Page Ien THE SUMMER DAILY'--MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 10, 1973 P racnenTHE UMM r DIYMC IA DIL Turd, ay10 17 I I , i e * - 1-STO P SHOPPERS SPECIALS EVERYNIGHT SHAMPOO AND CREME RINSE ye-.. You c h ic e of Balsam, Lemor, or Herb Sham poo a I~w' cdRaiorater Soft Rinse 'Balsam, 8 Sfl,.ozbit. -------- HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS DEPT. I PRICES GOOD TH RU SAT., MAY 12, 1973' Meijer Reserves the Right to Limit Sales According to Specified Limits. No Soles to Deolers, Irnstitu- tions, or Distributors. (I I ' LADIES NYLON PEIGNOIR SET Nationally Advertised! Famous Brani! MENS" DENIM FLARE JEANS 1i3 3 or. blue dernir flare jears, Slqhftt r requlars, Brokern osie 30-36, $ .96 PR. Mens' Dept. , REM[MBER MOM ON SUNDAY! 4 PC. WOMEN'S COLOGNE SET Assorted s toyl es andr craIlar s.Sizes mall, medium, andl largt. Ladies' Dept. 7 SET Our Reg. 2.99 $ 96 COSMETIC3 DEPT. set MmEIJER H U G IIK12dc. 2 C HOT DOG or H M U GB N. k.2 FOOD CLUB FRS HOMESTLE ORPICNIC SUNKIST W BUTTERMILK BISCUITS PORK ROAST ORANGES 8oz. CC 163 s ize77 wt. 77 tube 65 JJ be 24 for ' ,,,SAVE 13 C31 , ' SAVE 4 ca fnI cwSAVE 25rco 1 with tis coupon with tins coup.nAI with this sauna 00 Q oadtepreaeot oad the ci.hao'of owardI the CQ GENERAL MILLS CEREAL U 8 PACK O Overnight. Daytime, Newborn lt 3 14 oz. wtl, box 16 If.,oz. HR bottles 1 T O 0C.BX 3 T O IBUC-WH EATS... 48cI COCA COLA.. 88c I TOPCO DIAPERS 25c Ouff i *WITH COUPON I WITH COUPONU I WITH COUPON O" G ood thrru Saturdayr Moo 12, 1973 *'3 Good thru Saturday. Mae 12, 1973 Good tru Saturday. May 12, 19731 -.01 rrrrrr iFPT /PP opnlmtdĀ°t n e. tmad'i miWy1 ., se } &""%. ,Coupon limited ra one per item and: per font i w.' " ] '41 eT ITYA.k .'vle T CE SHOP MON. THRU SAT. 8 A. M. TO 10:30P.M., SUN. 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M.I