Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Thursday, June 7, 1973 Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Thursday, June 7, 1973 House OKs new wage bill WASHINGTON (A')--The House passed a bill yesterday that would increase the minimum wage from $1.60 an hour to $2.20 next year and extend coverage tn six million more workers. The bill, sent to the Senate, also would bring household domestic workers under the minimum wage for the first time. Thley would start at $1.80, and reach $2.20 by 1975. PASSAGE OF the bill was a victory for the House Densocratic leadership, which was unable to pass its minimum wage bill last year over the opposition otf Republicans and southern Democrats. This time, a substitute bitt offered by the coalition was defeated 218-199, and a string of amendments aimed at weakening the leader- ships bill were rejected by similar margins. T'he bill would raise the minimum wage rates in tree categories. For workers in jobs covered before 1966, when the act was lamt amended, the rate would go to $2 upou enactment and to $2.20aot July 1, 1974. For those in nonagricultural jobs covered by the 1966 amend- ments, the rate would go to $1.80 upon enactment, to $2 on July 1, 19'4, and to $2.20 a year later. FOR FARM workers - only 435,000 on the largest farms am, covered-cnba nosy get $1.38 an hour, the rate would go to $1.60 on enactment, $1.88 on July 1, 1974, 8S2 a year later, and -$2.20 on July 1, 1976. 19900- ---,J Reg. $391.30 IA beutfuly blanced, beuc fulyprice Adancd dsigncctrpr,p ur fcccthd spakrsg ive Syte.FatrigtSanws35A Streo you tt,), iiascpccccsstrowep ouinnLs youplay Ftv AM dcevrwth al$5, upwera SO, n,, x4cnnfsournic ,,matria- Spartesldeco- etiur s unee ocleIa n e spi trop;for msi lc vlum, ot ra r bala$ y nce andlftrgh f Paybac 5lsuerCmpactBokshelf butan cc r ,,cr fd ertn c hanne,, sFurpoweful SpeaerSysswde-age rpou uacpl ; . ?I povideful l ltyreprod uin.A bna- e arrrds40B Chage5 w::Bas tcc!lay anyd ADC 220X Curtrde l 6e ellect(ronic pay 0rund dtdl