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June 07, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-07

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Sumner Daily
Vol LXXXII, No 21-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 7, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
'I dream
of things
that never
Joseh Kennedy Ill,
r oldest son of the late
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy,
kneels at his father's
grave in Arlington
National Cemetery
yesterday on the fifth
anniversary of RFK's
AP Photo
xAO shuffes staff
Cox asks court to close hearings

WASHINGTON (M -- In a major reorganiza-
tion of his executive staff, President Nixon yes-
terday appointed former Defense Secretary Mel-
vin Laird to be his counselor for domestic affairs
and announced that Gen. Alexander Haig will re-
tire from the Army to become White House chief
of staff.
Nixon also broadened the role of Press Secretary
Ronald Ziegler, who will become a presidential
assistant in charge of all White House communica-
tions while remaining in his present post.
Laird in effect replaced John Ehrlichman, and Haig re-
placed H. R. Haldeman, the two top presidential assist-
ants who resigned April 30 in the wake of the Watergate
"This cannot be allowed to continue," he told a news
conference. "... It is absolutely essential that we get on
about the business of government"
HAIG, who for a month has been acting as interim
White House chief of staff, will retire from the Army
Aug. 1 and will be responsible for "coordination and sup-
ervision of the day-to-day operations . . . of the White
House staff."
Ziegler, in his broadened role, will take over responsi-
bilities held by Herbert Klein, who announced Tuesday he
was resigning as the administration's director of com-
Also in Washington yesterday, special Watergate pro-
secutor Archibald Cox asked U. S. District Court Judge
John Sirica, who tried the original bugging defendants, to
order the Senate committee investigating the affair to

close sessions dealing with potentially incriminating tes-
THERE WAS no immediate ruling, but the move seemed
unlikely to set well with the committee, which has placed
a premium on immediate public disclosure of all the
facts surrounding the Watergate scandal.
Earlier in the day, the committee apparently averted
a constitutional brawl with the White House - at least for
the moment - when it agreed to provide Senate inves-
tigators with detailed information on conversations be-
tween President Nixon and John Dean III. 'But some
question remained about whether the information the
White House was willing to give is everything the investi-
gators want to see.
Cox made his appeal in connection with a motion from
the Senate committee asking that Dean and the former
deputy director of the Nixon re-election campaign, Jeb
Magruder, be given immunity from prosecution for what
he says before the Senate panel.
COX indicated he believed the immunity would be
"The most appropriate order would be one requiring the
,testimony to be taken in executive session without sub-

sequent public disclosure," Cox said in a memorandum to
Judge Sirica.
At the Senate Watergate hearings themselves yester-
day, former 'Nixon campaign director Hugh Sloan testi-
fied that he tried to warn Ehrlichman last July that the
entire 'Nixon re-election organization might be involved in
the Watergate affair. According to Sloan, Ehrlichman
said, "I don't want to know."
IN ANOTHER development, administration sources said
yesterday that President Nixon will name Kansas City
Police Chief C. M. Kelley to become permanent director
of the FBI.
The White House is expected to make the announce-
ment today.
Earlier yesterday, the Justice Department had identi-
fied Kelley and James Adams and William Sullivan, now
in charge of the FBI's field offices in San Antonio and
Philadelphia, as finalists among the field from which
President Nixon made his selection.
THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT also announced yester-
day that it will not appeal the dismissal of charges against
Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in the Pentagon Pa-
pers case in Los Angeles.
See NIXON, Page 9

Local .hospital move OKd
Story on Page 3.

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