and what chemicals are pumped into everything we get at the super- markets. "We have to get ourselves to- gether and learn to do things on our own." The urban agrarians have to deal with certain traditional prob- lems of the business, such as ap- hids and other harmful insects. "None of these pesticides for me," said Berkeley f a r m e r Ronald Zeno. Zeno patrols his garden with a baseball bat at night in search of snails, bane of leafy plants. RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.-1 to 24 week pregnancies terminated, by i- censed obstetrician oynecoo- git LQuick services will be ar- ranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 28166 24 HOUR SERVICE University Players' Guild Announces BENEFIT PERFORMANCE For The Simpson Memorial Institute CLARIBEL BAR% IN Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest TIUES.-SAT. 8 P.M. SUN.1 P.M. une7--10 Mendelssohn Theatre Get to know the two of you before yo become the three o you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the four of you. Or... Planned Parenthood Children by choice. Not chance. For further information, write Planned Parenthood, Box 431, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019. Planned Parenthood is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to providing information and eftective means of family planning to all who wsnt and need it. advertising contributed for the public good w f l } 'frI l'i'is 4 9 . ? ' i~ , . . Y ' i ' . ii i ! k