Thursday, June 7, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Eleven Former Tiger Priddy charged with extortion LOS ANGELES (A) - Former major league baseball player Jer- ry Priddy was charged yesterday with extortion and accused of demanding $250,000 in exchange for the location of bombs al- legedly placed on a luxury liner with more than 850 persons aboard. Two tiny packages were found on the ship, the Island Princess, as it sailed off Mexico, but were thrown overboard without being opened. "We'll never know what they contained," a spokesman for the line said. The ship continued toward its destination, Puerto Vallarta, Mex- ico, and after a thorough search the ship's captain said he was satisfied no bombs were aboard. Priddy played major league baseball with the Tigers, the Yankees, Washington and t h e St. Louis Browns. Phil Rizzuto, a former Yankee teammate, said Wednesday: "He was a suc- cess at almost everything he MAJOR EVENTS COMMITTEE EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY PRESENTS: SAVOY BROWN MANFRED MANN. Siegel-Schwall Band Dr. Hook & The Medicine Co. SAT., JUNE 9-4 P.M. EMU Campus-Rynearson Stadium $5 advanced $6 at the door (gen adm.) TICKETS AT: McKenny Union Ann Arbor Music Mart Huckleberry Party Store All Hudson's and Grinnells did." A leg injury forced Priddy out of the major leagues in 1953. He was playing manager of the Seat- tle Rainiers of the Pacific Coast League, but was fired after one season when the team finished fifth among eight teams. He also played briefly for Sacramento Priddy later took up golfing and turned pro in 1959. He gave that up after three seasons and 76 tournaments. "I'd starve if I had to live off what I've earned in this business," he said. Priddy, 53, was arrested after he picked up a package at the point specified by the extortion- ist in telephone calls to the ship's home office here, the FBI said. The location was in suburban Burbank near an advertising firm which Priddy heads. A spokesman for the ship com- pany said the gackage con- tained pieces of paper instead of money because the amount de- manded could not be raised quickly TIRES Wwe are makn qt ipossible or U-M students, faculty, and staff to buy tires, wheels, batteries at dealer prices. These are first suality, first line tires made by moior tire manufacturers. 404 W. LIBERTY ANN ARBOR, MICH. Be carefulwith fire. Reiember: there are babes inthe woods. Atd those baby fawns, rabbits, Follow all the rules of safety and squoirrels and trees aced a safe, happy caution-just like any other place where home. They need a place where they can there are children at play. gross op strong and heatithy. Like babes everywhere. So, please, be careful with fire when you're in the forest. AP Photo Beating the heat Jockey Ron Turcotte was up at the crack of dawn yesterday to ride Triple Crown hopeful Secretariat in his final workout for Saturday's Belmont Stakes. The heat beating workout will be followed by a walk today, a gallop tomorrow and a walk the morning of the race. Some life, huh! good grief! its marion brando in cndy CANDY! (6-7) Thursday and Friday (6-8) 7:45 & 10:00 Double feature ($2.00) Virgin Queen: Bette Davis 8:15 & 10:00 at: Modern Language BIdg./at Washington & Thayer NEW WORLD FILM CO-OP ertisne contributed for the public good.