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June 09, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-09

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Summer Daily


Vol. LXXXIII, No. 23-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 9, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Daily Newss Anatysis
Voters in Monday's school board election
will face a wide political spectrum of
candidates ranging from the radical left
to the far right, although most gravitate
toward the moderate middle.
Eight candidates will be vying for three
positions on the board. By far the most
liberal are Diana Autin, the Human Rights
Party entry, and Ienry Alting. The con-
servatives include Merrilyn Martin, Paul
Weinhold, and Wendy Barhydt, while those
displaying various shades of moderation
are Patricia Pooley, Charles Votaw, Judith
With the exception of Autin, the can-

vie in School Bd. race

didates are running on a non-partisan
CAMPAIGN DEBATE seems to have
centered around violence in the public
schools, community control, and the basic
Recently the city schools have been hit
with a rash of violent incidents including
several riots and stabbings. Many of the
outbreaks have had racial overtones. Per-
haps the solutions to the discipline prob-
lem differentiate the candidates most
Autin favors non-compulsory education
as a partial solution because "forcing
attendance fosters hostility." She also sees

more student control of curriculum and
a less -competitive grading system as im-
portant steps in ending disruptions.
ALTING POINTS OUT the board "cannot
legislate an end to violence." He believes
the problems must be studied by student-
teacher groups on the individual school
level. He, like Autin, blasts the alternate
school concept, which would segregate
"trouble makers" from the rest of the
student population, as "a detention camp
The three conservatives have come out
in favor of the alternate school. Martin
has particularly pushed the concept but
Weinhold and Barhydt express a wait-and-
see attitude.

Weinhold suggests potential problem
children should be diagnosed and helped
at the elementary school level. Both he
and Martin favor a more strict grading
VOTAW AND WOOD indicate they do
not currently have a definite postion on the
alternate school and say more study of the
concept would be desirable. Votaw em-
See 8 CANDIDATES, Page 10
Don't forget to vote in
Monday's School
Board election.

asks court
to overturn
Cites perjury by
campaign official

McCord, facing sentencing in one
week, asked a federal judge yester-
day to reverse his Watergate bug-
ging conviction or grant a new trial
because of "massive efforts in this
case to obstruct justice" - includ-
ing perjury by a Nixon campaign
The former Nixon campaign se-
curity chief, whose post-trial alle-
gations led to a new grand jury in-
vestigation and a wave of govern-
ment resignations, made his plea
in a motion filed with Chief U. S.
District John Sirica.
McCORD CHARGED he was denied at
his trial in January the defense that "he
was acting under the direction of his
superiors at the White House."
He also asserted that "on his own
knowledge," he believes that Jeb Stuart
Magruder, former deputy Nixon campaign
director, committed perjury at the Water-
gate trial when he testified that no one
higher than former White House aide G.

Gordon Liddy was involved.
Magruder's testimony, he said, was
"central to the whole theory of prosecu-
tion," and that it appeared Magruder's
tainted statements were "knowingly and
intentionally used by the prosecution" at
the trial.
MeCORD SAID he was "enticed by high
government officials" into the bugging
operation and was unaware at the time of
the existence of the White house team of
"plumbers" - of which Liddy and fel-
low conspirator E. Howard Hunt were
members - that was secretly established
to plug leaks of classified security docu-
By his own ignorance of the existence
of this secret unit, McCord said, he was
denied the trial defense "that he was
acting under the direction of his super-
iors at the White House and under a
color of law."
Also citing allegations of payments to
the Watergate defendants to plead guilty
and remain silent, McCord told Sirica
he was denied his 14th Amendment guar-
antee of protection under due process of
See McCORD, Page 10

Doily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Robert Young reacts to demonstrators during his commencement address last
night to this year's graduating med school class. Young told the crowd that they
could help provide personalized medical care. See story on page three.
Secretariat runs
for Triple Crownoal
See BckPage~

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