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May 10, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-10

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Page Eight


Thursday, May 10, 1973

Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY-MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 10, 1973

Beit Midrash Program in Jewish Studies
RABBI POUPKO: The Book of Job
RABBI POUPKO: Myths, Legends, and Tales: The
Art of Jewish Storytelling
RABBi GOLDMAN: Basic Judaism
(By appointment only--no regular class)
REGISTRATION: Thursday, May 10, or at time of course
Fee $1.00
DETAILS: Call 663.4129 or come to Hillel, 1429 Hill

DEMONSTRATORS ATTACK Marxist Allende's headquarters during a heated election campa
Chileans clash over
'blo oless' revolution


SANTIAGO (UPI) - The lead-
en Southern Hemisphere autumn
sky hangs like a shroud over this
troubled city. In the streets,
tines of silent, sullen people form
to buy cigarettes, shoes, food
and even toothpaste.
Overcrowded buses lurch past
mounds of rotting garbage. Yel-
low tiles on downtown sidewalks
are ripped and unrepaired. Packs
of limping dogs prowl unmolest-
After 30 months of President
Foreign News
Salvador Allende's leftist gov-
ernment, only one thing seems
certain. It is that Chile will never
be the same.
THE COUNTRY is virtually
bankrupt, with Latin America's
biggest foreign debt. Inflation
soared a record .163.4 per cent
last year and continues its wild
upward spiral. Government offic-
ials talk openly of nationwide

food rationing in the winter
months ahead.
Allende claims his problems
are caused by "Fascist ele-
ments at home and abroad, who
are plotting to overthrow his re-
gime to regain their lost econom-
ic privileges.
So far this year, the govern-
ment has denounced at least
three aleged efforts by rightist
extremists to bring the nation
close to civil war. None has ac-
tually materialized.
STILL, STREET fights with
fists, rocks, wooden clubs, bi-
cycle chains and bamboo poles
flare regularly between rival poli-
tical forces.
The saddest feature of t h e
wrenching social changes in pro-
gress are the hatreds they have
Political lines have been drawn,
separating social classes, friends
and even members of the -same
IN PARADES through the down-
town area, Allende's supor~ters
shout curses at their former em-
ployers and pledge to defend gov-
ernment-nationalized factories "to
the ultimate consequences."
There is no escape from t h e

angry debate over Allende's
plans to lead the nation through
a bloodless revolution to complete
socialism by the time his term
ends in 1976.
ALL BUT ONE of Santiago's 3
radio stations are either owned,
affiliated or directly influenced
by the coalition government >r its
opposition. They broadcast a
steady diet of music and partisan
United States exporters have
refused to ship films to Chile
since July, 1971, to protest rigid
Central Bank foreign exchange
requirements. The government
later tok control of the export-
ers' local offices.

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Bomb threats received at
government branch office
Four bomb threats terrorized employes at the Michigan
Secretary of State branch office on Washtenaw Ave. early Tues-
day afternoon.,
The office received-the first of four telephone calls at about
2 p.m. The caller said a bomb had been planted in the building
and then hung up.
THE SECOND CALL was identical to the first. The third
and fourth calls, however, demanded $100,000 in exchange for
the location of the bomb.
City police officers evacuated and searched the building.
They found no bomb.
A police department spokesman said no motive has been
established for the calls. He refused to say whether the depart-
ment has any definite leads in the case but an investigation is
THE SPOKESMAN indicated the threats may have been
"crank calls." The calls were made within "a period of several
minutes and all by the same person," acording to office manager
Ken Roberts.
No further threats have been received.
Michigan Union Lanes.
Sign Up Now M Pin Bowling.
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I p.m. Sunday

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