Friday, June 8, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY ig!t A-Aw _ f I (Continued from Page 6) CAR SERVICE, ACCES. FOR SALE FROM THE F OFI E WHO FIX YOUR VERY COMNFORTABLE reading chair BUSINESS SERVICES CAR RIGHIT-Re 'at hi F prics foa 1 yearld ingod conditioni ith! - .. ...._..-_ fre!n cfr o tier TheWhee~l V''s,, tiig 010man0in Eold corduroy. HAV TRCK 70-849)3,2920 'A'tU ,dium. oStc 0ew0 h: orhi$180or bestoffer. Ol HAVE.TRUCK703-0119 betwern 6 pet. and 11 pi. Want Worls WANTED TO BUY dE23 Too. 1i My Specialty --OLD REFRIGERATORlo sole. Good 701-0425 evenings SCIENCE FICTION, comsic books, hose-. ond.,freezerscompartment doesn't 533 boil 000r's CURIOUS0 USED ROOK wools $5 tofirst collior.005-0219, dB22 WEOGUARANTEE persol itenton in HOF, TOO! 340$S. tte p010rs,' hadlngshpens f or eronl701-0112 (1-6 p~m.. c tcROOK and ROLL FREAKS:;one g0ea effects wordid. CEonat A. F.giaam fosleTw12nc Hurst0omE. G0n. 963-4033. cJtc MUSICAL MDSE., spoolseos. Oheap! C011065-2603,askOf10 RADIOS, REPAIRS Alan, 0ar1a, or Morry. dB22 TORPEDO TYPING 80fa0, ecooicalo, FOR SALE; Whilipool 0000 ETC oir- first-ratse Coil 761-7121aytimoe. MAGONAVOX STEREO, tnet $175. Obtap, conditionter, $125; Smoith 00r0n0 Au- o bst 5offe.Fooi, 763-6118. 86X22 Itomticlo12 typewroiter(electric) $100; 0e1uxe dehuimidifier, $50. 065-6600. MdOVING? Expeien'edmovertof fur- ZENITH compact sero ysemwth'4B2 niture an0 appliances. LEorates. AM/FM sternorao. oEto, cod. 769--- 63-3882, 0~te06421. 88X26 RCA COLOR TV, 10rg0 portab1e. $150. 665-7361. y 571322 USED CARS GUITARS-Finest made-stee1 strngor NWRMNTO__lbe yetio 1065 TR4A, IRS, new heod, wires. Noods Heeiioodit others. 662-1775. 19X30 (worth $110). Will soil for-$555.Bill, worls. $125. 665-3926. 91N24 761-1173. 451B24 -....._.. __ _. ._ . ® _ ._._ ._ _ ..._. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO_- '64 CREV V CARRY-ALL. ron oOd, Instrmtents, net, sied, wide, aod 1ANNOUNCING: GRAND OPENING ex.transportation. ONeedosominor re- oepaired. Lessons, accessoies. 209 S. i PFactoryOutlet Storee poios. 769-7258, leave wessage. 54N25 State, 665-l001 10-6. oXtc -Children's seepwear: Fiest & secoods -Sewiog acessorese: Mterial, threead, '66 CEIEVELLE MALIBU, Heorst 3-speed,: ALTO SAX-Silter, new pods, Peed, czippers Mass, oeedissome' wools, bett offer. 769-2673. 76X25! -Adult Wear: Dowofliled jaclsets,I Ricls, 971-8446. 58N24GBSNJ-0D-ok uta.1 r sd ests, sleeping hogs IBO3-60PlsGia.1y.od ALL AT FACTORY PRICES CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 1963, 4-do., EGc od os 6-06ote6p5 ILL MANUFACTURING auto, eoxc. running cond., clean 1ns10e 51X25 2610 E. Nigh tod out. $350. 662-7563. cR29 SACRIFICE. Band is splitting. Muit StJeekHour OM V__'9_pol_ d lsi se ell Feoder Rhode Electric Piano. 1971StrHos pG5dV-i 6,stick.led, inlteor et roffer amdel. Just like new. 955$0 ohobst Tues.Foi.9:30-5:00, Sot. 030-2:06294.6N3ofe.ClHnr,7142. 6X562 662-91,V4N2-of .Colsetic71-94.k.256$2 '65 VW CAMPER. Just rebuilt. Gis GARRARD $2 MF haoe and eover. PERSONAL heatee an0 extras. 66-7315. 36N21 Shure M75 cueing, $45. 483-6983. 63X23 A 96CHVLEMBB4r.6-y.VEYERYLePalJr7n-9i WANTED Sailing enthusiast foe day 196CEEL aib -r,6cl, EYERY e 1uJ7169. O fS & weekend cruising. Write Bo3, onto., lean, runo well. 163,006 mi 60- Michigan Dailyp.14F35 $275 or ?. 668-7505. 19N21 SONY 221 Opedeck. $65 oe best offer.-___ '61 L~b Bod ingrea sope, sotr 57-f~i. 5X22DEE &o DAVE at the Wooden Spoon 161 LDS Bod ingrea shpemoto 97-f!70. 6X2 earnestly uroe you to tote "yes" on needs soioe work. $50. 665-2604 after; NEW VOLVO AM-PM RADIO, with spkr. the library mililage. June 11th. Paid 6. 13N23 and antenna (worth $1201 will sell Political Adertisemtent. 90F23 VW nUS, 1967. 36,600 emi. -Good$7orha.n,76-1.4X4 VARIETY is the spice of life. That's Best offer. Colil 760-1023, persistently. FOR SALE-5-string banjo. Etc. rood, why we hose so moany faosus brand 16N22 Bob, 761-3525 days. 31X22 cosmetic lines to choose froms. Village -Apothecary, 1112 S. University. c~tc '64 JEEP VAN, exo. running cand. En- GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, -. - gine lust rebuilt. Auto. $560 or bestHonrMasrGboMrtn PLYBLIRS EAHUTR offer. 570-5005. 0ON22 SoeMeto se.Mri, PA ILaRDSBe A RSTLE Guild. One-step crater. Apollo Music, atih2Uio 322 S. Main, 765-1400. extceP2 APOLLO DRUM CENTER. Drumsists, SO OECVCPIE oeer 26 teta in stock: Rogers, Sonar, u ybme tce 5c:"ii CASH Ludwig, Oretsch, Singerland. Prieed BatipfuoApnrbsolaceC0a)pisito right deals. 322 b,.)Main, 761-1401 euiu lnAbo oeCptlo BRING YOUR TITLE t hr Midwest." 31im Prisiager, 1510 WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! MUSIC STRINGS Gilbert CO., AA. 00F24 TP$$'NI' TINSlO MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE TOP ~''"~""'Undeswriters still has the best rates guitar lesss; fols. clotsical, blurs, 10in0000. Call us, 761-4616. C.Fto -SPORTS & IMPORTS- counitry, 1az0 a00 theory. All gulitars, _ -. 1972 MOB Roadistec, wires, rdio, crtst strings, ad accesories ore alwaps Why buiytoast produced WEDDING proing, plerailos $7295 20cen0it afflist. RINGSHav~oe yocr personal desigo 1971 VOl VO 164, auto air , AM-PSI 51060E55Wi0l0a0000overiCampus Bike) icrated by JHAN. 700-7550. cFtc 'iclinsit. . . 4295 e68-9836 oet 1i7l PEUGEOT, 4-di , 4 speoil PIPE SMOKERS! Haindcryafted oce- sh-i ... . . . $995i MARTIN (iUITARS 0-10,1D-28, ID-35, s'lom',Exyeptional al1etano td 'It67ocyARi. V-4, 321dr. . $895 12-tings ieady to he ynjoyed! Apollo lit oIs000ipersonailized at seviye. Free 0 V-A~, 04, ag;io. $1095 Mus~ic Centet-c769-1406. oXte Ltii.PMOP Co~, P..tBox 444, 0 ii oyy'r,burm-Mit 20700. OOFto 10O0OlAS mo 0) 11i dells oif.ii'FOR SLE iElNIiT 00500 10ortHumaniRi-lboo }t I LARGE OAK bhnoil O'.'on(,ytoi . o liIt, 9110m. Womeon's Aih-I iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ioi .t .arodradol t ii1111r ;os :0o'iltii'thlri11rP .ii=Oiiiap t ti7110- di, orl100iles '0 0, iii'est.oe Coneoia. i Gild11 es . py22- 0.02'c x 4 $20o ioii It 0 , lorooi i <11 111- i" .nnAlo G yad::e 11 .0 ooooooi 7 0100 loi SOt, lrciole- iNiI~OS ieoe-~~ and Cart' ,i' ndi01 "9-. 1 10 1 o 0 ii1' 1 o . 11 l 0o' 0100 00 00000 r000,00.0 001- 000 '00 P71582 t_ oiilsor,, gr0o00p0. 760-5946.c, ~ 0 & 'tit d,0- 5 c0.0000 ol . 1:1AMIiI YARD1,1SAL40 Sat. aond tooBUMPR STICKERtS com000poito e 100.1972 L. 111RAVEL401WAGOON, June } rd .ioO10. 10 5. 17011 P. wle-U-wt! $2. M SBL tPress,127 brak1e0s. dicim (at 000 u~oo os I- Poctdo)Qualilty and1 Prospect.l, Ann Ailbor,701-1942. Oto looo"(vo ly' 111000 0'le. Reduced b1 oor ,', il t fir:ooo'io'ooiil ofB',Op iti'-i tee $3b395 ooo F' ~ooloooili 'WEDDIlNGSO PHOTOGRAPH!,L) by yroo- '001 000 (014ttre,$0010 . iocooo 0 0 , e010100 l00 01 ;eoiis lass- 1000. 001p0r00nce0 101000 010,0..Cal 1000000 too:ol(o, Mclino'losloop $0775 001r0 otridlbic~O-ao-brao. Hosold Te010 1100769--461600or1D-id 6633-23607. 190 SUSOAhO5V-8, auto., otnly 2400 lplants ad muchi imuohobm0001, 611123 - 0P23 0.Ol0 oo.. .$15COMIC BOOKS, socice foctio, base- POOOEySIONALLY designted diamon~dI nn ror bal'e caods,,8paperbackt, CURIOUS e reio'ttootsntd awcddn' rings-hand TooaA n / " b USED BOOK SHOOP, TOO! 340 S. hoamered, hanod oengraved, any pot- State (uipstairs) 761-0112 (open 1-6 .torn - whlolesale. Austio Diaonod, 907 N. IVa YQIfn p in.) oBic 11200S. Utniversity, 663-7151. o~to PERSONAL EUROPE FROM $220 Sohedulrd (Icelantdic) Intra-Euiropean SERVICES Euail and Britrotil passes StuideatI.D. 00000 Auto and oycle rental, leate. poiooioas5 Insutrantce-air, moedical, boggogoe Gtildes to cities, couontries, ctistaioo TOURS Destind accordinto 'o001flight schedule VACATIONER'S INTERNATIONAL AGENCY 621 Church Street 761-7966 0F27 THIS Summer Study/Travel Eur ope JULY AND AUGUST WIDEST COURSE OFFERINGS- LOWEST COST Contact SUMMER ABROAD ! A Prieate Educational Organiation 204 Michigon Theatre Bldg. 662-6666 APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED NOWE c0tc Page Seven PERSONAL at MARTY'S,. "Wall-of-Slot" Plared 'a Cutffed Knit 'or Knot 300110 'n acklets SIAR I'Y 9 MEN FASHION CLOTHING 310 S. State St. eFte WISH TO LOCATE out a' aisituctor wexperieice thru 2nd level dessage foer'smali dinag sciol in111. Laing. 1-517-351-3544. 17F24 BOARD EXAM TU'TORING Etolalment for Kaplan Tutoritig tore ovt being accepted for Ohe utpcoing LSAT, MOAT. DAT exoams. For iaf-atiociand enollmenitcall 313-354-60085. c~to NEDDING INVITATIONS--Mod. or tra- diioalstyle. Coil 761-0942 aytimte. cFtc WILL TRADEicootral OcampusOpaolsing tpace for tweely ride to shopping ceitter. Coil after 5 p to. 662-9241. IF YOU ARE notatlreody ootively in- valted to animtal tselfare, howt obout it? 971-4632. 24F23 WANTEtD--Oneor moesolunteeris to tsork tsitho By Scout troop in Sotith- a-st Ainn Arbor. 971-4547 ore 971-4354. 09F22 EUROPE '73 * Studio Arts * " Paris * Spain* " Vienna * Italy " I JULY and AUGUST STILL OPENINGS Applications ART WORLDS' classes contiouously I i'CC5pted INOJW'. offered this sumomer: Clay Mold Makol- log, Kung-Fu, Modern Dane, Stain- THE ed Glass Art, Belly Dancing, Htba C ne Yoga, Primitive Weaving, Filmmaokiog Workshops, Figure Drawing & Paint- FOR log, Ceeative Drawing & Painting, Tai Chi Chuan, Nature Photography, Fore ign Study Studio 'Figure Photography, Batik7 and Tie-Dyeing, Atrology, Creative Writing, Tarot, Basic Photography, LIMITED SCHOLARSHIPS and LOANS Darkroom Technieques, Photo ilk- screen Workshop. Call now to register Contact for neat clans-68-6244, 2131(2 5. Main CENTER FOR FOREIGN STUDY St 32 A Private Educational Organization XEOjADOFST 267 Mrhigan Theatre Bldg. Fast, low nost duplicating. 662-5575 COPY QUICK 1217, 5. University 769-0500 cFto rrJe knob muic theatre aWXYZ MUSICRADIO 1270 ~OPRESENT F TOMORROW JUNE 9 at 8:00 p.m. F MUDDY WATEIRS $6. $5 (pavilion), $4 (unreserved lawn) THURSDAY, JUNE 14 al 8:00 p.M. TH HESIN $6. $5 (pavilion), $4 (unreserved lawn) FRIDAY, JUNE 15 at B:30 p m. IDON McLA& THE PERSUASIONS f SATURDAY, JUNE 16 at 7:30 p.m. LCHEECH &CHON & DAVID BROMBERGI $6, $5 (pavilion), $4 (unreserved lawn) MONDAY, JUNE 18 at 8:00 P.M. DIRECT FROM NEW 'YORK, The National Lampewoon LEMMINGS $6 (pavilion), $4 (unreserved lawn) TUESDAY, JUNE 19 at 8:30 p.m. STAN KENTON& $6, $5 (pavilion), $4 (unreserved lawn) 769-7935 Read aind Use Daily Classifieds University Players' Guild Announces BENEFIT PERFORMANCE For The Simpson Memorial Institute CLARIBEL BAIRD IN Oscar Wilde's The TUES.-SAT,.8S P.M. SUN. 1 P.M., June 110 Mendelsohn Theatre -TICKETS AVAILABLE ATo FISHER THEATRE BOX OFFICE (9 am " 8 pm exc. Sun.) PINE KNOB BOX-OFFICE 112 neon - 8 pm daily) HUGHES & HATCHER (Norhland, Moras & M3a, stores Only) And begtseivgTams at, Genesee Vallny Flint Or mail order to F-isher r'Iheatro, Detroiti, 19202. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed ensvelspe. FOR INFORMATION CALL PINE KNOlB SW ITCHBOI ARDS ONLY! (313) 559*9111 _ i