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June 09, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-09

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Soturdoy, June 9, 19 73


Poge Three

Welby med commencement
speech disrupted by protest

Even Robert Young, better known as
Marcus Welby, M.D, admitted that he
does not "know best" about medicine.
But a few scattered hecklers could not
shake his cool nor his conviction as he
addressed a crowd of over 2000 gradu-
ates, families and friends at the medical
school commencement last .night in Hilt
Young's appearance was tinged by the
anger of many med students who had
championed Dr. Benjamin Spock for their
commencement speaker. These students
charged that Spock, democratically chosen
by the graduating class, had been re-
jected by the school's administration for
his progressive political views.
BASING HIS COUNSE1 largely on more
than 300,000 letters delivered to T. V.'s
idolized family do ', Young underlined for
the graduating doctors their duty to the
"frightened patient, the worried relative,
the apprehensive friend."
"'I know what your future patieits coin-
plain about," he said. "And bectause my
T.. identity is believable. you're already
in trouble," he added, joking about his
midnight house calls and non-existent
bills that gridites might be expected t
Before the ceremonies began a grOup of
15 students stoad on the auditorium steps,
displaying picket signs which carried such
slogans as " ' ather Knows shit," "The
Marcus Welbv syndrome is dangerous to
y our health," and "Che . iseara was a
TO COMXNI.CF'FNT g'tests entering
in evening attire the leflets charging
"cheap publicits -"nd "unjustified recog-
nition" of the Dr. Welby inage appeared
tot told litile interest
A few demonstrators continued their pro-
test from the balcony of the auditoriutm,
shouting out their sl amns during Young's
When taunting applause spurted out un-
e.pectedly, Yt""" countered by saying,
"That was h a r d 1 y a rousing voice. 1
thought there would be more."
AT THAI' POINT, the entire audience
joined in applause-in support of Young.
Before his speech Young told The Daily
he was ont even aware of the Spock con-
troversy before arriving in Ann Arbor.
"I'm not in the middle of it. I'm not
any part of it. It might even add a little-
excitement-just as long as they don't
throw tomatoes."
UNLIKE SPOCK, Young advocates an
Convinced his audience would not toler-
ate a show which pushed for social change.
Young asserted his responsibility to T.V.
viewers rests solely in the field of enter-
VOICING HIS FEAR at the commence-
ment of "1984" impersonality and desew-
sitized medical care, he based his hope
in the doctor's ability to set a tone e
comfort and assurance in real patient-
doctor interaction.
This human element, Young maintains,
is what the patient "enjoys most and
misses most."

Store without money
Laura Wolf, founder, proprietor, and guiding light of the newly-opened Ann Arbor Free Store, checks over some of her
merchandise yesterday. The operation, which features an assortment of books and used clothes among other things, will
run Qntirely on donations, and is located on Detroit Street, near the Farmers' Market.

t ,
Bottle ordinance
Circuit Court Judge Edward Deake yes-
terday ordered a full hearing on t he
"constitutional merits" of the city's con-
troversial non-returnable bottle ordinance.
The hearing is set for June 28. A tempor-
'ary restraining order preventing enforce-
ment of the ordinance will be continued
until at least that date. Several local mer-
chants have filed a lawsuit against the city
claiming the ordinance, if enforced, will
"irreparably damage" their business. The
measure would require retailers to collect
deposits on all soda and beer containers
sold within the city.
Free concerts
The first in this summer's series of
Free People's Concerts will take place
Sunday at Otis Spann Memorial Field
(near Huron High School, just off the
Huron Parkway) from 2 to 6 p.m. Featur-
ed will be Radio King and his Court of
Rhythm, Uprising, the Brooklyn B 1u e s
Busters T.N.T. An Ann Arbor tradi-
tion, the free concerts are beginning their
seventh consecutive year under the spon-
sorship of the Community Parks P r o-
gram. Drug Help volunteers will be on
hand and there will be an organic food
concession. A fine afternoon of Ann Arbor
-,*yle rock 'n roll is guaranteed to all.
A2's weather
Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain,
The storm system centered north of Lake
Superior with its trailing cold front will
cut across the state today giving us a
chance for rain and some thundershowers
up north. Warmer with highs between 81t
and 85 with lows tonight 63 to 68.

Kissinger,. Tho to
sign new accord

PARIS IN)-The United States hopes to
sign a document with North and South
Vietnam and the Viet Cong this weekend
to implement the Vietnam peace agree-
ment, American officials said yesterday.
The document, drafted by President
Nixon's security adviser Henry Kissinger-
and Hanoi's Le Duc Tho, is virtuaily
ready for signature but may still be held
up by last-minute difficulties, the officials
THEY SAID French authorities have
made arrangements for a formal signing
ceremony Saturday or Sunday in the In-
ternational Conference Center on Avenue
Kleber, where the original cease-fire
agreement was signed Jan. 27.
The current round of Kissinger-Tho talks
has been marked by postponements-a
four-hour delay in the Thursday meeting
and no session at all yesterday.
U.S. officials discounted reports from
Saigon that the government of President
Nguyen Van Thieu would refuse to sign
any new agreement.
ONE OFFICIAL said, however, that. a
last-minute "triangular argument" was
still going on between the United States
and North and South Vietnam over the
form of the document to be signed.
He said the pact ought to put an end
to disputes over interpretation of the
January cease-fire. The new agreement
does not contain any formula for ending
the fighting in Cambodia, the official
Saigon sources said President Nguyen
Van Thieu feels he is being pressured by
the Nixon administration into a political

understanding with the Communists that
he doesn't want.
AS FAR AS the Thieu government is
concerned, the main stumbling block is
an attempt by Kissinger and Tho to define
geographical areas of control for the
Saigon side and for the Viet Cong in South
Vietnam, the sources said.
U.S. Embassy officials worked late into
the night in efforts to obtain an agreement
with Thieu. Acting U.S. Ambassador
Charles Whitehouse conferred again with
Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam, the
third meeting between the two in two

'Daily' action saves day
for irat bicycle rider

It was a fine morning for cycling, and
Bob (not his real name) was proceeding
across E. University toward campus
astride his ten-speed. Suddenly he found
his way blocked by a line of menacing
concrete blocks and a six foot stop sign.
A quick decision and an even quicker
change of course averted tragedy, but
Bob was incensed, nonetheless. He dis-
covered that the road block that cut off
E. University near N. University had
been moved some 10 feet to the north,
bisecting the path that bikes and pe-
destrians take to cross the street.

BOB MADE THREE phone calls to the
University Plant Department, but received
no help from that quarter.
The irate cyclist then called the Daily.
We surveyed the situation and made a
call to Ken Wanty, University land archi-
tect and grounds manager. Wanty told us
that the block had been moved so that
trucks wanting to turn onto the sidewalk
by the Waterman gym sub-station would
not knock over the stop sign.
would examine the area and determine
whether the bike path could be re-routed
so as to avoid the obstruction,

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